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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 08:24:16 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #183241
I hope you mean 'No New Poems' instead of no new posts, if not then you can smite me.. lol :D

Yea, though, how about pimping cars.. I'm pro at that! :nuts:

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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 08:21:38 UTC
in Hammer Vertex Manipulation Post #183240
Great.. I know the main thing that helped me along quite well was a class at school I took called Visual Arts.. this class included mainly drafted different views of objects.. which is very familiar with Hammer.. So yea.. coolios :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 19:57:19 UTC
in Hammer Vertex Manipulation Post #183198
hmm.. not sure there bud.. sorry..

Welcome to TWHL though. Hope you become a regular! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 19:53:03 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #183197
Perhaps your right Tosse. I'll continue the project. More Media soon.

Loading, and Console Screen:
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After thinking over the brightness problem, I have made a final decision.
I will include 2bsps of each map. 1 bsp with regular lighting, and another bsp with adjusted lighting for people with darker monitors..
I think that will make everyone happy.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 12:51:51 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #183153
well, 'a bit' is dramatically for these guys though. And if I dramatically enhance the brightness for those with dark monitors, then others such as Habboi will suffer tramendously. :

Heres two screenshots I took with my webcam.
Image will apear alot brighter, so I also took a picture to demonstrate this by taking a picture of my window:
User posted image
and heres a picture of my desktop:
User posted image
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Posted 18 years ago2006-06-01 12:14:49 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #183144
wow, I really don't get it.. my monitor is set up perfectly for every one in my family.. it's a fairly expensive monitor, but I still don't know why you guys have such trouble seeing it..

So, I'm really not sure if I should continue this project or not, if all it will give me is complaints.

My Monitor is not freakishly bright.. damn I wish I had a camera.. : Searchs for his webcam.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 21:09:32 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #183026
New Media!

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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 15:37:48 UTC
in Getting my map on here! Post #182958
Zeeba, I seen the same question, in the other thread and have answered it.. Please.. this is considered a pointless thread.. You only need to post a question once.. so please.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 15:35:26 UTC
in making a death match map Post #182956
alright, do you have a zip program, I highly recommend WinRAR.

Ok, so compile your map.. if all is well, locate the bsp file found in the mods map folder.

Make a new folder, and place that bsp into the folder. Include a readme.txt in it if you wish.. now right click on the folder that contains your map, and select 'send to' then Send to zip, or however it's shown.. this creates a zip file..
Now you got your zip file, but you will also need a screenshot.. Load your map, and either press F5, or Printscreen.. open up Paintbrush, or PSP(Highly recommended) Now either open the photo, or paste it in, and click save as, save it as a jpeg.. now go to the map vault, and upload it.. :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 14:36:01 UTC
in Rocket effect Post #182941
you can definetly do it with a cycler..but I never tried it, soo... sorry I can't really help you in that area..
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 14:17:09 UTC
in making a death match map Post #182935
ok, I'll explain.

Now, When you have ZHLTools, then just replace the 4 file, found in your '...programs/Valve Hammer Editor/tools/' (files include 'hlbsp.exe', 'hlcsg.exe', 'hlrad.exe', and 'hlvis.exe') Since you seem to have used the lights.rad file before, it should also be found in the tools directory.

if you have a custom rad file for a certain map, it would be as follows:
'' for example, would have 'dm1.rad' Or you can just use the 'lights.rad' for all your maps.

Now, the lights.rad file if opened in notepad shows all the color, and brightness levels of the textures.

So yea, first, replace all the ZHLTs in the hammers tools/directory..
Hammer automatically includes the light.rad file when it compiles.

If your not sure how the light.rad file works, it is as follows:
1.Name of the texture you want to admit light
2. Red color amount
3. Green color amount
4. Blue Color amount
5. Brightness

So in this case where I have a white light texture called '~light1bright'
then in the lights.rad file, once opened in notepad, you will write:
~light1bright 200 200 200 1000
Since we want a white light, all rgb values are high, and the same.. 1000 is the brightness of the light..

So that should get you started.. anymore questions, and I'll be glad to help. :)
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 13:39:57 UTC
in making a death match map Post #182931
ah, ok, cool.. your alot like me then Zeeba, I recently just started making DM maps also, and had the same question.. :D So, ya, just excuse Orpheus's gesture. :)
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 10:16:42 UTC
in Proximity sensor Post #182911
Spirit has a specific entity just for these that works wonders. It's called, trigger_inout..
This entity works so that, it triggers an object when you walk into the area, and when you walk out out the triggers area, it triggers an object.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 10:13:18 UTC
in making a death match map Post #182908
HA! You should have seen how bad I was starting off.. lol :D but now, I am should I say.. AMAZING! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 21:07:42 UTC
in making a death match map Post #182819
yes, just put your weapons and ammo in the map.(They will reappear in Deathmatch) And put 1 Info_playerstart, and then all your spawn points.. (info_deathmatch_player)
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 15:23:29 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182757
good one Hunter
haha, so thats how it's done.. good work Hugh
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 14:57:22 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182750
Noobs are dangerous,
Some are disasterous,
But if you catch one,
they're wizards under the sheets!
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 14:46:19 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182746
If Peter Frampton was in Half-Life,
Do you think, he'd still love his wife?
Perhaps maybe he'd just tighten his grip.
and on the toilet, let them rip
But If he had one choice,
to fall in love again,
I'm sure the alien nextdoor
Would'nt hesitate, and adore! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 14:35:29 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182743
I was in the middle of editing my post, I got two more:

