Hypothesis: Two similar scenes. The difference: one scene has 100 polys, and the other one 12800 polys
(almost 100 more polys... 12800 because it's easier for me to take this into consideration).
Let's assume a factor of coolness(
FOC). This factor of coolness increases by 1 every time the number of polys double and essentially represents the
"looks better by # amount". Now let's assume 100 polys has a default coolness of 1 ( very low). That means the 12800 polys room has a
FOC of 7.
From your statement:
What I mean, is that you can create a map which will look 100 times better than a map with 100 times more polys. It's all about efficiency.
I understand that the 100 polys map can have a FOC of 100, greatly surpassing the 7 of the 12800 polys(about 100 more polys). Holy shit, that means I can actually create a map with 100 polys that looks like one with 100*(2^100) polys?
My math scales the numbers badly, but you get the idea.