Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-10 07:15:55 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #65183
k, will do...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 08:46:07 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64827
Hehe thanks for your positive comments - mucho appreciato :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 14:45:42 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64673
...oh well, atleast jumbot works well on it :|

Maybe when hl2 comes out I'll convert it...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 10:45:21 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64624
that'd be german
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 09:53:30 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64603
lol Mephsus, good name! - Why dont you make a map entitled Mephsus? - I'll help If you want :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 09:46:05 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64600
In your map? :|
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:35:22 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64550
...nor do I to be honest, sorry loffe
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:11:44 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64544
Why hlsp? How could Nexus fit into a sp scenario?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 16:04:59 UTC
in Nexus Released! Post #64535
I managed to release Nexus, I apparently rid the map of any errors, so you should be able to have a look.

You can get it from the map vault or from my site:

I hope to frick it works!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:26:51 UTC
in This is amazing! Post #64488
Instead use a powerfull elctromagnetic field to warp the light or special meterial, wich allows the light to slide over it, instead being reflected.
- which is exactly how the Philidelphia experiement was carried out. The electromagnetic field is created using some sort of frequency amplifier. Wires were 'wrapped' around the entire ship which somehow gave off electromagnetism, rendering the ship invisible - somehow disappearing into a 'green mist'. Only problem is, when the ship reappeared, most of the crew were set on fire, some went insane, and some were embedded into the steal hull of the ship.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 11:23:20 UTC
in Cant find filesystem dll to load! Post #64449
Its ok, I fixed it. The problem was that you have to set the .exe to Steam.exe rather than hl.exe
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 11:20:21 UTC
in This is amazing! Post #64448
No, but it is a link to a site which contains info on the montauk project, and the philedelphia experiment. (A US naval vessel had been rendered invisible using frequency technology researched at the Montauk facility in New York.) This was years ago, how advanced do you think they are now? (covertly?) - The Stealth Bomber is said to be able to transform itself to optically invisible and not just radar invisible, using Montauk technology. (Montauk was funded by the billions claimed from the Nazi gold train)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 09:09:36 UTC
in Cant find filesystem dll to load! Post #64414
Every time I compile a map nowadays it keeps saying it cannot find the right filesystem dll to load! It's really odd! Anyone know the source of this problem?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 16:51:23 UTC
in Horror map sequel anyone? Post #64109
Good stuff. Good stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 16:02:03 UTC
in Horror map sequel anyone? Post #64095
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 10:55:27 UTC
in Horror map sequel anyone? Post #64007
Definately make some more Nightmare maps WCD. Make loads of different nightmares!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 10:54:14 UTC
in REAL horror (redone) Post #64006
I'd like to say "wow", very good horror map WCD. I enjoyed the part where the screaming picture shoots towards you. Excellent stuff.

You could have a hallway that seems to just extend forever!

Oooh, I like it! Well done WCD! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 06:18:14 UTC
in REAL horror (redone) Post #63811
Those screens you posted p_a_l look very much like alot of GTA textures and models etc. Good
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 08:13:57 UTC
in My new site is up Post #63358 one :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 12:27:09 UTC
in My new site is up Post #63197
Yea, pretty hard to learn I guess tho.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 10:37:25 UTC
in My new site is up Post #63153
I'm actually making my own site currently using Dreamweaver :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 08:47:04 UTC
in My new site is up Post #63122

...Do you really think I would pay for a dumb site? I dont even have any wep page makers like frontpage or dreamweaver. Besides, if I do get something like frontpage or dreamweaver I will definately make a better site with MY own graphics. I'll probaly use .tk.

...For now though, it'll have to do... :
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 08:13:27 UTC
in My new site is up Post #63109
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 13:16:02 UTC
in Funny pics! Post #62954
lol! :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 13:05:20 UTC
in REAL horror (redone) Post #62952
Especially been as they contain 'hidden satanic messages'
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 12:09:09 UTC
in Y HELO THAR Post #62941
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 11:04:15 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62919
/ x 2
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 10:13:39 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62913
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 10:13:39 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62914
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 09:36:51 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62906
Yeah, it doesnt matter now. I think I'll just get a simple 'spam-as-you-will' guestbook in 6 days time. Not to worry.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 08:53:32 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62902
Don't suppose anyone is willing enough to set me up a forum? I am a n00b when it comes to website jargon, and it would be better if I had a forum. I cant stand the thought of waiting seven days just to get a guestbook. :
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 07:54:05 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62898
Ok, cool :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 07:49:20 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62896
Of course Mephs, you know I was going to do that anyway!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 07:29:04 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62891
I couldn't give a fck if its a freeweb or not, do you honestly think I wanna pay for the priveliges? Get lost! :x
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 15:14:38 UTC
in This is amazing! Post #62763
Invisibility was achieved in the Philedelphia Experiment
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 14:45:10 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62751
...template :confused:

Oh well, I dont mind that template.

