Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 13:52:23 UTC
in Airsoft, what kind do you have? Post #104350
What kind of airsoft gun(s) do you have(if you actually have one, of course).

-2 Berretas
--240 fps
-Mini m4
--110 fps
--Battery powered/automatic
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 13:49:30 UTC
in slow motion Post #104348
host_framerate works the same way, only the default is 0.5 I think.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 08:39:11 UTC
in slow motion Post #104304
They changed the host_framerate, not sure if thats still the right command in Source games but thats what they did.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-16 08:35:28 UTC
in Half-Life Scrap Yard Post #104303
Looks great, but why did you put your address on it under contact?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-15 13:18:20 UTC
in Wheres he gone? Post #104179
BrattlyLord is still here, he's just not doing anything. Like me(right now at least). I'm really not mapping anything right now which explains my absence.... if anyone has noticed I haven't been here in a while...

Bratty needs to post something, POST!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-13 17:03:06 UTC
in Poll : Cheating Post #103794
Ahem, Rowly, there are no hacks that give you noclip.
That really annoys me, you kils someone with like 2 good shots and they are like
"You are using power hacks!"
I hate people who don't know anything!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-11 21:20:21 UTC
in Poll : Cheating Post #103409
My opinion on cheating (single player games) is that you should welcome yourself to cheating after youbeat the game, if you get stuck....... GAH!

As for online cheating, I hope they all die.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-06 17:22:41 UTC
in I want xen_tree in CS! HELP!!!! Post #102091
If its not in the current fgd its not in the current release of the game, so older fgds won't help you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 11:30:41 UTC
in TWHL OWNZ! [closed] Post #101472
7th smiting users? Hath this be possibleth? Why doth thou needeth to smite our known users? Might 7th wanteth to be of the smitage of a fellow user for what he hath posted here in thy known topic? Hath it be offensive for ourselves to posteth t3h 0wn4g3 0f TWHL?

What's 7th's new "powers" anyway?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 11:21:42 UTC
in Avatars! Post #101470
Haha, thats awesome.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 10:31:35 UTC
in How popular are you? Post #101447
1,060 google searches found fr "Worldcraft Dude"

166 found for Coolfat3459, which is strange considering I am coolfat3459 almost everywhere else on the web.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 10:27:11 UTC
in Avatars! Post #101443
I really don't know what my avatar is. Its not a combine symbol for all of you who think it is. But it looks cool! :nuts: <- omgzorz! I useded a smiles facezorz!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 10:24:46 UTC
in Whats my age again? Post #101441
Could you please define "bluetard" for us?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-04 10:15:17 UTC
in Whats my age again? Post #101438
I'll say I'm 16, though i'm actually 15.

16 on April 12th.