Gordons my friend,
Alyx's my lover,
If only you knew,
You'd run for cover! :D

Jesus Loves you,
Jesus Hates you,
You Love sin,
You Hate sin,
But really,
Who the fuck cares!!!
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 14:30:04 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182741
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
you look like my dog,
so I'd never fuck you! :
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 12:04:43 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #182730
yea, but the lighting was fine there... oh well.. What color was the light?
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 11:15:10 UTC
in Multi_managers are not necessary Post #182725
wow what a pointless thread. It's obvious we won't use a multi-manager if it's not needed.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 10:59:47 UTC
in [WIP] Horror Map! Post #182722
I am bumping this thread. (hence the double post) Just wanted to let you guys know, this mod has stopped for a while, but is now back underway. Watchout for new screenies to be up soon! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 10:57:09 UTC
in Say 'hello' to Sienna! Post #182721
thats awesome Rowly, I became an Uncle 1 week ago.. great is'nt it! :)
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 10:54:45 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #182720
screwed-up lighting? how so? Screeny perhaps?
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 09:08:09 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #182710
Thanks Kasperg, your completely right.. I never brainstormed ideas before I started. I just, did whatever came my way.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 08:00:58 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #182704
I'd like mine.. I know the darkness effected it... I never had a problem with the darkness.. but other people have.. this is going to be a problem for me and creating my horror mod. If only there was a config file I could include for the monitor brightness... lol :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 18:16:01 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #182636
Best one I seen yet G-Kid, I pissed myself laughing, hahaha :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 17:10:07 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #182623
oh noes! Kasperg can tell I can't wait for the results, so he post that! I never placed!! :zonked: :aghast:
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 15:32:12 UTC
in HALO Half-Life Skin Post #182602
OMG, somebody should convert that to HL.. SERIOUSLY! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 11:15:37 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #182568
hahaha Habboi.. nice.. he cried like a baby!! :D
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 12:54:16 UTC
in Free ads in my map! Post #182414
Here Rednik:
Start-up song for your map!
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 08:32:07 UTC
in Competition 20 Post #182400
Results in today! YAY!
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-27 16:39:19 UTC
in Kasperg Projects! Post #182286
Kasperg, I sincerly suggest using Spirit for this, mainly because well, it's startrek, and the env_sky entity would be wicked for it :)
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-27 14:54:02 UTC
in Using GIMP to create custom textures Post #182257
I never used gimp, and never will, I'm a photoshop fan.. sorry
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-27 14:36:27 UTC
in 2006 Mapping competition. Post #182254
I'm entering, and hopefully with more than 1 map.. if possible.

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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-27 11:31:35 UTC
in texture transition on floor Post #182236
Same here seventh, although it's extra work if your not familiar with Photoshop.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 12:17:54 UTC
in Free ads in my map! Post #182153
I :heart: Scoutz'n'Knives
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 12:06:09 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #182151
yea, that works too. :D

Also remember.. Most textures can be your inspiration for architect, as ZombieLoffe has shown in his 'Detail' Maps.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 11:44:06 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #182149
Kasperg, I have noticed that when using Ctrl-M, when I go to rotate an object -90, it always rotates 1-unit to much.. watch out for this. Either use vertex-manipulation afterwards, or rotate it 90, and then 180. :)

Ctrl+M, can also be used for an assortment of things.. such as, if you had a Light_environment shining in one direction at a 45 degree angle, and you want a fade showing a sunbeam, then make your brush with the fade textures, and Press Ctrl+M, and rotate it to 45 degrees (Make sure which ever window your looking at is correct)

X/Y (Top) Is Z
Y/Z (Front) Is X
X/Z (Side) is Y
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 11:34:22 UTC
in Free ads in my map! Post #182146
those smilies are trippy to look at..
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 10:48:54 UTC
in Free ads in my map! Post #182142
haha, sweet, looks good Rednik
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 10:38:31 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182140
here guys, I got one... it's not through the template, but hey:
Its a Rant!
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 10:11:06 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182136
hahaha, Cricket.. Pwned
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 10:04:05 UTC
in Month of May Mini Contests! Post #182134
User posted image
All jokes aside Jimmi, It's time to stop.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 18:19:24 UTC
in mod icon dods Post #182064
This should be in the 'TWHL 3' Thead.
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 18:09:10 UTC
in Alpha One-Zero Post #182059
haha, last line Pwns!
"We're gonna toast whichever fucker killed our friends."
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 17:26:11 UTC
in texture transition on floor Post #182053
I'd clip, then put a border type brush 2-3units on top of the floor and ground.. (covering the crack)
      Grass______|__ __|_______Tile
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 17:24:50 UTC
in texture transition on floor Post #182052
I'd clip, then put a border type brush 2-3units on top of the floor and ground.. (covering the crack)
Grass______|__ __|_______Tile
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Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 17:09:03 UTC
in Alpha One-Zero Post #182048
yea I know.. I built his character well, because he's a sniper out there for the first time.. so he was a bit shakin' up. So yep.. it's ok though, I'll have to reappear later on in the story.. somehow, in a gruesome way.. lol :D But you did good Elon, I tried building there characters since it did'nt talk much about them in the first of the chapter. This story is going to be wicked. :D
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