Alright, here's my result(Acer Aspire V3).
I was expecting such a low performance, since it holds a 5400RPM HDD, but this is rather disappointing.
They finally made models light the same as brushes.It was possible to achieve the same results before, they probably switched to default some settings.
I'm never going to update this series again, it's so shit. I hate working on it and you probably hate watching it, so why bother? I'm sick of it.
Dont be tempted by SSD upgrades or upgrades in general, 99% of the time this will never happen.
Like rufee said, don't think about "future upgrades". They most likely won't happen. You will completely forget about them. And if they do happen, they'll be something you are not thinking about right now.My current desktop computer, bought in 2007, is left with only them motherboard and case as the original components.
cs_estate idea, along with those mansion photos, makes me all kinds of moist.
TWHL uses about 1.5GB of storage, and 30GB/I was initially asking because I thought I could spare a couple of dozen gb from my hdd for a backup. Then, seeing your post I said " meh, it was a nice idea... don't have money for a 1,5tb hdd".
month bandwidth.