Satchmo, are you seriously 33?!
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-02 01:00:55 UTC
in Avatars! Post #100751
Made with paint and spiffinated with WALLY! woot
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 21:46:17 UTC
in How I saved the world Post #100726
read it, its funny.
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 20:36:24 UTC
in How I saved the world Post #100700
I wrote this at like 2 in the morning, does that count as being high?
Posted 19 years ago2005-04-01 18:40:11 UTC
in How I saved the world Post #100649
How Sean Saved The World
		   -by Sean Goolsby-
Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess, she was very hot. But she was trapped in a giant fan of whirling death, which would have shredded her to pieces had she not been wearing massive body armor. Hooray! But after escaping her fate of fanny doomness, and even worse situation arose, she was captured by the evil Galdore! Oh no! Thats bad! Galdore's plans were to create a giant tank capable of running the Earth over! Utilizing the magic bridge between Mars and Earth, he could build a track for the death tank, but he needed Princess Rio Grande to power the beastly machine by using her long dreadlocks of power for energy.
Just then Sean got word of Galdores devious plan for world destruction and decided, it was time to SPLIT! He jumped in his mighty Beastmobile and galloped underwater out of the Beastmocave to find out where Galdore was hiding. It wasn't very hard, considering Sean had saved Rio Grande before and when he did, he placed a convenient and completely unnoticable tracking on her face, it lookedlike a pimple, and she spent weeks trying to get rid of it, thinking it was mad acne, but it was made out of hardenned titanuim alloy, and therefore pwned her feeble efforts like a n00b. The moment drew near, Galdore was readying his tank for the crushing of Earth with his newly built tank track on the magical road on mars, when who should appear, but Sean to save the world!!!
"Stop Galdore, you cannot win now! I've got soul patch power!", yelled Sean! Just then the sky turned red with the fury of the heat of the battle that was about to take place. A fierce storm arose from the black void that was the neutron star a few miles away. The rain poured down like pottery on a massive shard of melted caramel, mmmmmmmmm. Death was the only way to destroy the evil that was Galdore, but Galdore had some doom up his own sleeve! "Ha! Sean, you cannot win! I will defeat you like an Eclipse mint explodes in a firey rage of death! And that death will be on you!", exclaimed Galdore, but while he was making god awful metaphores Sean had been charging his tuft beam of incredible beardy beamage! He launched the ferocious attack that was his goatee and vanquished Galdore's metaphoric attack, but Galdore remained unharmed, due to his armored tunic. Now the battle was on.
All of a sudden time slowed down and the war raged in super slow motion. Bullets were flying everywhere like mad, but hit nothing because the bullets were made of Doritos. Sean threw a punch at Galdore, but his foot missed, and Galdore countered with a dearsome blast to the head with his mighty bald head! Sean was a little shaken by the blow, but regained his stamina quickly and jumped in the air. "Heeeeeeeerooooooooooooshaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Koooooooooommmmiiiiiiiinaaaaaatooooooo!!!!", shouted Sean as he unleased the power that was the ultimate attack, the Heroshama Kominato. The apple flew as fast as the eye could see and nailed Galdore in the eye, rendering him unable to breathe! As a final effort to survive Galdore exploderated, "*Gasp* I can't breathe! Sean save me!". "Ha ha ha, little fartulated man, you cannot survive on Mars when you cannot breathe, come to think of it, you cannot survive anywhere when you cannot eye openness". Galdore fellded down with a last breath of martian potatoes out of his mouth. He was deaded, he got deadinated good.
"Sean! the tank!", yelled Princess Rio Grande. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Sean ran as fast as he could to the local hardware to pick up a bttle of Vodka in which he could use to put under the tank, making it unable to move! As quick as lightning he was back with his beverage and smashed it in between the gears that controlled the tank and the frozen-chocolate floor. And just as quickly as you could say "Shiver me timbers, thar she blows!" the tank exploded, but not to worry, for Rio Grande escaped with the help of Sean months ago, and was waiting at the super lawn-grass emporeum.
"Phew, its finally over", "Yeah, now we can relax and eat gardening tools". The two began their feast on the metallic goodness that is gardening utilities. Thus ends the adventure of Sean, and how he saved the world!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-31 05:19:09 UTC
in NEED HELP FASTER THAN FAST! [closed] Post #100329
Why exactly is it less than an hour?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-31 05:17:14 UTC
in Sound won't turn on Post #100328
Any suggestions on why the original won't work?
For future reference
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-31 04:01:08 UTC
in Sound won't turn on Post #100315
I have a sound in part of my map that won't turn on unless I set it to play everywhere, all other sounds work fine but its this one sound that won't turn on. I've tried triggering it too, and even though that same trigger turns everything else on, it won't turn THIS sound on. I even copied and pasted the sound's name into the trigger just to make sure, still didn't work.
So far the only way this fixes is if I set the "play everywhere" flag.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-22 19:09:36 UTC
in No models visible Post #98627
Don't bother with GFC scape, you have to download some extra windows patch or something with it, google Jeds Half Life Model Viewer, that can open both paks and gfcs.

