-TWHL reallys has nothing to with Half-Life, but instead ridding the world of white people, hence the name The White Holocaust League. This is of course, secretly led by The Arcan.Hahaha, not so secretly methinks.
Every country has its dates to remember.Sure, but we don't come to an international website and make threads about it, expecting everyone to care. I know I don't give a shit about pearl harbour.
An electron with a certain speed-vector located in a certain place will be in a precise place with a precise new speed-vector the next instant.That's an interesting theory, makes you think
If we consider that every instant is followed by another instant, there is a chain of predetermined events that make up the fabric of space-time.
Even many "fit" girls are weak. My girlfriend competed at the state level for soccer last year--she is in shape as they get--, but she has no upper body strength... she can barely do one push-up!!1Your point? Playing soccer and training in the army isn't the same thing. Yes, by default men have more physical strength than women, but does that mean that women offered the same training as their male counterparts are weaker?
The cops had EVERY RIGHT to shoot. They had no idea who was on the other side of that door. For all they knew it COULD have been a dangerous serial killer.So, shoot first, as questions later?
Saribous:Did he have a gun? No.
They use violence against criminals to stop violence against innocents.
How do you think a police man would stop a criminal with a gun? Ask him nicely?
I love people that say they hate cops. The protect YOU, they work for YOU. It's probably one of the hardest jobs you can do--I would never be a cop--, and you cop-hating people should be glad somebodey is willing to do it for they make--it's not much at all.I have no respect for anyone trying to enforce laws they can't follow themselves. Oh, I can't be violent? But it's okay for them to use excessive amounts of it when they outnumber a guy three to one?
We need more people like m0p and MetalPigE-peen fellatio detected!
The character is the same, but in Silent Hill the movie and Silent Hill 2 he looks completely different. The one in Sajo's avatar is from the movie.They look the same.
fuck spanish??, or Fuck luke???To be... or not to be..