Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-07-08 12:52:08 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #252234
Yeah, who doesn't love a firebreathing discussion with a bit of poo-throwing? :D
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-06 19:51:48 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #252163
Calm down, boy. There's no need to get angry.

As for your conclusions:

1. You have a slow computer.

2. Get new hardware.

3. That depends on how old the game is, games like HL and qauke are fully playable. I haven't tried Doom, Wolf and those yet, might not work.
So old games can be played but I'm not so sure about really old games.

4. That's an option. I take it that you didn't actualy use Vista if you didn't know how to turn that off. It still comes up when you're installing new software, though. Which can be a good thing, you don't get any intruder-ware that way.

5. So what?

And as for your IE6 vs Firefox rant, I don't really care about that, I use IE7 when I use IE.

Those of you that has tried FF3, is it worth upgrading?
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-06 15:53:16 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #252157
The new "editing bumps the thread" system should be a little more obvious. A lor of new members are still double posting. So either make it impossible to doublepost or maybe put a little text somewhere; "editing will bump the thread", is my suggestion.

It doesn't really matter though.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-06 15:51:24 UTC
in Half-Life: Static Friction Post #252156
Obviously a lot of new members doesn't realise that, so maybe it should be a little more clear? Hmm... Better make a post about this in the suggestions forum.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-06 15:45:54 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #252155
Yeah, it was! :P

Hunter, most of the XP fanboys don't like Vista because they don't have it, or they can't afford it. It's only a handfull of them that actualy don't like Vista. And most of the comments doesn't even count, sence the person who made the comment doesn't use Vista and lack the knowledge to have a real oppinion.

I use them both at the moment. XP on my laptop, that's only because I don't care enough about it to upgrade. And on the big grey radiator in the shape of a fridge, I use Vista. And my honest opinion is that Vista is better, much better.

And on the on the topic:
IE6 (on the laptop) is not being used, it's no good. I use Firefox on the laptop.
On the Vista computer I use both, with no real difference in the performance between IE6 and Firefox.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-04 17:47:51 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #252114
That I can understand. Basic knowledge in web design brings a whole new level to the ordinary browser. But speaking as a general user, there's no real problems. I guess it's like playing guitar, if you have a good guitar, everything sounds and plays awesome, if you have a crappy guitar you can still do the same stuff but it's much harder to play, but the people listening probably wont notice the difference.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-04 16:04:24 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #252110
IE is balls. We can all agree to that.
Actualy, no. I'll have to disagree! I use IE7 on my Vista computer and I'm actualy happy with it's performance, I haven't found any obvious flaws or any real problems with it.

I know I belong to a minority here on TWHL, for actualy liking Vista but it sure is a lot better then XP. Sure, it needs a better computer to run like it should, but if you have a good computer, Vista is a good choice if you want to run Windows. All it's new features are pretty much copied from Mac OS and Linux, but that's a step in the right direction.

Firefox is better than IE7 in a few areas, but IE7 ain't bad.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-04 05:17:30 UTC
in Firefox3 Released Post #252097
Firefox is the best. I haven't tried ff3, though. My current version work's just fine.
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-04 05:13:33 UTC
in Half-Life: Static Friction Post #252096
Dude, edit button.
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-30 14:05:12 UTC
in Website Creation Question Post #251994
I wouldn't risk it, they build special "server-computers" that can stand to be switched on and working 24/7, but a normal household computer can't take that kind of abuse. Disagree all you want. Sure, it will probably survive for quite some time, but it will be renderd pretty much useless after some time.

Just look at your frind, you know the guy who doesn't switch his computer off when he goes to bed, how often doesn't he complain about how slow and useless that piece of crap is? I'm telling you, don't risk it. And it will be expensive as well. So just buy some space from another server, it's easier, cheaper and just an over all better idea.
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-30 11:35:10 UTC
in Website Creation Question Post #251988
And it's really not a good idea to leave your computer on 24/7. Fist it will slow down, spend a lot of time on your electric bill and then it will die.
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-28 14:25:02 UTC
in Albums That Never Existed Post #251939
Totaly awesome game!
User posted image
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-19 10:40:08 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251534
I didn't read ALL the posts on the previous page, but most of them.

