Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2009-03-20 03:30:08 UTC
in Very strange problem when running map Post #264340
Okay, sounds good. I'm sorry to seem like such a newbie, but what exactly is texture lighting? Is that just getting the texture light and making it an ent?
Texture lights are textures that emit light in-game. If you go into the folder where you got the compile tools you should have a file called lights.rad, you can open up that file with a text-editor like Notepad. The file lists all textures that should emit light. You can add or remove textures in the list to control which textures should emit light.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 09:29:49 UTC
in Very strange problem when running map Post #264292
Are you using latest version of Zoner? (3.4)

Also, post compile log.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-19 03:14:00 UTC
in Very strange problem when running map Post #264280
Use the point-file to find leaks, "Map" ---> "Load Pointfile" and load the .lin-file with the same name as your map. Follow the line and see where it goes outside the map.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-18 09:53:38 UTC
in Very strange problem when running map Post #264245
If I were you I would delete that map and start over again. The map is really shabby. And are players supposed to be able to go under the map? If not, you should try to make a better sky:
User posted image
That will improve performance and shorten compile time.

And why did you make the ground 1 unit thick!? I see no reason for doing that, it just makes aligning brushes a nightmare having to zoom in/out all the time.

As I said before, compile the map with VIS and RAD on. Without VIS the game will render the whole map at once, which in your case, probably causes the game to choke.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-17 03:40:32 UTC
in Very strange problem when running map Post #264210
Was that the whole compile log? Where's vis and rad?
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-16 08:11:02 UTC
in In game Crashing Error, and Max Faces Post #264164
How are you compiling the map, from Hammer or by using a batch-file? You should compile with a batch-file, that way, Hammer doesn't need to run in background which will free up some RAM for the compile tools to use instead.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-15 08:40:48 UTC
in In game Crashing Error, and Max Faces Post #264143
You forgot to run hlvis.
Posted 15 years ago2009-03-06 04:07:18 UTC
in Looking for a coder Post #263860
Oh noes!
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 12:16:56 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263449
Create a trigger (e.g. trigger_multiple) inside the func_breakable (make sure people can't reach it while the box is still solid), set the trigger_multiple to trigger the gpe (don't forget to check the "Use only"-flag in the gpe).
Posted 15 years ago2009-02-28 10:37:33 UTC
in game_player_equip crash Post #263442
func_breakable has a "Spawn on break" if I remember correctly, use that to set whatever weapon should spawn when it breaks.

gpe doesn't seem to work with func_breakable, although it seems to work perfectly fine with "trigger_"-entities. (don't forget to check the "Use only" flag in the gpe)
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-18 16:48:44 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #262928
I think this is even better:
Depends on the situation/map, too low sky will give troubles when the players want to throw grenades high in the air. The middle sky-brush could be a good idea as long as players can't get up there.
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-18 14:57:31 UTC
in GoldSource Mapping Tips Post #262926
This one has been brought up numerous times before, but this time it comes with some visual stimulation:
User posted image
(The right one is how a correct sky should be created.)
Posted 16 years ago2009-02-01 07:36:08 UTC
in HINT Post #262214
Posted 16 years ago2009-01-05 08:49:00 UTC
in Switching Sides Round after Round Post #261133
The editable project-file for awp_l337sk337 is available to the public:
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-29 07:54:02 UTC
in Geometry_problem Post #260709
So btw, what's that command useful for ?
Command reference
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-22 09:19:58 UTC
in The ultimate 3D selection problem soluti Post #260413
If you're using Win XP there's a better solution:
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-21 12:13:17 UTC
in A couple of questions Post #260393
4.In Wally: "Wizard" ---> "WAD Merge"
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-21 10:30:52 UTC
in A couple of questions Post #260388
2. The "Lip"-value in func_door controls how far the door moves. '0' is default and means it travels its own full length in a direction. A higher positive value will make the door travel shorter and a negative value will make it travel farther than its own length.

4. It's in zhlt.wad, you usually get that wad together with the ZHLT compiling tools, place the wad in your cstrike-folder then add it in Hammer.

5. By default the player will face "east" in the "top (x/y)"-view. Change the Yaw-vaule to make them face another direction.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-19 11:32:48 UTC
in Looking for a cs fdg. Post #260274
What version of Hammer are you running? As long it is 3.4 or later it should work. If not, you're installing the fgd incorrectly, as I said earlier:
Then you didn't install it correctly. You need to unzip all the contents of the zip-file into your Hammer "root"-directory.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-19 07:17:12 UTC
in Shadow Conspiracy Post #260267
Doesn't latest version of Half-Life support env_rain?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 18:22:42 UTC
in door problem Post #260168
Maybe it's something with the door? You want the door to open upwards, right? Then you need to go into the properties of your func_door, under the black "Yaw"-compass you got a little drop-down menu, choose "Up" there.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 13:00:34 UTC
in door problem Post #260155
yeah, but when/if I manage to get this to work I'll...
Take it one step at a time, you have to learn how to walk before you can run. If you don't have a game_team_master yet then you should not give the buttons a targetname yet.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 12:29:46 UTC
in door problem Post #260150
zhlt_invisible should be 0, or do you want the buttons to be invisible? :S

