Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 23:09:00 UTC
in Drawings? Post #96560
I didn't think the water fall looked very real either. but it lokos a lot cooler than what a real picture would look like.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 20:45:43 UTC
in Gman or Nihilanth? Post #96545
Its kinda hard to compare somone like Breen to something like Nihilanth. I mean, they are in two different games. Man, I need Half life Source, but I don't want to buy it! And I can't find any files anywhere!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 20:44:16 UTC
in Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Post #96544
Hey, my thread actually started something memorable! Rock on!
For all of you who still don't know, Coolfat3459 was a temporary user name I used here but that username didn't go over to well after a certain city map incedent.

Nihilanth, but you already knew that didn't you?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 14:45:20 UTC
in Drawings? Post #96509
Did you take those first few pictures with a camera and edit them or did you make them from scratch?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 14:07:30 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #96501
Im in a Visual BASIC class in school.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 02:46:06 UTC
in Drawings? Post #96441
A vortigaunt, one picture has inverted colors because they are kinda hard to see:
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 14:34:58 UTC
in monster in deathmatch? Post #96177
Does the mp_allowmosters thing work in all mods or just Half Life?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-09 18:16:34 UTC
in If you want a good challenge... Post #96059
I am recreating the intro to Half life 2 for Half Life 1, for all of you who never got to play HL2 you will at least get to experience the intro. Anyway I've run into a big problem and have almost given up trying to fix it. Read the description of the map to learn more.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-09 18:14:15 UTC
in monster in deathmatch? Post #96058
If you want to make a whole new multiplayer mod you can use Spirit to have both humans and NPCs in deathmatch.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-07 18:15:51 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95734
My "coolness ego" is a fake ego, for the record. Its a running joke amongst everyone I know.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-06 19:05:58 UTC
in Camera problem, keeps viewing the center Post #95531
I made a camera. Simple enough. I made it target itself, I made it target the path_corner that it was supposed to follow, I even tried making it view the entity I wanted it to look AT. But to no sucess, every time I run the map the camera starts facing forward then moves it sights to the center of the map.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-06 18:12:47 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95522
This is what he wants you to stop telling him.
I never stated, anywhere recently, that I wanted people to stop telling me that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 23:53:52 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95376
He's talking about users that just start out disrespectful to people. Those users cause the victims to become disrespectful too, and I am saying, why are you taking your grudges out on OTHER users, if you are a victim don't try to spread the nightmare!!!! Your going screw the whole community up!

On a slightly less dark note:
I am grateful to those who underatdn the issue here(Anthony, Habboi, maybe BrattyLord) but I am at a great loss to understand [b]why[b/] the same users who have been treating my like shit recently still don't get the picture and aren't even making an effort to!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 23:47:50 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95370
Still working backwards:
(another quote)but when the original members start to be assholes too its just gets stupid. (end "anoter quote"

Hey, people can only take so much :/ - Enough annoyance from disrespectful members and other people start to get annoyed to an extreme enough degree to break. Everyone does it everwhere in real-life, even people who are/attempt to be respectful and mature all of the time.
So what? you take it out on random users who don't even have anything to do with your problem? What the hell kind of way is that to deal with someone who's giving you a problem!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 23:41:54 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95366
I don't map for Source, and no-one seems to have a grudge on me because of that. If you say something like:


people will not listen to you, but if you say something like,

"I don't map for source. I prefer the origional Half-Life engine."
I've already clamly said I prefer to map for Half Life, and do you know how people responded?
"Why the hell would you want to map for Half Life when there is Source?!"
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 23:40:03 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95364
This isn't a pleading for pity, this is a statement. I wouldn't ask for sorrow from people who disrepect me.
and why would you care if some people on here don't like you
Why? Because its nice to have a repuation thats why! If someone respects you and you release a map people will go "Hmm, this guy is pretty cool, i'll give his stuff a shot". But if half of the users are killing a reputation everyone will see that dead reputation and will think "This guy is an asshole, helping him or looking at his stuff isn't worth my time".
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 12:25:00 UTC
in Honestly, where did I go wrong? Post #95221
What the hell people?! What did I do?! Where did I go wrong! I haven't changed, I know YOU have, but I haven't!
What did I do?! I have not spammed, I have not hunted anyone down, I have not desecrated Half Life, I have not done anything wrong. And yet none of the users that joined around and before my respect me anymore. You used to repect me and now you're talking to me like I've never built a map before, like I don't even know what polygons are. Its bullshit, and nothing but. I've been here for over a year and I haven't changed a bit, and yet everyone seems to have lost all respect. I'll tell you where it started. The whole de_full_city incedent, WELL GUESS WHAT PEOPLE! I'M OVER IT AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO! I REALIZED MY FUCKING MISTAKE AND YOU DON'T NEED TO ACT LIKE I'M A FUCKING RETARD ANYMORE!!!!