If you want this mod to succeed, you need to make your own models, with less polls. Maybe just fool around in a modelingprogram and alter the grunts to combines and things like that. It would make the models fit the graphics, run much smoother and it wouldn't be illegal.

People change, so I have no problem with you being back. But it doesn't look like you listen to us, though.

HL1 can't handle HL2. There's no if's or but's, if you're working in the unedited HL1 engine or Spirit, it's just not possible... Once more to better grasp the concept here, HL1 can't handle HL2.

But why do you feel the need to create a game that already exists? I mean, it's not like you created it, if you finnish it? I think you should get some ideas of your own and create something new.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-16 08:22:00 UTC
in There was a problem compiling the map. & Post #251325
You've got a leak...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 19:06:56 UTC
in Simple music editor Post #251292
Band in a box? Garageband?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-15 02:05:02 UTC
in When was the last time you opened Hammer Post #251256
Hmm... A few weeks ago... Nearly finnished two maps!
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-06 10:33:58 UTC
in Fatal Error =[ Post #250966
Or you could have placed HL and (C:) and Hammer in (D:) (or the other way around.)

That can fuck it up.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-05 17:45:53 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #250941
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-04 11:53:53 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #250897
Carla Bruni - Le plus beau de quartier

Followed by:

Say anything - Alive with the glory of love
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 18:33:42 UTC
in Borders searching ipods for illegal cont Post #250825
Yeah ZL, I think that's the general opinion. The music industry fucked up and missed the natrual development in distribution.

Nobody wants to buy a CD with one song you like and 11 songs that you either haven't heard or don't like... And nobody wants to pay 1 - 2$ for a single song either, it's just stupid.

For me, "piracy" is more of a statement nowdays.

But I do buy movies, never at full price though, I wait untill they're cheap or kinda cheap before I buy them.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 18:26:03 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #250824
If people really would like to see what's on that link, I bet they know how to copy-paste?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-01 11:32:32 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #250803
Yeah, if it's a "help me" thread it could automativly switch to that...

I don't know, it's just a suggestion. The benifits would be that it's a lot easier for us to know right away what the problem is, which makes it easier to solve. It also looks much better and it will be a lot easier to search the forum's for awnsers before posting new threads.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 18:43:46 UTC
in Borders searching ipods for illegal cont Post #250717
Not only is it stupid, it's also scary ass hell.

But what I can't figure out is; if you actually steal a CD or a DVD and get caught, you have to pay like... 30$? If you COPY the same thing, you have to pay 999999999999999$, your computer and possible jailtime.

The artists usualy gain money from piracy, more people discover their music = more people buy CD's and attend their concerts.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-30 17:19:05 UTC
in Open for TWHL3 Suggestions Post #250712
It has come to my attention that many new users on this site aren't very good at posting 'help' threads for problems that they have. This doesn't only look bad but the members must ask a lot of questions to be able to give a good awnser.

Now, wouldn't it be good if there was a default 'help thread' layout?
Kind of like a form that they have to fill out and it could look something like this;

When did that happen, what did you do?
Explain the problem.
Which versions, plugins, mods etc do/did you use?
-Personal message (Optional)
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-28 16:36:32 UTC
Sounds like an issue I had a few years back, laso with WON.

I accidently replaced a few needed files with some non-working custom content, I think they came with a shitty map or something like that. With WON you should always have a backup with the original HL files, such as the .dll's and the hl.exe.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-27 21:34:59 UTC
in Hammer has gone apeshit. Post #250615
This is an XP computer! :) Me other one, that I do all the other stuff is the computer with Vista!

Anyway, it's just not that big of a pain now that we figured out what's wrong.
So you can probably expect a new map for brainbread any day now!

Thanks again guys.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-27 15:59:58 UTC
in Hammer has gone apeshit. Post #250596
I think you're right, fellows. I have several different settings with seperate FGD's in hammer, for different mods. It doesn't lke the BB FGD and it does not like the CS FGD, but I had no problems what so ever with the new latest FGD for HL.

The toolchanging issue is still there though, but I think that might be caused by various drivers not wanting to work together. I noticed that when I have a mouse plugged in, it doesn?t happen, but when Im using my touchpad it does.

I reckon that the BB FGD can be fixed if I just import the BB entitys to the latest HL fgd, Im not sure if that's possible, but it should be?

