-minigun for the m249 -magnem for the deagle -usp matchs for the elites -lever action shotgun for the m3 -dual micro-uzi's for p-90 -oicw for the aug and lastly a chrome stgg554----
any way i wasn't wanting to talk bout gun details------ i was just saying that it was odd that they didn't use real names and it wasn't copyright cause they used real names in 1.5 and 1.3----
Cs is old that is fair but with the relese of cs-source the game is at least keeping standards up to date with other games, and the basic shoot em up feel of the game is stil there.....
u are sh** any one who calls cs noob is dusty at the game............... so many people love the game but there is allways one or two people who say how rubbish it is cause they suk, if u played my clan 'L33NonGR33N' then u would be dead so fast weda killed u befor ued got of the spectator menu.....
i want to do mapping for one of the games companys like id or somethin, make sence since i map well for most games and learn the engin's an editors in bout a week or two. so i adapt kwik...
lol i started mapping with hammer bout a month ago, but i have been mapping with unreal 3.0 for ages and was wondering if any one else here has mapped with other editors?
lol, has any one got any ideas about how to make mdl files for cstrike and what programs i would need, and lastly sites that i can get tutorials from, thanks....