Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 05:12:29 UTC
in Mindless Self Indulgence. Post #205457

Just a little somthing to see what you guys think. I just discovered these guys the other day and I love it.

If you are looking for more of their music I HIGHLY recoment "Stupid MF".

The video is awesome and crazy, thoughts and opinions are welcome.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 04:15:42 UTC
in December 7th Post #205455
Its not that we Genuinly dont care Orph, its just its annoying when somone comes onto a site and starts kicking up a fuss over somthing that is culture specific, which other memebers can't relate too.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 04:12:19 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #205454
Crazylikeafox: Yes pretty much every country in WW2 used women to run the factories back home and keep the supplies running. And yes, without that strength any side could have lost.

Orpheus: My point was that you can never have too much "Brute strength" in an army, even if it is a large reserve of it. ;)

Also, I didnt mean to down women about being able to become soldiers, I simply meant that MOST women would not be able to hack it (can you picture a cheer leader in a trench?). In the same way that a lot of men would not be able to endure warfare, a lot of women simply wouldnt have the "blood lust" or the Primal instinct that Men have for war.

The fact of the matter is that Males have been waging wars since the year dot. Its a tried and tested system - We know that men can fight wars.

While I have no doubt that some where allong the line women have fought and won battles their achivements are 'brutally' overpowered by the number of Men who have waged and won battles.

I'm not saying "OMG women suck, they can't fight, Men FTW!", I'm saying Men are built to wage war, and we know how to use Men to wage war. Somone who made an army of women would have to over come an array of problems that simply haven't been encountered by other armies before (armies made of men).

When it comes down to it maybe it is a little bit of predajist on the side of all millitarys but I think the general outline is somthing like this;

Men are war machines/ Hunters.
Women are babie factories.

Yes, I know, thats very wrong of me to say. But thats the way nature intended.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-08 03:59:06 UTC
in A place to upload too big maps ? Post #205453 30MB

It goes down once in a while, but it always comes back. I've used it for years.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 18:32:49 UTC
in December 7th Post #205414
Damn... Almost wish I hadn't posted now. Seems its all got a bit flamey.

Anyway, yeah, a more constructive way to get my point accross would be somthing similar to what Saribous said;

"Sure, but we don't come to an international website and make threads about it, expecting everyone to care."

That was my basic point (allong with the fact I honestly have had enough about people banging the drum about "how we got fucked", and not just America either).

Its not a clever idea to come onto a UK based website and make a thread about an American rememberence day. On an American based website with a vast majority of American members it would be ok, but TWHL is a mutli based website (as are many).

This demonstrates one of the golden rules of the net: RL and Net dont mix well.

Anyway, I have nothing against anyone remembering past events, just please keep them to yourselfs.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 15:58:32 UTC
in December 7th Post #205387
No offence to anyone here, but I am tired of people banging the drum about WW2 and 1 attrocities.

The Jews got gassed.
The Americans got bombed.
The Japanese got nuked.
The Russians got mashed.
The Germans were defeated.
The French were invaded.
The English got blitzed.

It was a world fucking war, not tea and crumptes at Hitlers. Thats what happens in war, bad shit. As I said, no offence to anyone or your memories of people who died / served in any of those events. I have no doubt their were a lot of brave people at Pearl. I remember hearing about some black man who manned an AA gun while his comrades ran in fear. Unfortunatly due to his race he didnt get the full award he should have.

Isnt it about time we dropped the whole "cry with us, our ancestors died D;" attitude?

So the Jews got gassed. Now they steal land from the Palistilians and fund large scale mass murder.

So the Americans got bombed. Now they bomb many countires all around the world.

So the germans got defeated. Now they defeat nearly every one at CS/S.

Its called Earth, get over it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 15:15:53 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205382
Ok. The "Gates" are nearly completed. As it stands each "gate" could bring in 4 stiders and 3-4 waves of enemies (possibly 8 if I push it).