Also, don't give them a targetname.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 10:10:31 UTC
in ghost models Post #260144
You probably wrote in the wrong file-path to the model in your cycler_sprite. You have to use relative paths, e.g. if you have a model in:


then the filepath to the model in your cycler_sprite should say: models/pine_tree.mdl
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-17 05:19:58 UTC
in Please Help... LeafThread Crash Post #260136
Too much detail, VIS is choking. Overall, you need to make the geometry less complex.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 20:00:43 UTC
in door problem Post #260093
What have you entered in the properties of your func_button?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 18:26:44 UTC
in door problem Post #260088
erm... that's exactly what I did
No, in the map you posted, the buttons target a multi_manager. Why not just target the gate directly?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 11:50:09 UTC
in door problem Post #260056
Could you post the compile log?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 09:59:54 UTC
in door problem Post #260046
I can't reproduce the buggy lightning when compiling/running the map on my machine. Are you sure all four compile tools(CSG,BSP, VIS and RAD) are running correctly? And what version of ZHLT are you compiling with? (I used ZHLT 3.4 final with all the compiling tools set to 'Normal')
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-16 09:00:18 UTC
in Looking for a cs fdg. Post #260043
I tried both of them, still only have coloured blocks to show ent's.
Then you didn't install it correctly. You need to unzip all the contents of the zip-file into your Hammer "root"-directory.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-13 12:22:09 UTC
in door problem Post #259886
About the "empty entity"-error: "Map"--->"Entity report...", at the "Filter"-settings choose "Brush-entities" and then just select the first entity in the list and press the "Go to"-button, the entity should get selected in the 2D/3D-views, if nothing gets selected then that entity is "empty" and can be deleted(press the "Delete"-button).
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-13 10:05:15 UTC
in door problem Post #259882
Is it a custom texture?
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-08 12:40:49 UTC
in gold source doesnt work Post #259584
It looks like your hammer/wally windows are showing through to the game screen?
Uh... I think he edited the pictures in an image-editing program(MSPaint, Photoshop, etc) intentionally so all relevant information would be in one picture...

Also, check the console for any errors when the map has loaded.
Posted 16 years ago2008-12-01 11:45:05 UTC
in Editing entities in .bsp files Post #259271
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-24 13:43:46 UTC
in OpenGL VS Direct3d and software. Post #259006
OpenGL is the recommended graphical-mode for Half-Life and I think that is what most people use.

Also, this might as well be a hardware/driver-problem on your side as I don't see any big differences between D3D and OpenGL.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 16:37:54 UTC
in Running Hammer with steam Post #258988
Post your zhlt-compile log...
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 14:59:47 UTC
in Running Hammer with steam Post #258981
It means im already using zhlt and I still have my problem, i'll try to post some pictures of my build configurations and build programmes
Post your compile log instead.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-23 06:20:37 UTC
in Running Hammer with steam Post #258960
Edit: I just downloaded the compile tools and Im already using zhlt to compile my game
Should we take this as you've fixed your problems?

Also, ZHLT compiles your map, not your game.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-22 06:10:48 UTC
in Compile problems Post #258888
Do you have multiple hard drives? This can sometimes confuse the compile-tools. If you have multiple hard drives, move the compile tools to the same hard drive you have the game installed. (Then you of course need to change Hammer's settings in the "Build programs"-tab so the filepaths point correctly to the new location of the tools.)
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-21 06:12:56 UTC
in Compile problems Post #258832
Of course you need to change all your settings so Hammer points to Steam HL, Hammer 3.5 doesn't auto-configure itself like Hammer 4 does...
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-20 12:55:30 UTC
in Hammer Crashes When Compiling Post #258784
Killer-Duck, use the compilator.
No, I don't.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-19 17:34:02 UTC
in Problems running .bsp files through stea Post #258763
How to autostart Steam-CS after compile: In Hammer, go "Tools" ---> "Options...", the tab "Build Programs", make sure "Game Executable" points to Steam.exe

Then when you wan't to compile your map in Hammer, go "File"--->"Run"(F9), then enter Expert compile mode by pressing the "Expert"-button(it only works in Expert-mode!). Under "Compile/run commands" select "?game_exe" in the list and add:
"-applaunch 10 +map $file" in the "Parameters"-box. Then just press "Go!" to compile.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-19 15:27:28 UTC
in Problems running .bsp files through stea Post #258751
The lightning maybe is because you have different brightness-settings in the games?
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-19 10:18:48 UTC
in Hammer Crashes When Compiling Post #258738
How many wads have you added in Hammer?
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-16 09:09:59 UTC
in Entdata optimizer Post #258599

"Optimizes the entities in compiled maps, allowing you to include more entities and also reduce network traffic."
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-16 07:36:37 UTC
in Entdata optimizer Post #258597
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-11 16:43:02 UTC
in random leaf saws Post #258376
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-08 14:45:31 UTC
in Cannot vis the map. Post #258274
But in the hlbsp parameters has only the "$file$path"...
Could you post a screenshot of your expert-compile settings?
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-08 13:04:57 UTC
in Cannot vis the map. Post #258270
** Executing...
** Command: C:\ARQUIV~1\VALVEH~1\tools\hlbsp.exe
** Parameters: "cs_conutc:\arquivos de programas\valve hammer editor\tools"
You've fucked up the parameters for hlbsp.
Posted 16 years ago2008-11-01 06:31:34 UTC
in Strange Leaks Post #257990
It failed me a month ago. It didn't help a shit.
Then you don't know how to use it properly.