Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-30 09:42:52 UTC
in Ingame winamp substitue! Post #70598
God you guys are sad. Anthony I KNOW you didnt just say the wavs will be bigger than the mp3. READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS. And you can't control windows media from cs, so if a song comes up that you are bored of, you are powerless to change it.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 21:51:03 UTC
in Avatars Post #70544
Freakishly enough, it looks like a dead woman looking at something. Reminds me of Silent Hill
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 21:50:05 UTC
in Ingame winamp substitue! Post #70543
Well for me, if I run wniamp while running cs or Half Life or Sven coop or Natural Selection etc (too many games listed!) my game lags. Im sure a lot of other people have this lag problem running winamp and hl at the same time too.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 21:15:47 UTC
in CS mouths dont work?! Post #70532
I see that every time someone talks Its funny to see people pla songs liek What is Love and it looks like theres a singing terroris haha.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 21:14:34 UTC
in Ingame winamp substitue! Post #70531
This little trick works best with Counter Strike (thanks to its command menu) but can be done with any mod.

1. Get RazorLame and convert your favorite songs to wav format.
2. Convert the playback rate and sound quality of the wav to fit the needs for Half Life playable wav's (though I have learned that 22kHz with an 8bit mono actually works fine)
3. Make a new folder in your sounds folder (mine is siomply called music)
4. Move all your songs into your sounds/<name> folder
5. The Following steps are for CS only:
-1. Open your commandmenu.txt
-2. Add the following lines at the bottom
"5" "Play Songs"
"1" "<name of song>" "speak <folder name>/<song name>"
"2" "Stop songs" "stopsound"
-3. Add songs to the list by simply adding more sommands to the list
6. The following steps are for other Half Life games:
-1. When you join a server type in your console:
speak <folder name>/<song name>
-2. To stop your song type stopsound in the console

Note: By typing stopsound in the console all sounds around you that you can hear will also stop but will start up again when they reach their cue points or when they are triggered again.

Another Note: You must stop a song before you start another one, otherwise you run the risk of a sound overload.

Why use this instead of winamp?
Because winamp eats your computers memory.

Have fun!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-29 19:31:12 UTC
in Halloween times! Post #70521
You know hwta we high school Americans do on Halloween?! We get paintball guns and shoot cars and houses with them! N00b that! j00 h4v3 b33n pwned!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 21:29:18 UTC
in Avatars Post #70272
Don't delete this thread! We need it to survive! LONG LIVE THE AVATARS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 17:30:32 UTC
in Small question - quick answer Post #70248
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 17:30:21 UTC
in Small question - quick answer Post #70247
Give u the exact count of weapon entities we are talking about here.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 16:48:54 UTC
in Halloween times! Post #70224
Sorry, now there is anothermap called Nightmare in the vault. Replay MY Nightmare.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 16:42:23 UTC
in Halloween times! Post #70220
Why don't you play Nightmare again....
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 16:35:14 UTC
in Small question - quick answer Post #70212
As far as I am concerned there is no limit. Ive seen fy maps with about 30 weapons give or take a few so go nuts.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 16:33:01 UTC
in Halloween times! Post #70211
Does this face look familiar?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 16:29:03 UTC
in Clever Insults Post #70204
Heres the ultimate insult:


Posted 19 years ago2004-10-28 16:26:56 UTC
in Halloween times! Post #70200
You know... I probaby should have waited to release NightmareV1 for Halloween.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 20:07:18 UTC
in This is an awesome mod... Post #69939
Uhhh, think you posted in the wrong thread.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-27 16:21:54 UTC
in This is an awesome mod... Post #69906
Try then. They dont have much but they might have CSF. If not try a website called Its basically file planets arch nemesis.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-26 16:37:41 UTC
in This is an awesome mod... Post #69608
Yeah, its a crazy installer, its not frozen you just have to wait like 7 minutes for the slow installer to "find" yuor half life folder(which is wrong in the end anyway so you have to set it up manually afterwards) As for the language, dont worry about that, its an english game.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 16:50:56 UTC
in Hacking poll Post #69332
7th monkey you liar! You said you tried hacking before but couldnt get the aimbot to work!

Cheating death bans you from vac? Thats not right, thats just sick.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-25 16:48:23 UTC
in Non rotating gun Post #69331
Oh, I assumed it would set its origin to the center of the brush by default. Well that could be why its not working. Thanks.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:32:26 UTC
in Non rotating gun Post #68937
I want to have a func_tank that shoots you when you are in its direct line of fire, or somewhere in the general area of its line of fire. I know I could use the "direct only" flag. Anyway it won't shot me when Im in the game. Will the gun work if there is no origin brush ni it because i don't want this thing rotating.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:25:39 UTC
in Hacking poll Post #68935
Its been too long since I posted a poll, so I will make one now on whats on my mind at the moment: Too many hackers in cs.
Let the poll begin!