And all the fuckheads who have lost their respect for older members are making me lose respect for TWHL. I can understand new mappers and new members can get in the way of TWHL's good reputation, but when the original members start to be assholes too its just gets stupid.

Models, polycounts, the works. Half life can't handle high poly models? BULLSHIT. I look for new custom skins almost every fucking day, I KNOW HOW POLYCOUNTS IN MODELS WORK, OK?! Basically Source did was improve the physics and add a shitload of high poly models. half Life can take any poly count of a model, provided someone actually has a computer good enough to keep up with the poly count. Has anyone here ever seen a model that crashes Half life, not because of some fucking model error, but because of the poly count. No you haven't, because they don't do it.

Lets talk r_speeds, too. What the hell, again, people. If 800 is the limit then you must have to be running some seriously shitty peice of crap to have your computer lag after 800 r_speeds. And if your computer is that bad you shouldn't even be playing Half Life in the first place. I can understand how above 1700 or something can be a little excessive, but you're getting angry at me for building maps that max at 1100!!!! Big fucking deal! If 800 r_speeds could make you lag, then a flickering light could crash your computer! For the love of GOD, how many of you can honestly say that your computer loses fps on something like 1100 r_speeds?!

-I would appreciate it if nobody posts any bullshit comments on thi because I know you have a shitload of them like "Worldcraft Dude, you are an idiot. 1100 r_speeds could destroy the universe!" No. nothing, I'm tired of seeing people get desperate to support the bullshit that they were told by smkeone else who was also desperate to complain about something. That includes fucking up this first post with some bullshit editted crap.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 12:03:01 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #95219

A usp model for Counter Strike with over 10,000 polygons. My computer, and Counter Strike, can handle it without losing any fps.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-05 02:51:14 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #95110
Reasons why I prefer to stay away from Source mapping:
1.You must press enter to create an entity, I have been using right click and "create object" for such a long time that it messes with my mind and i get confused.
2. Its hard to make maps good enough quality to live up to the great Source Engine
3. The grid is annoying as crap, it sarts off normal, but after you zoom in or out you cant get it back and all the sqaures are uneven.
4. You must run Steam to run run Hammer (ugh)
5. You cant run it without Steam
6. You must start up Steam to start up Hammer
7. Steam is required to map for Source.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-04 18:11:47 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #95065
I got a new one a while back with a low end Radeon. I can run Source games averaging about 70-80 fps.

I prefer to map for HL1, its more fun. Source mapping is just too annoying in my opinion.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 22:43:14 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #94924
Half Life can handle any poly count for models, its just a matter of the persons computer. I've seen models that exceed ten thousand polygons before.

And just what am I going to google, Zombie? "Program that lets you convert Source models to Half life models"? Forget it, its much more convienient to ask people who probably already know where to get such a program then looking through thouands of search results, most fo which are probably other thread asking smeone for the same thing but then SOMEONE TELS THEM TO GOOGLE I AND THEY GET STUCK IN THE SAME THING. Wow, thats a mouthful.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-02 14:33:30 UTC
in Is there a program that... Post #94603
Is there a program that can convert Source models to Half Life models? I know .mdls exist but they also iclude the crazy .vtfs or whatever that also run with the model.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-28 18:15:07 UTC
in Tribute to "The Towers" Post #94238
Its the best picture ever! I took a whopping 40 seconds to make it!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 04:46:19 UTC
in another reason why Steam sucks Post #93873
Your Steam might be auto updating, I hate that, it kills my memory and theres no way to stop it(Im talking about the "Steam- Working" thing). IF I want to update my games I'll update them when I friggin feel ike it, not in the middle of a game.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 04:43:39 UTC
in Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Post #93871
Seeing a few posts about female characters before thi leads me to post this post. I am assuming you are talking about having hot girls star in video games. Half Life 2 was good to not star a bunch of slutty looking chicks in it. I mean sure, its nice to see stars like that, but it screws up what people think about what a woman should act like.