Of course this is not the only place enemies can spawn from. There are ways into the Semi-Sphere from all around the edges. Gunships and Attack Choppers can be brought in from above out of sight (though they cannot leave the Semi-Sphere area). There will also be a lift in the center of the map , this is usually where "defence" teams are brought into their centeral forts in the middle.

And of course, there are always teleporters, though I doubt I will be using those much (seems a bit much just to get one unit into an Arena, but its still a possiblility).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 13:01:54 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205377
Err... that is what the Airlock does.

Anyway, I have updated the airlock to a simple basis now. Two doors.
The huge doors, when they close, litereally force anything left behind to be pushed out (weapons and items wise anyway). The doors have an energy feild at the bottom which means they dont push out bodies, rather the bodies are cleared away once the doors are shut. :)

Anyway, the reason the Airlock doors have to be so big is because they are mainly used for stiders. They also play a key role in missions in Arena maps (get from gate 1 to gate 2).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 08:45:19 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205337

Currently I am working (in text box maps, no screenies :P) on the Airlock like system that will allow the two large doors into the arena to work. Currently the airlocks work as such;

-Monsters being added to the arena spawn inside the airlock.
-Airlock door opens.
-Monsters come out (important monsters, such a striders, may get scripts for this to speed things up).
-Airlock is then purged (this basically means everything inside; dead, alive or inaminate gets thrown out, quite litereally).
-Airlock door shuts.

As you can imagine, the "purging" system could be quite fun to watch. Pin a set of enemies down in the airlock, or send a few of your own team members in and Whoops - out you go at 300 I/s.

I have to tell you, watching it go to work on stiders is funny, they look like they are rollerscating and fly out half way accross the map. As you can tell I havn't quite worked out all the bugs yet (rollerscating striders will not feature in the final version :P).
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 07:07:26 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205305
Its a WIP.

And trust me its in source.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 04:33:24 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205291
Ok. I am aware it is a big empty box. And its not finished yet.

Here is the idea behind Semi-Sphere:

Before every match (yes, multiple levels) the Semi-Sphere is altered and everything you see covered in the white metal plates is changed into an Arena. This could be desert, jungle, alien, barren, mountain, urban or a mix. The player is then let into the arena (player being Freeman, this is SP).

The player can enter the arena is various spots around the edges or from a lift in the center. Or they can be teleported and even air dropped into the Arena to get to a specific area. Once the player is in the Arena that Arena's mission objective will be explained. It can be explained through the booming commentator voice which fills the stadium or it can be explained by allies which the player will be working with.

The idea is then that the player must attack or defend against waves of enemies. These can either be combine, zombie, antlion or whatever. The match is over either when the mission objective(s) are complete. The player is taken from the arena and put back into his cell to wait for the next Arena to be organised.

Its basically like a Combine version of the Roman Collesium.

Dont worry, this wont be a kill bowl. Combat will be tactical. You have to think before you act, act before you die and never underestimate what the Semi-Sphere is going to throw at you next.

More updated screenies comming soon.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-07 04:24:30 UTC
in Tycell's Dungeon Post #205290
Yes this is for Source.

I know how do do custom skyboxes in HL1 ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 17:35:06 UTC
in Semi-Sphere Post #205239
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 15:56:31 UTC
in Selective Service: Discrimination??? Post #205236
The reason there is only a male "call of duty" form is because Millitary forces dont want women fighting for them, plain and simple. If you ran an army would you seriously have open female ranks?

Millitary forces KNOW they can Hammer 90% of males into an effective fighting machine. I would be surprised if you could train 50% of women to be effective combat units (and not just break down and cry on the battle feild).

Can you imagine what would happen if you send a female betallion into battle against a male enemy? Your army would be the laughing stock of the Earth, plus they would be masacred. lol
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 15:46:29 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #205235
I stand corrected and impressed.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 13:48:12 UTC
in Tycell's Dungeon Post #205226
Bad news. After beginning the first few level of Tycells Dungeon I have realised a fatal flaw in the plan. When I stepped back and looked at the level I realised it was perfect for a HL1 level, but it sucked as a Source level. It just wansnt big enough. This also meant that some of the other Dungeon levels were going to come out tiny aswell and so the whole project has been put on hold until I can work this out.