Have you ever used or attempted to use a hack in Half Life or a Half Life mod? (oh man... this thread isn't go to go over very well)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:23:37 UTC
in Hey guys Post #68934
Ok, then say you are the real Nipper. We all know you are very well known for making tons and tons and TONS of maps but if your going to start submitting maps here. Please don't try to spam. Honetsly, I have seen many of your maps including:
gas_station (or something like that)
air_fight (or something like that)
No offense but.. well, all those maps looks like they were made in 2 seconds. I know your famous for mapping, but could you try to spend a little more time on making a decent map? (But please post big_city because I have never been able to get that online)
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:14:45 UTC
in Ammination location? Post #68928
Define "animation" file. You mean a sprite? Models' actions? Eh?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-24 17:08:36 UTC
in Hey guys Post #68926
I have a feeling your not actually Nipper, and that you are just here to try to fool us...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 21:03:32 UTC
in This is an awesome mod... Post #68485
It doesn't have bots. But, in theory, something along the lines of HPB bot should work. Even if you don't play with people though is fun. Kind of like a game with tons of single player minigames.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 16:31:02 UTC
in This is an awesome mod... Post #68399
...but nobody plays it! Probabl because nobody knows about it. Go to File Planet and search for Covert Strike Force.

What is it?
Its a combonation of Counter Strike and Sven Coop and DOD. You buy your weapons via points you gain by kills for talking to scientists(tons of new weapons, only a few are actually from cs). You pick your class to determine which weapons you start with (or you can buy your own, duh). And of course, you play cooperativley to complete missions and gith monsters from Half Life. Covert Strike Force also has cs style gameplay maps (maps including cs_militia, cs_747 and some originl maps made specifically for CSF. Playing cs style maps is just like playing cs, only with tons of different weapons). Well download it already! Its an awesome game and even if you hate cs, you should try this game. Seriously, its good.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 16:23:03 UTC
in Good things that happened Post #68393
Your family DOESN'T get killed by a psycho who brakes into your house etc(my "worst way to die" I won that tread foolish mortals! And it wasn't even a competition)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:26:45 UTC
in Celebrate! Post #68017
not a problem, I know I'll celebrate when I've een around for a year.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 19:28:39 UTC
in WON? Post #68001
Won sands for Wow Steam is no as good as WON
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:31:42 UTC
in Sub-Compos Post #67438
So this is an everything but mapping compo? Weird but cool. Too bad I can't model.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-18 18:30:08 UTC
in Steam Multiplayer names Post #67437
Whats AA?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 18:51:02 UTC
in What`s ? Post #67155
But for me.... just a hobby, though I do want to work for Valve or some big gaming company in the future.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 18:50:16 UTC
in What`s ? Post #67154
Havin good mapping skills earns you a good reputation all over the world of online gaming. Not to mention you could also pursue a career in working for Valve.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 18:45:56 UTC
in Help with scripting Post #67150
Awwwww, none of you can script?! You make me sick! Bwaaah! I'm going to eat you!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-17 18:44:13 UTC
in fy_map Post #67149
1. Player_weaponstrip triggered all over the map (trigger with a trigger_auto)
2. Game_player_equip and equip with knife (trigger with a trigger_auto delayed by one second)
*3. Put weapons on the ground whereever you want.

If you want just knives then its a ka_map, for future reference.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 22:27:15 UTC
in Firing rate tweaking...HOW?????? Post #66995
Or you could get speed hacks! No, just kidding... So if theres no models replacing involed you mus mean a whole new weapon in general right? Look for EZ weapon at Its a really good program that all you need to do tell it hich model to use and it spits out a c++ weapon script (without damage/rate of fire/alternate fire/anyting else that has to do with actually using the gun). It should be easy from there though i mean its self explanatory how to code everything (it says things like damage= <insert damage here> and things like that)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 22:16:45 UTC
in Help with scripting Post #66993
I know its an amx plugin, I used to have a server with amx and it was THE BET SERVER EVER UNTILL A CERTAIN PROGRAM CALLED STEAM RUINED EVEYTHING. But I'm asking how to script something like that to work for me personally, so say I get 3 kills without dying, then the script will automatically make me say Cheesy Goodness:MULTIKILL!. I've tried using the miscstats script (amx multikill/round counter/etc) but it needs amx to function, so instead whe I run it it merely crashes my computer.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-16 18:12:09 UTC
in Help with scripting Post #66967
Does anyone know how script something so that it counts a certain number of something? if so please tell me how because I want to make a miltikill anoucement script that makes you say things lke MULTIKILL after killing 3 times in a row etc.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 18:31:31 UTC
in ----Your Fav Custom Skins----- Post #66771
No, Im really good. Seriousl, I am. Whenever I join a sever if I am not first on my team then I am either second or third, usually with an average of about a 2 to 1 score.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 18:12:45 UTC
in how to make water strechy? Post #66764
Give the water waves.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 18:12:03 UTC
in ----Your Fav Custom Skins----- Post #66763
I already got banned from vac like 5 weeks ago. I made a public announcement too didn't you see it?

Wow, where have I seen the buring family post before? Oh yeah.....
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 18:10:51 UTC
in Spelling correctly Post #66762
You can't use capslock in Half Life. You know that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:50:31 UTC
in Half-Life CTF??? Post #66757
Why play capture the flag in a deathmatch ame anyway? thered be like 20 flags because everyone would have their own flag,ya know?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:49:22 UTC
in ----Your Fav Custom Skins----- Post #66756
I forget what its called, its not a scipt though, its an opengl.dll. Actually to be honet it IS what you might consider a "haxor ack" because it comes with a wallhack. But I never use it, serously I swear, I have it for winamp and spicing up my visuals only.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:15:44 UTC
in Spelling correctly Post #66753

stabs self with really really really really big knife
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:13:37 UTC
in Spelling correctly Post #66752
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:09:57 UTC
in There was an error compling my map... Post #66748
You're not showing the error there, post the whole log (as much as I hate reading whole logs)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-15 17:08:47 UTC
in Am I alone? Post #66747
Rock on!