Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 20:20:56 UTC
in Guess the line! Post #159964
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 18:12:38 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #159941
Im on it ;) Gonna post the latest version of banko_arena, and i?ll maybe finish banko_pyrena and post that one to.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-27 04:22:08 UTC
in Competition 19 Post #159768
When does it close? I?ve got 5 unworkable days ahead of me and i would really like to enter
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 23:00:09 UTC
in Mean moderators on fourms Post #159597
The moderators here is the only ones i can stand, they are nice here, have manors and behave like people. In every other forum i?ve been on they are just being rude and mess with people, banning them for no reason etc. etc.

The TWHL moderators is the only moderators that hasn?t turn?d into evil midgets...

But i think the moderators here have abused there power on ocations, just a little bit so it?s really no big deal...

If i was a moderator i would probably mess with people, and the first thing i should have do is to close the "hostage situation" thread, it?s pure spam.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 20:54:13 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #159584
One thing i like about DM maps is when it?s easy to find and get a gun, i hate it when one of the player?s got the gauss or egon while you run around with the little crap pistol you start with and you can?t get a gun in time. That?s why i created Banko_arena (btw, the final version should be done soon) You are never far from a gun or a player, lot?s of action.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 20:30:11 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #159581
That is a great way to make DM maps easier to learn and play, maps that look the same everywhere isn?t always easy to play without getting confused and lost.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 20:17:51 UTC
in Compiling and still compiling Post #159578
when i compile and it takes longer than 5 - 30 minutes, depending on how big the map is i usualy shut it down and change the map, if it takes longer it doesn?t work... but that?s just my computer. It compiles fast.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 20:14:38 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #159577
First use the regular light entity and see how it looks, insted of using texture lights, they always seem so unrealistic. And when adding atmosphere and feel to your map, you should have colord lights, not much, just a little "touch" so that the player wont think of it but it will look better.

And DON?T be afraid to carve, hollow or clip. Those tools are there because they are working and usefull. If used like they should you won?t get errors, if you use them the wrong way, like hollowing a cylinder are carving wierd shapes you?ll get errors, but that?s just common sence. Use them with care and they?ll work just fine and save you time and energy. :heart:
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 19:57:17 UTC
in Daft proverbs Post #159572
"envis som en r?d gris"

meaning: stubborn as a red pig :S

@fearian: no im not joking...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-25 12:40:53 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #159490
saw the video... ehm... How is this any different than HL? Were is all the fancy stuff that take you guys so long to finish? :S
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 09:50:25 UTC
in Most Ridiculous Way To Die In HL & HL2 Post #158881
HL1: In a nice game of Banko_Arena, you have the gauss, load it up and aim, shot and fly of and fall down and die
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-21 09:39:35 UTC
in Now Playing Post #158880
Ministry - Just one fix
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 10:06:42 UTC
in Help needed. Post #158743
Well we are not really in a hurry :) So if you can find the time someday and do some it would be awsome! btw, it?s city textures that are needed, outside walls, concrete, wood, metal and such :glad:

And i?ll tell those who help me what the mod is about ofcourse
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 09:38:48 UTC
in Now Playing Post #158740
Painkiller music
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 09:10:43 UTC
in Help needed. Post #158737
Me and some friends made a bunch of maps in a "realistic" theme, a part of a big city, subway, mall... You get the idea. And then we got a great idea for a not to short mod, so we are going to use those maps in it, edit them to make them fit better and make a bunch of new maps to. So we got a "lot" of work done on this, but to make it a mod we do need some help.

Im not going to tell you anything about the mod (what?s it about and what you do) Not that it will make you think "hell no", it?s going to be a surprise, if we reliase it. We might not do that, we mostly keep things to our self?s, because neither one of us feel the need to share it, all the stuff we make is based on what we like to play. But we all have a great feeling about this idea so if we get the help we probably will let you all play it to. Not to hear what you think, because it would be to awsome to keep to our selfs.

And now to the point.
We need:

someone who knows how to make models and edit them.

and someone who know how to code

Textures would maby be needed, we made a lot custom textures and they look OK, but if anyone else is better at it we would love your help!