On the up side, after thinking about where I went wrong I have come up with an idea. The Semi-Shpere! Dont worry about it yet, I DID type out a whole post on it but lost it (you need to log in bla bla). Which REALLY rounded off my day nicely, had an abismal day. Anyway, I am going to start a new thread on Semi-Sphere soon, and I need some help at the moment. Does anyone know where I can get custom skies for Source?
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-06 12:53:34 UTC
in CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Post #205221
This is very good work. I can see you have put a lot of time and care into it all. I do have two problems though:

One of the mountain textures in the picture zoomed out with the osprey in it is misaligned and you can see where the brush edge is.

And also with that missile launcher truck, they dont fire all their missiles next to each other like that. One missiles gets completly out of the tube and a few feet in front and then the next one launches. They dont all fire at once like a shotgun, even though thats not what you have made they are still too close together. :)

This looks like it should be very enjoyable. Although some of the brush work could use some more work the vehicles are amazing and you can see you have already spent a lot of time on this, which is good. Keep it up :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 11:15:09 UTC
in Euphoria (the future of gaming physics) Post #205121
Urbanebula hit the nail on the head.

Bombarding indiana jones with huge rocks on a rope bridge until he falls off and comes crashing down through a serise of glass sheets into a giant tub of jelly has got to be pretty fun.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 11:13:32 UTC
in help how 2 make the ground hill or swamp Post #205119
Err, who cares?

Its natural for two mapping sites to be competative, but this is taking it a little too far. Its no longer a friendly competativeship by the look of it.

Anyway, keep on topic.


There are pleanty of terrain tutorials around. Search Google for them aswell if you like. You can also get programs to generate terrain for you but I dont put much faith in them.

The best way to do it in my opinion is just to get stuck in your self and try to make a hill. If it doesnt work out, try a different way. Eventually you will be able to make a hill look exactly as you want it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 10:50:36 UTC
in Euphoria (the future of gaming physics) Post #205111

That looks amazing. Pity it will rape proccessors.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 09:00:16 UTC
in Problem Post #205101
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-05 07:16:55 UTC
in 1337 f0r teh Dangerz! Post #205097
Oh my god.

"We're worried because people can talk to each other without us being able to clearly read what they are saying. This is BAD because we are control freaks."

Seriously. Some people have completly forgotten what life is all about.

Those "internet experts" in that video clip are absolute morons who have probably never expanded their personal bounds beyond their working life and their small community social bubble.

In fact, I am going to stop there, before I get into a huge rant.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 17:13:37 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #204962
True. But Valve is the one developing the game.

Take note, this is not a HL2 mod, this is a whole new game on the source engine.

The pictures are sex. If anyone can find any then please link to them here.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 15:19:44 UTC
in Dark Colony Post #204938
I remember this game. It was quite fun.

Itn't this the game with the really cool "S.A.R.G.E." unit in it?

Only down side it it can get very annoying to play, as the units are a bit unbalenced.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 15:17:42 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #204937
Yes. The article does have pics and so on. It looks done, but you know how it goes, they finish the actual game and then have to spend at least a few weeks on mop up duty.

I dont think we will have to wait long before we start seeing this advertised.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 12:57:24 UTC
in Petals Around The Rose Post #204925
Admitidly it had me stumped for a while, its a funny little quirky game. I was on the right track by the time I finished reading it but my pure lazyness gave in and I just googled the asnwer.