When I downloaded the FGD from brainbreads website, it was just a regular .txt file and I just opend it and save it as an FGD and it worked.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-26 14:38:34 UTC
in lets make a tw-hl HL1 mod!!! Post #250534
Ok,I've read most of the posts in this thread.

From what I can tell, the dude with the idea is way to optimistic and naiv for this to work and everybody seems sceptical in general.

So Im gonna throw a wild idea into the pit; how about you take your already finnished HL singleplayer maps, add something similar to all of them and there you go.

you don't have to start a whole new thing with 99% talk and 1% work untill you all get tired of it and bail, all you'll have to do is to edit a few maps that you already have and then you're done.

Also, I can provide music. Im really swamped in work and music-creating as it is, so if anybody want some music, I can send you what I already have and then you can just take what you want.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-26 14:14:49 UTC
in Hammer has gone apeshit. Post #250533
This infection seems to be spreading... Objects that used to work, like benches in maps and thing of that nature is now starting to dissapear when the map is played. I also get some error messages that I have not seen before,
it says something about the 'aaatrigger' texture being to large or something like that, the thing is that the 'aaatrigger' texture is not even used in this map.

I also get the a leak every other compile, without changing anything. It's no error in the map, of that Im sure, I always pay great attention to the regular walls and entitys when I map so that I don't have to hunt down leaks. I know it's not a real leak because i just get the error messages every other compile.

I frist compiled the map, worked fine (exept for the missing stuff). And then I added a few thins, namely a wooden pannel, compiled it again and I got the leak, I searched for the leak, couldn't find it and then I compiled again without changing a thing, no error. Tried again just for the heck of it, leak.

Genious@ No, it's not a viral issue, I run daily virus searches on this computer, it's a PC with Windows XP so I don't trust it.

Tets@ I doubt it, I never touch the ignore button! :P

This is some seriously fucked shit.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-25 21:21:05 UTC
in Hammer has gone apeshit. Post #250482
I have some serious issues with Hammer. I am now going to explain what's wrong, hope that atleast one of you guys have had a similar problem and know what's wrong plus how to fix it.

When using sertain entitys, namely the "cycler" and the "func_convoyer", Hammer wont let me use all the opions related to that entity. The "pitch yaw roll" option has completly disappeard from the func_convoyer and the "model" field on the cycler is also missing.

Sometimes when I am selecting a tool, Hammer randomly switch it to another.
I click on the 'block' tool and the arrow get selected, I click again and now it's the camera.

And when a map is compiled or Hammer is closed all the entitys in the maps get's unassigned and reset. If I have a group of blocks made into one "func_wall" for example, they will be seperate blocks and the "func_wall" entity wont be assigned to anything.

This is a major pain, right up the asshole.

So, anybody?
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 10:29:57 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250380
Dude, HL uses the Q1 engine, not the Q2 engine :P And Q2 looks better then HL does, just face the facts ;)
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-24 09:30:12 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250377
Have you even played any other first person shooters from that era? In comparison to Half-Life, the maps were were all extraordinarily bland and uninspired, mostly made up of large blocks and built around the textures.
Dude? Quake II? That was fuwking SEXEEH! It pre-dates HL and still looks way better. And Quake III came two years after that, that was fucking hot aswell.

So you're almost right. A lot of the games did look like shit. But Quake II came to the rescue, HL followed shortly and then Quake III.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 18:30:45 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250347
It was not! :o

They said that it was going to follow up were Quake II left... IT DID NOT! :o Everything changed from brown to green, rust to shiny and stroggs to wankers... :( All the original weapons went down the crapper and all the enemies were changed/removed... Quake 4 is balls :(
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 17:04:25 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250339

Stay the fuck away from Quake 4!
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 14:46:00 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250329
Yes, HL does have more story than most shooters did at the time. But if you're like me and wasn't drawn in by the story there's just not a whole lot left to get drawn in by! :P

Im more of a Quake II and Painkiller kinda guy, I don't care why Im shooting people as long as Im doing it! :P

@Skals; Yes, it's created with the base of Quake, they just modified the engine a bit. But apart from that, it's just another mod.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 13:19:56 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250322
yes. but im amazed that they made such a great game with not so many crew. they must of had the best mappers moddelers and coders ever.
I was gonna say just the opposite! The mapping and the models are shit! And HL is more or less just a modification of Quake1.