Note: I am not a femenist or any crazy crap like that. I'm just supporting a clause.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 03:36:39 UTC
in HL1 Questions drying up... Post #93866
Im still big on mapping for HL1, though I must admit I am currently working on a Source map. I'll probably recreate my best maps for Source and stick to HL1.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 03:06:01 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93865
Well, do you know what Valve did for the oceans of Half lif 2? Because I really want this map to look like it goes on forever, you just can't see the end. Hence, the reason I need fog.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 03:04:50 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93864
500 start, 1500 end
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:46:42 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93862
Sorry to double post, but I just remembered Half life 2 fogs up the sky a lot too.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:45:57 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93861
But I've seen a map before that fogged up the sky itself. de_bridge_b1, it was a huge map and the sky was foggy too.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:40:26 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93858
Fog in sky_camera made the world brushes in the sky foggy, but not the sky itself. I keep getting this:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:12:50 UTC
in Ambient_generic stops after a round Post #93855
Read the title, when a CS round ends in my map all ambient_generics stop. I've tried trigger multiples and this other things, logic_auto, that I've seen people suggest, neither have fixed the problem.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:08:14 UTC
in NS music Post #93854
No, but you can manually play mp3s by binding keys to mp3 play <mp3 path>. Any game with a commandmenu(I.E. DOD, TFC, CS, etc) you can modify the commandmenu to play mp3s, thats why I did. I even publicized it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:06:45 UTC
in Can't create entities Post #93853
I'm starting to have second thoughts making a few maps for Source... its hard to make them lok good enough to quality for Source. Not to mention Source Hammer is nothing like Worldcraft.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:05:52 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93852
Theres a fog option in the sky_camera?... what if your not making a 3d sky (theorextically, I am though, but just for reference)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:04:46 UTC
in Tribute to "The Towers" Post #93851
Agh, stupid. Just look at them from here:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-27 02:03:51 UTC
in Tribute to "The Towers" Post #93850
Well, its not really a tribute, considering I am the maker of all the towers maps. But I was on PaintShop and got bored, so I made a cartoony picture of The Towers. I'm not great at maing stuff with Paintshop, I don't use it very often so its not the greatest picture in the world, but I stil want to show it off.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 18:43:27 UTC
in Fog doesn't work with the sky Post #93805
I put in an env_fog_controller and it affects the world but not the sky, plain and simple, how do you get fog to work with the sky.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-26 17:47:09 UTC
in Can't create entities Post #93794
I tried to make a point based entity and when I selected "create object" it did nothing, as if the option doesn't even function. I can click it forever and the place where the entity is SUPOSED to be will stay there untill I move it. No point based entities work, none.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 19:25:15 UTC
in NS music Post #93640
The servers you have seen do it ripped the map. And if you want ingame music to change just add more songs to the folder labeled music.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 18:10:05 UTC
in Magellitone Post #93614
Yours, on my system, invisibly types in the text box above.
That makes no sense. I don't understand what you are trying to say.
If you are using the the program sionce yesterday re-download it, I uploaded an update with customizable options.

-Am currently working on the Magellitone Notepad.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-25 14:19:15 UTC
in Magellitone Post #93521
This is actually just one peice of a program pack I am making called the Magellitone Program Pack, it will consist of spiced up versions of default Windows programs that I make(all from scratch).
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 18:09:11 UTC
in Magellitone Post #93301
Oh, its got custom icons, so you have to save target as to see its full "programmedness"
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 18:08:39 UTC
in Magellitone Post #93299

I built an upgrade for it today, expect it to be up for downliad tomorrow or withing a few days.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 23:49:10 UTC
in Story Post #93019
the third, and last, had a snark which he
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 22:08:14 UTC
in Story Post #93006
out poured geezers!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 21:19:43 UTC
in runescape Post #92998
I used to play it, but then I realized that I hated it, one of my good freidns has been playing it forever though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-23 20:34:23 UTC
in Magellitone Post #92990
I made a keyboard program in my computer programming class at school on my free time. It was realy hard to do and it paid off. now I am showing it off, I made everything on it form scratch, the menu, the buttons, the icons, everything.
right click and select save as, otherwise the icons dont work.

This is actually just one peice of a program pakc I am making called the Magellitone Program Pack, it will consist of spiced up versions of default Windows programs that I make(all from scratch).
Soon to come:
-Magellitone Calculator
-Magellitone Notepad/Wordpad
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 23:25:17 UTC
in Story Post #92714
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 22:39:34 UTC
in Story Post #92703
But then Worldcraft Dude's coolness healed the...