Annoyingly I was so close with my train of thought before I looked it up as well.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 12:42:29 UTC
in Name Decoder Post #204923
T.Y.C.E.L.L.: Townsfolk-Yoking Creature from the Enchanted Legendary Labyrinth

Transforming Ytterbium Construct Engineered for Logical Learning

T.Y.C.E.L.L.: Treasure Yielding Caresses and Erotic, Lustful Loving

Lol at the last one.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 12:39:06 UTC
in Banned!? Post #204922
Got banned from a CSS server one time for getting off a very lucky glancing shot right into the temple of an Admin T. Killing him in 2 shots from my SG. I was instantly kick banned with the message "I dont like you."

Sour bastard.

Other than that I have never been banned. I used to be a Moderator at HIT forums but I left there (and was sort of banned, but I wasnt actually banned). If you want to know why read here:

Its a long story, but that pretty much explains it all in one post.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-03 12:34:07 UTC
in Left 4 Dead Post #204920
I just read about this in a PCG magazine that was randomly bought for me. It caught my eye with "Exclusive #1! VALVE'S SECRET ZOMBIE SHOOTER".

Of course VALVe was going to mean HL engine so I eagerly read on.

'Left 4 Dead' looks absolutly amazing, thats all that can be said. Its not some mindless "Headcrab bash". Its not even set in the HL universe. You play as one of four survivors in a city flooded with infected zombies. This is a Multiplayer Co-op game, and whats better, you can play as either one of the four survivors or as one of four zombies. There are no respawns, and each 'level' it is said can last from 40 mins to an hour.

Play with friends, or online, or on your own (with high level AI taking control of the unused players). The AI is also somthing to take note of, the monsters look and sound (from what I have read) terrifying.

You have your normal all out zombies, fast zombies (think 28 days later, not HL2), fat zombies that can vomit all over you and explode in a wash of vomit when they die, zombies with snake like tounges that slither around and get you like a barnicle. 'Hunter's which are much like the lickers from resident evil except they have no tounge and they are more agile but weaker.

This sounds fantastic, and what is more there are no scripted sequences, every time you play a level it will be different. Enemies will be in different places and if you play as a zombie you can 'herd' the masses of AI zombies to the players. From what I have read and seen from the screen shots this looks totally amazing. DEFFINATLY one to watch. I eagerly await its arrival. Watch this space.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-30 23:32:32 UTC
in Tycell's Dungeon Post #204697
Dont worry. Levels wont be "Flooded" with enemies.

And the whole point of the Ant Lion Maze IS to be difficult and agrovating. :)

Dont worry, this isnt going to be some "lol killbox" serise.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 23:57:59 UTC
in Tycell's Dungeon Post #204537
Hey all. Yes I am back. And now equipped with a mapping capable computer (which I havnt had for almost a year now!). Its all gravy. AMD64 3600 and a gig of RAM. Nice.

Anyway. While I was unable to map for so long I came up with idea after idea for maps I was going to make once I got this beauty fixed. Some fell through, some were decent but just not interesting enough. Tycell's Dungeon however, stuck in my mind.

I havn't done all that much source work so this project will be my first real bash at it. The idea is simple;

You are a warrior who has come to get through Tycell's personal 'Fortress Dungeon' and overthrow Tycell himself (yes, me). That is as simple as it is.

It will feature new sounds (radio messages to the player for a bit of story and depth) and new maps and nothing more. So far it is planned to be 8 levels. How big the levels are will vary but they are certainly not going to be pushing Source to its limits.

Here is the layout of how these levels will work, I think it is pretty obvious what each level is going to look like roughly from my descriptions here. Take into account that this wont actually be a steriotypical castle. It will be a Combine Fortress, and thus will have a modern feel.

Level 1:

"The Moat - First Blood"

The ground is flooded with toxic waste, falling in will provide a quick painful death. Primarily this level is made for story introduction and to 'warm the player up'. There will be a few scattered headcrabs and perhaps a Zombie or two, at the end of the level will be a light outpost of Combine Metrocops.

Level 2:

"Zombie Zania - The Decent"

This level will be exactly what it says on the Tin, a small army of zombies inhabits this nasty little pit network underground. Your objective is to make your way down into the lower belly of the 'Dungeon'. Zombies of all types will be included and this level will progressivly get harder at each stage.