And just to clear thing up for the people that will think "Then what the fuck are you even doing here, if you don't like HL?" like some of you already have said :P

...I like some of the modifications and I like to map for them :P That's why Im here!
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 10:39:43 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #250310
Rim; I think we can wait a while longer, school comes first ya know!

Halflife_Genius; I don't think your nick suits you...
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-23 10:26:45 UTC
in What is Nihilanth? Post #250309
It's just a big baby! Do you really think they had HL2 and all the little "episodes" already planned out when they made that stuff? :P

The big baby is just a big angry baby....
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 10:46:56 UTC
in Mapping on a mac? :[ Post #250252
Fine argument you got there, kraken!

Im primary a Windows PC uses, with shame.
I do perfer Mac computers, Mac OS and Linux over MS products, but some programs that I need are keeping me from forever getting the fuck out of the MS swamp.

Back to the original topic:
I think you should try to get Hammer running on that Mac of yours.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 07:31:43 UTC
in Mapping on a mac? :[ Post #250242
Oh, yeah. That's true. But mac users usualy aren'g gamers, and Mac's usualy aren't home PC's, they're often workrelated.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 06:54:38 UTC
in Mapping on a mac? :[ Post #250239
Ah, so mapping will maybe be possible, but different?
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 06:53:13 UTC
in Guess a dialog! Post #250238
A porno with bad acting?
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-22 06:39:37 UTC
in Mapping on a mac? :[ Post #250236
Didn't EA drop the bullshit and decide to release their games to both systems? Or was that for Linux?... I haven't paid much attention to the gaming industry lately, a weekly review with the crazy, Austrailian Englishman seems like enough :P

Anyway, I really can't see the point in installing a poor OS on an old Mac.
That's like filling something beautiful with poo... More or less.

Hammer will run, though. But you'd have to use those emulatiors and crap to get it running. But I don't think you'd be able to map on it, if we can't do it on Vista wich is a Microsoft product, I don't see why it would be anymore smooth on a mac.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 19:03:50 UTC
in Who is Gordon Freeman? Post #250150
And we do get House in Sweden. And it's really amazing to see how fast a thread can go down the pooper! :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-18 16:11:04 UTC
in Who is Gordon Freeman? Post #250134
Ok... Guys...

I found the truth. It's chocking.

Gordon Freeman is.... Dr.House!
User posted image
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-17 09:28:18 UTC
in Old Notebook HDD replacement Post #250066
Yes, you can't just fool around with them. And you'd most likely need some special Sony tool. The manifactures usualy doesn't even want people to look inside them.

So I suggest that you just buy a new laptop, there are some pretty decent and cheap ones out there.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-16 13:38:37 UTC
in Old Notebook HDD replacement Post #250033
You shouldn't mess with a laptop. Contact Sony and see what they have to say about it.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-16 13:36:16 UTC
in Who is Gordon Freeman? Post #250032
Gordon Freeman is a fictional character from the game Half-life.
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 14:47:16 UTC
in Bioshock Movie Post #249894
Yes, the BFG was named "Big Force Gun" but the Rock calls it "Big Fucking Gun", so it's still the BFG! :)

World_crafter: The movie was based on Silent Hill. It's a movie, not the game!
If you just try to enjoy it as a movie, you'll find that it's really awesome.
If the movies ain't allowed to offer something new, then what's the point of making them? The filmmakers can ofter twist and turn the story and concept to something a little different but still just as awesome. You gotta let them have a little room for creativity!

But sure, if you don't like the movie because they didn't make all the little details exacly like in the game, the that's too bad. Because it's a fucking sweet movie :)
Posted 16 years ago2008-05-12 14:35:55 UTC
in H.A.C.K. - a Half-Life 2 Modification is Post #249893
I could do some music for you guys... Im rather swamped so the progress might be a tad slow. But I always make music when Im not at work so I don't think it'll be a big problem.
  • First name: Oskar
  • age: 20
  • contact informations:
  • skills: Music and design
  • references:
I can also put a little more 'beef' in sounds. If you have a gunfire sound and want it to be more powerfull, easy.