Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-01-07 05:00:30 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277464
Probably could have solved it with a simple matrix too.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-07 04:59:49 UTC
in Fixing Detail Sprites on textures Post #277458
Get a quick screenshot. There's a lot of ways detail sprites can look wrong.

Edit: If you're using a custom detail sprites file, it's possible that your coordinates are wrong. You also might be using a custom detailsprites.vtf without knowing it, so check for that.
If the problem is that they're showing up in places that you feel they shouldn't, then you'll have to either rework the alpha on your displacement or make your own detail sprites file to read from.

Detail sprites are placed according to alpha levels. The levels are specified in the designated .vbsp file (default being detail.vbsp, located in the mod before).
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-07 04:53:36 UTC
in Need a custom, respawnable physics prop Post #277463
I need to use a custom, breakable physics prop for HL2DM, but I can't seem to make it a prop_physics_respawnable because there's no physics data for it in whatever file the physics data goes in.

I don't want to edit the file because frankly I'm not sure if it's even safe.
Is there some other way?
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-07 04:07:35 UTC
in To Kill A Big Daddy Post #277460
When I played Bioshock, the Big Daddies has a tendency to get stuck. I just got to unload on a lot of them without them ever moving.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-07 00:33:29 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277455
Edit: God dammit.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-07 00:01:44 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277453
I've never heard that before.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 22:31:53 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277449
I still don't understand what made you think to start finding prime-number factors in the first place.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 22:20:18 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277448
Though it needs to be locked on it's Z-axis
Indeed, don't forget to make it a laser or beam instead of a simple sprite.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 22:18:09 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277446
Just got your donation, Zeeba. Thanks!

Current Donations: $15
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 20:25:48 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277438
Click the donation button on the first page and you'll go to the page where you can send money. The send-to address is under the button.
aww.. why no psilos_killredux?!?
I honestly just dislike the map. I think it's a mess and not very fun. Sorry.
Why did you delete it from the vault anyway?
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 18:55:47 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277429
Most of them use Counter-Strike wads.
Oh yeah :|
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 18:53:37 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277425
Is there anything inherently wrong with using CS surf maps?
Are they built any differently or anything like that?
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 18:40:50 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277423
That was quite discouraging..

Penguin: How did you think to use prime number factors?
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 18:32:20 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277422
Crossfire is just the default map.

I'm setting up autoconfigs for teamplay maps right now.

I'll add Psilos_Bikinibottom, but not the other two.

I'll add some surf_maps if you can name some. I'm not into the surf scene and I don't know which maps to pick. Teamplay should be a little more fun with a max of 5 players per team instead of 4.

Edit: tp_beerfort and payload should automatically enable team play now and disable team play when the map is changed.

Uploading psilos_bikinibottom as we speak.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 14:47:59 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277399
Lawl, 3 guests. I don't know why I thought it was only 2. Whoops.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-06 14:10:48 UTC
in Math Problems Post #277393
XY = 2450
X + Y = 2Z where Z is your age

H > X
H > Y

It's a simple algebra problem. Isolate X or Y in one of your 2 equations, then substitute it in the other.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-05 16:38:17 UTC
in Making a pc game to sell Post #277369
I'd still say Plants vs Zombies is an original game.
If you're going to play that card, then all games based around the same general principle can't be original.

The way the tower defense was executed made it innovative and fresh. I can't speak for any other Popcap games.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-05 14:33:41 UTC
in Making a pc game to sell Post #277360
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-05 02:34:33 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277342
I guess the file didn't upload because using Windows's ftp client sucks all kinds of dick.

I'm uploading it again now.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-05 00:17:29 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277338
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-04 19:44:21 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277324
Remember that donating will net you admin privileges through AMXX.
All users have access to amx_votemap and amx_votekick by default.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-04 06:46:15 UTC
in Raindrop Post #277285
Bump. Thought this ingame shot was worth a bump.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-04 03:29:25 UTC
in Someone with much free time, plz? Post #277281
No they don't.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-04 00:11:40 UTC
in WTF? Wheres my steam account!? Post #277275
Relax, the vast majority of your account is stored on Valve's servers, not on your PC.

Just log back into your account and launch a game and Steam will make the folder you're looking for.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-04 00:08:13 UTC
in Someone with much free time, plz? Post #277274
Then there really is something wrong.

Go func_wall happy for a while. Turn anything that might split world faces into an entity as well as any semi-complex geometry and you'll at least have a working normal vis compile.

Work backwards from there by moving necessary func_walls back into world brushes (brushes that need to make shadows, that need to block vis, etc).