If you are interested, PM me or mail me ( msn works fine to.

so if you wan?t to help out it would be super!

and you?ll get a big hug in the credits :glad:

It would indeed be a kind thing to do.

Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 08:56:59 UTC
in Model editing Post #158736
Ok thanks man! I?ve tryed many many times, but i just can?t get the hang of it, it seems... but thanks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-20 06:43:38 UTC
in Model editing Post #158724
I?ve read most of the stuff about modeling, but it didn?t get me far...

question: If i want to edit the zombie model, change his head and edit his arms to more normal looking, how do i do?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-17 08:27:43 UTC
in Daft proverbs Post #158240
"nu har du allt skitit i det bl? sk?pet"

meaning: Now you really pooped in the blue locker.

"nu har du allt satte sk?gget i brevl?dan"

meaning: Now you?re really suck with the beard in the mailbox.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-05 03:20:57 UTC
in Headcrabs and zombies Post #156279
Zombies aren?t overused in movies, zombies are underused! And they aren?t stupid, they are cool! A virus that turn people into zombies and then whatch them slaughter and eat people, i just love it! But "zombies" in a game like HL is just stupid...It?s like putting in a vampire in a game of chess! They don?t fit in! and games with aliens are never fun... Neither is those damn grunts... HL is a stupid game...

I perfer demons from hell, a REAL zombie game or something like that... Not a half made game with aliens, zombies, grunts... They stole the headcrab from the alien movies... And in HL2 they stole the bugs from starship troopers...

That?s why i mostly play HL mods and when i play original HL it?s HLDM that i play... Can?t stand the single player game...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-04 23:30:51 UTC
in Headcrabs and zombies Post #156270
HL2 is a ok game... Nothing i would play more than once... Boring story, boring enemys... And those bugs! why would they have to ruin the game with a Starship Troopers rip-off? The zombies aren?t zombies in the HL games... I WANT REAL ZOMBIES! AND MORE OF THEM!

I don?t really like HL1 either... But it?s so damn easy to customise and map for so that?s why i play it... But it?s so much limits... A bad engine...
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-04 16:11:13 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156183
Programming is not my area, im just mapping for fun so i reallyhave no use fo programming... :) So chickenfist, can you do it? ;)

And thanks everyone!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 21:52:22 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156092
It would take ages to learn!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 20:00:08 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156084
@Elon: Who said anything about source?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 19:44:01 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156076
Yeah i figured that would be the way to do this... The only problem is that i can?t code :cry:
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 19:36:23 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156073
Ah, thanks! Im not really a player so i hardly know any console commands at all... I mostly just map..

SECOND Q: Is there any way i can lock it in this mode, so that you can?t switch back to first person? I want to make a 3rd person mod
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 18:09:47 UTC
in 3rd person Post #156062
When 3rd person is actvated in HL1 you only se the player from the side, is there any way i can make it so that i see him from the back like all the other 3rd person games?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-03 00:20:54 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #155893
Carving is not bad, neither is hollowing, if you are carefull it?s 100% error fre, a time saver! If you carve a block in a wall nothing bad will happen. but don?t carve cylinders and stuff like that!
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-02 21:38:35 UTC
in Now Playing Post #155889
Rolling stones - Paint it black
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 21:33:25 UTC
in Religion Post #154686
Yes that?s true Kasperg.

Religion only comes with good thing, life after death with reduse the fear of dying. Belif, it?s importants, makes you feel good. And so on.

But some people do very bad things, like killing from one to millions of people and then blame it on their religion and say that "god spoke to them" or something... Wich is WRONG and they would still have done it if there wasn?t any religion
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 21:01:51 UTC
in Religion Post #154681
I don?t belive in sciense, they always prove eachother wrong.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 20:45:38 UTC
in Religion Post #154676
I am a religious dude. Not to the point so i live my life by the "rules" but they aren?t rules, more like moral guide lines. And why am i religious?

first of all i have a feeling inside me, like i know that there is a god and a jesus. Not "i have been rased to be a religious man" My parents never talk about this, my father is a beliver but he doesnt talk about it so this is something i feelt all my life without someone telling me.

and it?s the only thing that make sense! How was the earth and everything else created? I don?t belive what you guys belive, a big explotion and then everything was there! And i don?t belive that we come from the monkeys either, if we do come from the monkey, why are there monkeys here now? wouldn?t they also be like us? or atlest smart in some way... that?s so faaaaar fetched.
Nope. I belive that god created us.

