Forum posts

Posted 6 years ago2018-08-13 16:38:47 UTC
in Competition 35: Vanilla Half-Life Post #340526
Too bad i've never played Half Life Black Mesa. I'm sure that would help stimulate some inspiration for anyone entering. I've been too busy these days to map much. Just simple maps for cs 1.6 servers. Good luck to those who enter, i'd love to check out the entries when they're done.

If this was for both sp and dm I think it might gain a little more traction but that's just my opinion.
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-04 21:18:28 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #339494
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-02 02:51:13 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #339475
scoutzknivez remake in progress video

Been working on a scoutzknivez remake in my spare time. scoutzknivez_minaret coming soon. I used an interesting technique to map the onion dome. I used a six part shape per side and it is hollow so you can surf around inside it.

If you enter the region above the onion dome it opens the door on the minaret for a few seconds to access a m3 and uzi.
Posted 6 years ago2018-02-28 15:29:30 UTC
in Who Wants my old laptop? Post #338892
That's fine, I can use a external keyboard/mouse and just keep it plugged in. Awesome, thank you so much Brett!!! You rock!
Posted 6 years ago2018-02-28 15:09:28 UTC
in Who Wants my old laptop? Post #338890
I'm interested! Could use it to 3D model on the go. My last lap top crapped out on me and I haven't been able to afford a new one since. We tried fixing my old one but it's still slower than ever and the graphics on it are horrible.

I have a good desktop but my friend that sold it to me wants to buy it back.
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-13 17:28:17 UTC
in Need to test on a dedicated server Post #338364
I've hosted servers through and had better luck with

Just launch the server, will cost you around 10-15 bucks and then cancel it before the month is up so you only have to pay for one month.

They're pretty easy to set up and test. From what I remember, it basically gives you a online portal to host your level and level information such as .bsp file, sound files, WAD etc. There will also be a section to edit the server's settings such as the map cycle and stuff.

Posted 7 years ago2017-08-25 17:34:21 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #337046
Instant, your screens are awesome and inspirational!
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-27 17:04:26 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #335771
Thanks for asking Windawz. I scrapped it when my models were too complex to import. I didn't want to restart the models and the whole concept of that scheme was "interactive animated models" i.e. a claw that could grab the player and move them around... I have too many deadlines right now to keep up with more like the competition but i'm glad I made an attempt.

I only play surf maps and scoutzknivez these days so my map is sort of a surf like map, but with floating islands and bounce pads.
Posted 7 years ago2017-06-27 15:04:31 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #335768
I've come back to my original idea surf_bounce and have been working on it here and there so might have something in the vault in a few months.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-26 14:36:12 UTC
in how do you bhop properly in cstrike? Post #335064
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-24 20:41:21 UTC
in how do you bhop properly in cstrike? Post #335037
Oh yea, and make sure your wait for vertical sync option is unchecked.
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-24 15:18:28 UTC
in how do you bhop properly in cstrike? Post #335031
There's a ton of settings to change in CS for more precise movement but the first step is to get a mouse that you can adjust the dpi settings with. I have the Death Adder Chroma and set my dpi to 2500 and sensitivity to I think 1. I'd have to double check the sensitivity though.

Bind scroll down to jump, scroll up to duck and left alt key to "use strafe modifier".

I have all the settings written on a scratch piece of paper that I collected from multiple sources and people online. If I find it which I highly doubt I will then I will share it with you.

For practice, just hop into a scoutzknivez server. The lower gravity "around 220-200" allows good practice. They also run sv_airaccelerate very high "I practice with it at 900 if I create a server" but not sure what they run. Set sv_maxspeed to 99999 as well for practice although you won't achieve incredible speed without the low gravity. I don't actually know a "relative" speed to set it at, just crank it up really high.

You don't want any mouse aiming acceleration so however that's achieved with in game settings is what you have to go for so that you have more mouse control.