Also, don't use too many individual brushes in a single func_wall. That can cause vis problems. I'm not sure if there is an exact number, but I've found that it's safe to use less than 14.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-03 20:17:20 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #277271
Strider, that Gman thing was awesome. I had no idea you could even do some of those things in Hammer.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-03 12:17:44 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #277252
I am very deceptive, no?
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-03 02:39:34 UTC
in Last movie you saw? Post #277239
Finally saw Star Trek.
It was an action movie.
I expected more.
That's all.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-03 02:36:14 UTC
in Currency Convert Post #277238
I admit I've considered buying a Danbo and Yotsuba figure several times because they're so full of win. Totally would have already if they weren't so insanely and unnecessarily expensive.
Just sayin'... no homo.

The links are work safe.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-02 22:20:08 UTC
in TWHL's Classic DM Server Post #277232
Planned changes for the next subscription:
-I'm increasing the max players to 10. I'll cover the difference in cost myself.
-I'm going to try Nuclear Fallout's ping accelerator in hopes of helping our Australian and British friends get somewhat more acceptable latencies. But it's expensive, almost doubling the cost of a server over a 6 month period. We can try one for 2 or 3 months to see how effective it is.
-I'm changing the payment source from the TWHL Paypal account to my personal account. Why? Because I can't pay a subscription to Nuclear Fallout without a card linked to the account, and I only have one card. Switching my card between my personal account and TWHL's server account costs money and is extremely inconvenient. I hope you guys know me well enough by now to trust that I won't scam TWHL out of it's money.
So the new Paypal address to send donations to is ""-- same as my email address. I'll have a mod update the first post with the correct address.

New cost for 2 months (with accelerator): 87 USD
What I expect from donors: 65 USD

New cost for 3 months (with accelerator): 121 USD
What I expect from donors: 90 USD

New cost for 6 months (without accelerator): 131 USD
What I expect from donors: 95 USD

Payment is due January 24th (Sunday, 3 weeks from now)
Donations are being accepted now.

And someone please take advantage of Rimrook's control point template:
It could be so fun :(
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-02 19:06:44 UTC
in Desktops of January Post #277225
I never thought I could be this bored on a long break from school.
User posted image
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-02 18:38:23 UTC
in Currency Convert Post #277224
I like the paint on them..
White paint.
badum tish
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-02 02:30:06 UTC
in Accomplishments 2009 Post #277203
Do you guys get compensation for every search done through your little Google bar?
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-01 18:35:07 UTC
in Jesus Camp Post #277174
It's a recognized religion in the States, as well.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-01 15:31:08 UTC
in Someone with much free time, plz? Post #277162
I'm at a loss at how you even come up with these maps.
Posted 14 years ago2010-01-01 03:26:52 UTC
in New Year countdown Post #277149
I didn't realize that midnight struck until 12:30.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:47:29 UTC
in Glass shield Post #277121
Unfortunately there isn't.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:45:31 UTC
in Accomplishments 2009 Post #277120
Underground remains the best Tony Hawk game to this day.
Humble opinion, of course.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:44:53 UTC
in New Year countdown Post #277119
Fucking brilliant.

Still 10 hours to go in 'Merica's east coast.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:42:14 UTC
in Accomplishments 2009 Post #277117
I suppose I could also say that I officially entered the college of education at my university, but that decision was made in late 2008.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:40:13 UTC
in Jesus Camp Post #277114
Zombie sounds like he's just waiting for evidence. Sounds like an agnostic to me.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-31 15:37:32 UTC
in Accomplishments 2009 Post #277113
I managed to go a whole day without mastur-

Blue Paradise and acing a regraded course that I got a D in the first time around.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-30 21:51:22 UTC
in Glass shield Post #277087
Yeah, it's just a model prop. The actual texture is animated, but you won't be able to apply it to world brushes because model textures sort of break the game if you use them on world geometry.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-30 05:36:58 UTC
in Jesus Camp Post #277057
If that's really how you want to look at it every single time.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-30 02:10:18 UTC
in Jesus Camp Post #277055
Then I thought of this.
Oh gawd, now I finally understand that gif.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-29 03:18:12 UTC
in Christmas Presents Lawl Post #277035
How's that ass-blanket working out for ya?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-29 00:15:09 UTC
in Vismap Expansion Overflow Post #277030
Run a normal vis compile and see if it doesn't fix your error. Normal and full vis usually fix "Leaf portals saw into leaf" warnings, and your vismap error is due to those usually harmless warnings.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-28 19:18:47 UTC
in Jesus Camp Post #277022
And powerful too. They re-elected George W. Bush.

Pirate: Hitler convinced millions of Germans to side with him by exploiting patriotism as his main weapon. That takes talent.
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-28 15:48:26 UTC
in Vismap Expansion Overflow Post #277013
Are you compiling with fast or normal vis?
Posted 14 years ago2009-12-28 14:23:55 UTC
in Jesus Camp Post #277011
Fucked up. I wouldn't call them Christians at that point though, Jeff's right. More idiots-- very dangerous idiots.
I can't wait to see what Huntey has to say about Jesus Camp.