And your probably going to get Steam sooner or later, sorry to break it to you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-22 19:04:46 UTC
in Items + Conveyor = Not working Post #98625
They will be right there at the suits, so textures wouldn't work. But maing a world suit is next to impossible so I am using crates instead.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 22:06:41 UTC
in Items + Conveyor = Not working Post #98510
All right, it doesn't work. I have come to the conclusion that you cannot push items. I'll try to make HEV suits out of World brushes then.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 18:29:37 UTC
in Items + Conveyor = Not working Post #98478
Here's what I got set up:

A conveyor with tons of hev suits on it, constantly moving them(they would be teleported back to the front at the end). So trains are out of the question. But I'll give the push a shot. Can't believe I didn't tink of that earlier though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-21 14:53:16 UTC
in transparent vertical water? Post #98397
Take the texture you want to use, make it a func_water and make sure the texture doesn't have the ! in front of it. Func_water give textures swishes anyway.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 23:01:00 UTC
in Items + Conveyor = Not working Post #98311
Is there anyway I can make an item move with a conveyor? Simply putting it on the conveyor does nothing.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 22:13:53 UTC
in Three Wishes! Post #98306

not serious.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 21:47:11 UTC
(Smith voice)Mr. Majorson, welcome back.... we've missed you.....
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 18:29:05 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #98260
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 17:43:54 UTC
in Song you are listening to [closed] Post #98243
Wait, why isw Rowly listening to sqeeks over and over again? What did I do?

Listen to alien_beacon, oh yeah baby, theres something I could listen to all friggin day.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 01:05:32 UTC
in The many "unused" of HL2 Post #98073
Here is Barney, holding... an mp5k? There is no mp5k is HL2, also, look at Barney himself. He's not wearing his Civil Protection suit:
Why couldn't the zombie look like this?! They lok so much better here!:
A picture most of you have seen. The hydra, this monster(nor this map) is in HL2.:
The OCIW that wasn't used in HL2, I have a theory that it was supposed to be the OCIW but was replaced later by the OSIPR(pulse rifle, for the people who don't know). Also, look at the arms, ugh, looks like an arm from the Half Life era, I'm glad the upgraded the models for the release:
A different unused zombie screenshot, looks like the fat guys from Doom 3:

Most of you have probably already seen these, but I'm posting them anyway.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-20 00:41:41 UTC
in Black Hole (music one) Post #98072
I started a rave-techno song a few days ago and finished it today. I call it "Black Hole", tell me what you think.
PS: This song has a crapload of stuff going on at one time, so don't be surprised if you hear a bit of static.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 19:08:33 UTC
in real free games,moives,game cubes ,misc Post #98031
You DO get free stuff, but its a screwed up scam still. You have to sign up for some thing and have like 20 other people sign the same thing and then someone pays for it or something like that. Its something stupid that I know.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 17:10:57 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #98003
But China is communist.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-19 03:22:31 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97817
Uhhhh, we haven't lost any consitutional freedoms Jhazel.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 20:34:39 UTC
in Whats your favorite final fantasy? Post #97405
I meant the joke, not the game.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 20:34:07 UTC
in Whats your favorite final fantasy? Post #97404
You didn't even get that did you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 20:33:49 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97403
Bah, you are just angry because we are the most powerful nation in th world! Bah! Take that you third world countries!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 18:27:14 UTC
in Whats your favorite final fantasy? Post #97379
Try FFX 2! The graphics are the best graphic in the world :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-16 18:25:16 UTC
in Bush and the Nazi's Post #97378
Why are you so anti-american? Almost everything you post is a video of something bad that happened in America.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 19:03:59 UTC
in Whats your favorite final fantasy? Post #97176
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 19:03:43 UTC
in Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Post #97175
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 19:02:22 UTC
in func_rain, spirit Post #97172
Then put more than one env_rain with 50 set for each, as unbreakable said.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-14 19:25:47 UTC
in Gunships Post #96893
Because I can persuade anyone to continue an argument with me.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-14 18:07:32 UTC
in Gunships Post #96875
Gartgantua have you ever taken a whack at a gunship with your crowbar? Its metal, dude.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 21:42:47 UTC
in Gunships Post #96709
No, gunships don't have pilots.

I believe combine "machines" are like.... organic machines, if you will. They live, they think etc but their skin is made of metal and they have developed mechanical-like biological weapons.

Kind of like machina I guess. Only not machines.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 17:00:19 UTC
in Gunships Post #96645
I keep getting confused trying to figure out whether gunships are biological or not. Anybody have a guess?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 16:59:22 UTC
in Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Post #96644
This thread has nothing to do with the Gman, talk about that in the other thread... foolish mortals....

Ddid anyone else notice that Breen's hair and beard look exactly like Gordon's? Get a screenshot and put it with a picture of Gordon.