Level 3:

"MetroCop Madness - The drawbridge"

This is a pretty straight foward level. You have to lower the Drawbridge and then get accross. MetroCops will be dun in everywhere so this wont be an easy task. The level will end with a final assult on a large tower like structure in the middle of the moat.

Level 4:

"Soldier SpearHead - Resistance"

This level will be crawling with soldiers. Barricades, Check-points and a large Stronghold like structure as the final passing point. A few left over MetroCops will be stationed at the entrace but for the most part soldiers is what you are going to be facing.

Level 5:

"Ant Nest - Pit Fall"

Yep, you guessed it. Antlions everywhere. The main feature of this level is that it will be set in a maze, where you have to make your way around the maze in order to shut down six power generators which are powering a large force feild at the end. You will have to double back on yourself and I am hoping (from the desing) that people ill loose their baring in this maze and get lost. There will also be Turrets and Manhacks throuhout.

Level 6:

"Millitary Mop Up - Wide Open"

This level will have a large horse shoe shaped courtyard which has a strider in it. You DO NOT have an RPG (or enough explosives of any kind) to take down the strider. You have to avoid it as best you can. Making your way around the edge of the level unlocking areas while fighting off Soldiers. In short the courtyard will be a large open area and the walls surrounding will give way to close quaters combat. At the end their will be an opertunity to take out the strider. ;-)

Level 7:

"Bridges - Onward and upward"

This will be one of the trophy levels in the mod. A large canyon with your objective (the way past this level) at the top of the canyon on the opposite side. Running through the Canyon is a bridge network with structures built onto the side of the cliff wall. This will be a tough long fight. You must take each bridge one stage at a time and then being your final assult on the last real defensive position before you reach the final level. A mix of Soldiers and Elites will be filling this level, allong with a few snipers, turrets and possibly manhacks.

Level 8:

"Overlord - The Core"

This level will look much like the Citadel from HL2. Beautiful glass walkways with technology all over the place. Crawling with Elites, turrets and a few snipers thrown in for good measure. The Glass Walkways are stationed above 'the core'. Which will be some large pretty energy device.

Once you manage to defeat all the enemies and get to the end of the level, the real challege begins. This is the final fight. Once you set the Auto Destruct on the Core you will be confronted with Tycell's Peronal Gunship. Ontop of this you have no RPG (still) and there will be at least one untouchable sniper at the far end of the level making things harder for you.

Once you take down the Hunter Chopper it will be time to get the hell out of here. Head for Tycell's Personal command room, wait for the Teleporter to charge up (while under attack from a few Ant Lions) and then Get out of there before the whole place blows.

The end.

Of course there will be more too it than that and not all level designs are set in concrete. Also, the story behind the levels will add depth to the experiance. But mainly this should be a fun action packed killathon.

Any Questions?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 19:23:45 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #204498
Awesome stuff.

I think you need to lable which way a peice will turn though. The "Axis Axel" is a good idea. That or you could colour code them (red, blue and green). Or even perhaps a mixture of both.

This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-29 15:38:02 UTC
in First Black Mesa: Source December Media Post #204453
Whooooaaa! Awesome stuff! Good work Rabid.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-27 14:25:46 UTC
in Photography in game. Post #204232
Yes. I am back. And my computer is fully fixed.

I am now sitting at the controls of an AMD64 3600 and a GIG of RAM. :D

Good to see somone noticed :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 14:38:39 UTC
in Problem. Post #204156
Never mind. Fixed.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-26 13:30:52 UTC
in Photography in game. Post #204148
Hey all. Simple idea for a thread;

You take screen shots in game and post them here as if you were actually taking a photo.

Two catagories;

Normal and Set-up. Set up is where you have used garrys mod or console commands or whatever to actually set the picture up before you have taken it. Setting up a picture by hand (pick up, drop etc) isnt an issue.