To BH you just have to never lose momentum so when you get tired of scroll jumping you can also scroll duck every time you hit the ground while whipping your mouse in circles or figure eights etc. and holding the strafe modifier key you bound. You can then continue to bh after doing this.

There's also what's called the long jump, i'll have to test if it works without low grav. though. There's a ton of techniques you have to learn and combine in fluent motions.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-18 21:35:58 UTC
in I need help compiling a .MDL player mode Post #334042
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-14 16:28:19 UTC
in i need help Post #333959
Or just download Wally and make a texture called clip.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-09 17:18:38 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333910
My re-imagining of half life was going to have to do with using animated models and invisible brush based entities to interact with the player in the level.

Since the program I use to 3D model exports with such high polygon count even at lowest settings I think it's time I give a new engine a look at. It just doesn't seem worth the effort to manually simplify my models to make them look like a dented up garbage can.

Maybe, just maybe i'll bite the bullet and use brush work to achieve my idea but i'm most likely throwing in the towel for the final time.

Good luck to you guys and can't wait to see the final turn out.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-07 15:03:03 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333895
So, my first model was too many vertices and now my blender export isn't working so that I can break the model into parts. Guess that's what happens when you export a NURBS model as a triangulated .OBJ. Ugh, hopefully I can figure it out.

And, hopefully I can get my entry done. I've just been hung up on getting the models in game for the past few work sessions i've had available.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-05 22:30:25 UTC
in qc file needed Post #333876
Nope, thanks! Gallops back off.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-05 17:07:26 UTC
in qc file needed Post #333872
I just need any qc file to alter. Don't know where to get one.

Trying import my model through GUI StudioMDL and need one to dictate all the parameters of the model.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-04 00:24:23 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #333859
Oh snap! :heart:
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-03 23:02:31 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #333857
Thanks, heh, got ninja'd.

Guess someone tampered with something or something got lost.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-03 22:59:46 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #333852
flow_control can crash the server. I'd remove it for now. Also, my name seems to be stripped from the .wad file claiming the map in a secret.
User posted image
User posted image
Even when I dl the .wad and add it to the valve folder, all runs well but my name. Odd.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-03 21:47:01 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #333854
What kind of map pack?
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-03 21:45:40 UTC
in TWHL4 Design Crowdsourcing Post #333853
I'll go through this thread when I get the chance.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-03 16:16:38 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333845
I got a ton of work to do on my entry; lots of mapping but more "finding out how to do new stuff" than anything.

-Finish models
-Texture models
-Animate models
-Map two areas and connectors
-Redo most textures
-Convert sound files

@Urby, you're entering? I must have missed that, awesome! Can't wait to see what you got!
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-03 16:15:05 UTC
in HLDM Server! Post #333844
I'll bounce in and out of the server this weekend.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-02 02:01:52 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333820
This makes me happy! Archie! You know whudda dew.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-01 19:14:42 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333812
Nice, funny that was my third choice, but was making the whole island surfable for cs 1.6. I gave up because in order to make it all surf ledges was making it look horrible.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-01 04:56:50 UTC
in Odd error - anyone else getting this? Post #333802
Maybe remove the // before the map name. I don't know.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-01 01:11:25 UTC
in Odd error - anyone else getting this? Post #333796
Has this error always occurred when people dl? Check your .res file, open it in a text editor and make sure it isn't pointing to the model.
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-01 00:49:08 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333794
Posted 7 years ago2017-03-01 00:44:07 UTC
in Odd error - anyone else getting this? Post #333793
It's a text file that when you're done writing and saving it you rename it i.e. blah.txt to blah.res

In it type all the files the map is and contains. Place the file in the game folder like half life folder.

Here's an example from one of mine I found on my old laptop.




Hope this works.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-28 23:21:59 UTC
in Odd error - anyone else getting this? Post #333791
I vaguely remember having to type out "in notepad" the map's dl. list and change the extension of the file. Save it in the file zilla "or whatever" folder that the map lives in. Just look up how to do it and what the file's called. This might resolve the problem by telling the computer to only dl. the required files for the map. I'd get more into depth but away from home.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-28 15:55:59 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333788
During the week I can test play around 6-10 pm central.