But my belif is a bit different from the rest christian belivers, they are all about punishing people and olny talk about what you should not do, and tell people that they are going to hell. thats WRONG, read the bible man! It?s all there, forgive and forget. It?s not about following the rules or else you burn in hell, its only the evil people that go to hell.
Nice people get to heaven, even if the are sinners, there sins will be forgiven.

and those terrosists and leaders aren?t religious! they blame the bad stuff on there god so that the people will follow them! Are you blind, man?

And religion should not be mixed with politics, in fact religion shouldn?t get any support at all from the goverment and such. Religion is all about beliving, we don?t need anything else then maybe a bible to be religious.

It makes me angry seeing tax money go to the church, it?s just wrong.

I don?t go to church

and i live in sweden :glad:

And why does god allow suffering? Because we have our free will.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 15:49:38 UTC
in Now Playing Post #154625
Audioaslave - like a stone
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-26 11:59:28 UTC
in The Map Vault Review-a-thon Post #154604
Congrats rowley! You did win this so you must have done a great job!

@ Daubster: Thank you! Well my girlfriend was here so i didn?t have more time but im very happy with my 3rd place :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-25 20:39:22 UTC
in The Map Vault Review-a-thon Post #154515
Cool 3rd place ^^ That?s unexpected! :D I didn?t think i was going to be even top 5 ^^
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-25 15:36:30 UTC
in The Ultimate n00b Mapping Machine Post #154470

That sucks. so do hammer!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-24 22:20:09 UTC
in The Map Vault Review-a-thon Post #154387
Im pretty sure im not going to win this... Think i?ve reviewed 3 or 4 maps... And im not sure if they are any good... But atleast i don?t think im about to win and then get disapointed... :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-21 15:42:25 UTC
in Now Playing Post #153745
Audioslave - be yourself
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 19:59:58 UTC
in Christmas Post #153597
I like christmas, great food, gifts and some time without school...

I want
a wah wah
a new guitar

Likely to get
a mp3 player :/

Merry christmas
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-20 19:24:45 UTC
in The Map Vault Review-a-thon Post #153594
I don?t think i?ll win, i don?t have enough time so im just gonna review 5 or 6 maps i think... But atleast i can?t lose anything :)

what a bummer if you got suspended for like a week if you lose a competition
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-19 21:42:51 UTC
in What Made You a Mapper? Post #153320
Hmm... Well it was back in the days were i still played CS. I wanted to make fun and crazy maps. so i goolged around, found hammer... Tryed to map something, no success... googled... found TWHL and then i got better
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-19 20:18:08 UTC
in The Map Vault Review-a-thon Post #153309
Im in :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-19 17:45:16 UTC
in Now Playing Post #153261
bob dylan - oh, sister
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-19 16:56:55 UTC
in Jingle Bells hidden message. Post #153231
I hate this... A small text and then a link
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-13 04:45:30 UTC
in Get the Message? Post #151988
I love the cenversations!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 19:06:25 UTC
in hl sdk Post #151563
@rowleybob: If he don?t ask anything he?ll never be ready ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 18:58:58 UTC
in FGD Entity Creator Post #151559
Thanks you :glad: bend over and kiss muzzle?s ass
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 18:57:22 UTC
in FGD Entity Creator Post #151557
So i can have a bunch of different grunts :D Weee!
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 18:49:06 UTC
in FGD Entity Creator Post #151554
So this should be really usefull with that prog that the other dude made to customize the grunt code?
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-10 16:04:21 UTC
in New Dell - Comments? Suggestions? Post #151520
I have a Dell laptop! Dell is a great choice
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-09 20:55:33 UTC
in The Adventure of Tom the Headcrab Post #151400
OKAY?! You take that back this second!

it was great! simply great! amazing, stunning! AWESOME!