Yeah, if you can somehow get away with stuffing the WAD files on there, and the FGDs, you're good to go ;D
FGDs are plaintext so you can copy-paste into an email and just remake a new .fgd file at werk or whatnot.
Well, I didn't exactly win, but once in the local store I found out that one of the 30~ cent chocolate bars was empty! So, I came up with this evil plan!I did that once with cereal. I poured milk on it and it went soggy =[ - So I wrote the company and they sent me more cereal :<
I bought the bar, went home and emailed the company about this horrible injustice. And ta-da! A 2 euro "gift card" soon arrived in to my mail box, accompanied with a signed apology from the company.
Got me almost a free coke off that.
Nvidia 6600GT - Evga 128mb running in VGA not PCI-EYou mean AGP ;]?
Ant, overclock if you can? I clocked back to stock speeds for troubleshooting BF2 and forgot to change it back and was getting ~14fps. Clocked the FSB from 133MHz to 166MHz and the resultant CPU speed from 2GHz to 2.3GHz, and it doubled.You play BF2 Seventh?
Rabideh, The green one looks awesomly hawt.Woot, someone likes it ^_^ - Ty :>
I hate leak free!Of course you don't. That's silly
The lighting is very unrealistic inside, thought, I think.Seconded. The fake bar decal thing should have slanted bars as well if the light is angled. It looks silly.
"CanonicalVector: Degenerate"That's a nasty one. Nothing to do with degenerate faces though =]
"You've combined brushes into a func_water that doesn't form a rectangle (or damn close to a rectangle). Func_waters are notorious for being STUPID. I got this error just combining two worldbrushes that made up an L shape into a func_water." If it isn't the water (most common), then check your triggers and other brush entitys, odd shaped/illegal trigger brushes can also cause this error.
So your saying it was banning everyoneEveryone with that hostname.
Webdesigning isn't coding.True, I'm a complete nub and I can make a hawt website (but its all imagemaps so ZL pwns me~)