Yea Jessie, when we were brainstorming names for it.

3D modeling is fun but every time I get to texturing and importing I usually don't follow through. I thought of a cool idea for the claw but it would have to be animated. I doubt i'll find the time and energy to do it but i'll try. Was going to be pulley and chain driven but now going to make it pneumatic.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-28 14:12:15 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333783
Yep, wasn't turning out how I imagined. Also, it wasn't based on a hl1 map, I was mainly doing it for my server.

I scrapped it when it wasn't playing as fun as I had imagined. I had gone too big with the scale and that's what hurt the game play.

My stalkyard remake is pretty highly detailed since i'm chopping off a few areas. The original stalkyard was sort of symmetrical and had two almost identical outside areas which I thought i'd change in my version. Also, since i've remade stalkyard before, I wouldn't be doing it again unless I made some huge changes.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-28 04:37:20 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333780
The claw. It's not done yet.
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-27 21:25:02 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333778
Thanks Tremp, glad there's some interest in mine. It will be hard to compete with yours though.

Looking good Archie, I think the textures are looking better myself.

I'm thinking of 3d modeling a few props instead of leaving them as brush work. Modeling them is the easy part. Making the textures wouldn't be too hard either but for me, wrapping the textures, animating the models and importing them is all new territory. I'm not much of a game designer but I feel it's necessary for this map as the props are starting to get too detailed for brush work.

My models so far will be the body capsules, hanging claws, the turret and possibly grass that dances in the wind.

It would be epic to show people's head/ face through the body capsule glass and see them freaking out inside of them. I'll start on some of the models after work today and post wip.'s soon.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-26 19:59:08 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333763
Looks like an interesting layout to map.

Glad to see competition spirit is here.

Here's a horrible quality video of my entry so far. I might redo the claws holding the body capsules to look like one from a quarter machine. I might also add a control switch for them in an operating room that views into it. The operating room would also be the security/ guard tower that guards outside area from stalkyard.

Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 23:52:26 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333735
Thanks man lol I compiled like 50 times to get the desired effect.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 19:51:39 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333732
Yea i'd tried that flag. Didn't work for me.
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 19:09:32 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333730
How dare it work for you and not me. ;)

Thanks for the exampes guys. It's at least working so far. Screen shot coming up in a minute.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 18:39:28 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333728
Oh, does this only work with the spot light entity? And not texture lighting?
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 16:26:21 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333726
Awesome, thanks Archie. I will do so when I get home from work today.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 14:27:32 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333700
Edit, scaling didn't seem to help. I tried just about everything I could think of.

They were scaled at 1X. I'll try scaling them down when I get home tonight.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-24 06:16:38 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333719
User posted image
Most of the textures will be redone.

@ Captain: Sweet, hope you knock it out.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-23 19:32:21 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333711
Edit: Progress for a few more hours. :) Vid.

Uh, and I didn't know of this why? I feel like Link finding a treasure chest for the first time. I compile a lot.

Double Edit:

Got the layout figured out. It's stalkyard's layout altered.
User posted image
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-23 04:12:44 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333709
I'm going to have to do my map in sections and then piece it together. Compile times already taking too long.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-23 01:49:32 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333707
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-22 17:29:37 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333697
Yes. I also downloaded the latest ones I could find.
Posted 7 years ago2017-02-22 16:45:20 UTC
in {Masked Textures - Cast Shadow Post #333695
I tried getting my masked texture to cast shadow but was unable to do so.

Trempler advised how but maybe i'm doing something wrong. Can anyone explain anything I might be missing?

I just set the masked texture (func_illusionary) ZHLT settings to opaque (blocks light). Doesn't seem to work.

Posted 7 years ago2017-02-22 05:58:57 UTC
in Competition 34: HL Re-Imagined Post #333690
I started!

I'm doing stalkyard, but this stalkyard isn't stocking boxes.