Here are three entries of mine: All of them are normal, I didnt set them up.
A nice picture of the Citadel. I think it works pretty well, only wish the chopper had been in shot more.
Another picture of the Citadel, I think this is a good example to show just how big the citadel is.
A funny picture, goes with the caption: "Its a bit late fore that mate."

One rule: It must be part of the Half-Life Serise or mods (EG, no pictures of LOTR or anything).

Have fun :)
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-24 13:02:37 UTC
in Help, anyone? Post #203906
It would help your cause greatly if you showed examples of your previous work. Actual maps arn't nessisary, just a bunch of screen shots of some of your most recent work would do. Perhaps 5 screen shots?

In this way, people can judge if you are the right mapper for them and you are much more likly to get a responce.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-10 05:53:44 UTC
in Now *THIS* is creativity! Post #179274
Not really that brilliant. More like childs play. If they actually made somthing like this in a serious map (like several combine walls colliding with each other and devistating somthing) it would be cool.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-23 10:23:29 UTC
in Breaking up with your girl friend. Post #176246
Haha, yea, I suppose there is that.

Its ok now though, on the same day (a few hours after the break up) she invited me over to her house, me her and her mate Kelly watched 'The Crow' and sat and talked, so I think she is over it. She seemed much calmer and accepting when I saw her. She must still feel bad about it but I think she is ok with it now. She also appolagised for slamming the phone down on me, so all is good.

Peace reigns in my world again. Although the long distance problem was my main concern there were other aspects to it all that I dont really want to talk about here. Needless to say I dont think it would of worked.

Ah well, at least now it is done and dusted and everything is ok with everyone concerned. Thanks for all your input guys, although it didnt really help, it gave me a broader view on the whole situation.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-22 14:41:22 UTC
in Breaking up with your girl friend. Post #176081
Boy (and respective men) you better belive this is one of the DAMN HARDEST things you could ever do.

About 20 minuets ago from this post I broke up with my girlfriend. This was for one reason mainly in that she was going to be spending a lot of time away at university and it would form somthing like a "long distance relationship". Somthing which in my experiance never work...

I desperatly tried to break up with her in the best way where she doesnt run off crying or she doesnt storm out angry... for the most part I failed.

She cried a little (holding back most of it from what I could see) as I talked about how I didnt think it would work, but how I didnt want to upset her, and how there is a lot of shit going on in my life and having a 'LDR' would not help things on my end. I tried my best to comfort her, reasuring her that it wasnt about her, wasnt about stuff that had happened that morning (sex) wasnt in any way her fault or somthing wrong with her, it was just that... well, I honestly felt it wasnt going to work, and rather than stay with her longer (increasing the ammout of pain when we did break up) I decided to do the only honourable thing. I broke up with her, as tenderfootedly as possible.

Of course, it went anything but smoothly, and I would just like to ask everyone else on here if any of their relationships broke up 'peacefully'. I doubt there has ever been a relationship that has broken up in the 'perfect' way, but I would just like to hear other people experiances to try and gain some sort of idea on how bad this one went.

She walked out not turning back to say goodbye, crying slightly. I know that she will now go home and cry more, and that makes me feel REALLY bad. The last thing I wanted to do, my absolute priority was not to upset her, and I failed.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 12:52:59 UTC
in The God of PC's is here Post #175877
Quite a powerful peice of kit... bar far not the "Mother" of all computers however.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 12:46:23 UTC
in Darwin was clearly wrong Post #175874
... Is it me or is this whole thread a lot of 'angry lol spam' with some vauge half followed 'lighthouse beacon' topic of "Evolution"?

Seventh: Yes, that riddle annoys me too, OBVIOUSLY the chicken came first... bloody idiots. Its even worse when people argue with you saying "no, you just dont know do you." and you try and explain but the obvious just refuses to dawn on them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-04-21 10:16:50 UTC
in Defense - Offense = Forts! Post #175816
Looking better and better.