Cant seem to understand why it suddenly began using all the '?' s.

I'll figure it out, some day I guess.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 14:41:28 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62747
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 14:36:29 UTC
in My new site is up Post #62743

(It's in the beginning stages at the moment -- tell me what you think and give us some suggestions)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 10:28:56 UTC
in Sorry but I couldn't hold this in Post #62693
2 troo.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 10:06:21 UTC
in Sorry but I couldn't hold this in Post #62683
WCD, heres a tip. When making realistic stairs, pavements, or bits that generally are slighlty above the ground, never size them to 16 units, even though the half-life stair textures are at that size, dont. The reason I say that is because it can look very ugly and bulky, and not many cities tend to look like that. Always use at least 8 units instead. Looks alot more sleak, stylish and adds that 'I-know-what-I'm-doing' element to your maps.

Also, try to avoid just using plain ol' big blocks as buildings. Add interesting detail, like ledges, columns (if necessary), steps leading down below the pavement to a locked door, maybe even some roof detail. OK, the r_speeds may increase, only if you go over the top.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 09:57:21 UTC
in Deleting your topics, possible? Post #62674
If you dont want your posts to be deleted let Andy know :x
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-28 09:54:31 UTC
in Y HELO THAR Post #62673
Tip: Compliment us because we rule :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-27 18:38:06 UTC
in anyone here map with other stuff Post #62500
I have mapped for StarCraft as well, and used Final Sun for CnC TS
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-27 17:16:31 UTC
in anyone here map with other stuff Post #62477
I hate Unreal Ed. Its impossible. I map for Morrowind sometimes.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 17:14:31 UTC
in Real Funny Bill Hicks Routine Post #61511
...patriots...tuts :roll:
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 11:47:33 UTC
in Steam updated and now nothing works Post #61388
Basically, Steam is sh*t and do not be suprised if it bollockses up.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 17:31:33 UTC
in Strange Underground Disappearences Post #61276
...why not?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 17:28:27 UTC
in Strange Underground Disappearences Post #61274
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 15:18:14 UTC
in Strange Underground Disappearences Post #61215
...they were never found. The government's official statement was that the 30 children, guide and techers were crushed by a clollapsed wall, yet there were no signs of any remains, no bodies were even found yet a complete search part had ventured into the underground. A rope that the tour party used to navigate through the cave system was however discovered severed with a clean cut with no evidence of perhaps a falling rock breaking the rope. Legend has it that the wailing and screaming of the missing children were heard throughout the entire Island underground, but no-one could trace where the screams were coming from. Quite a fascinating case this.

I've actually been to Malta aswell and seen lots of cavern entrances and catacombs, tunnels, and holes leading to places. What I thought was quite strange was the entrances I used to see in all round the place that seem to be in in-accessable areas. If only I knew about this then, I would have loved to see the mentioned area above. - I just wouldnt mess with those humanoids though!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-22 08:22:03 UTC
in Strange Underground Disappearences Post #61123
Reports of humanoid creatures at the Malta Hypogeum?

Local News

Web posted on April 11, 2004 at 9:30:00 AM CET
'The mystery of the Hypogeum'

Staff Reporter

The following excerpt, taken from an obscure webpage favoured by the searchers of the esoteric, speaks about the mysteries of the Hypogeum in Malta. We offer this as an interesting provocation, in the mode of the Von Daniken books, exhorting those who have any clues to add to points made, to write in reply.

The burial place known as the ?Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni?, was so named after the street under which it was discovered in the early years of the last century. Hypogeum is the Latin name for an underground structure. (Many experts believe it was orginally built as a temple of worship and should be recognised as the eighth wonder of the ancient world.)

Near the floor of the last chamber, in the third and last (officially recognised) sub-level of these ancient catacombs, there are a small number of so-called ?burial chambers?. These are only a few feet square and situated right next to the floor. In fact one must get on one?s knees to look into them. These ?burial chambers? are just large enough for one to crawl through. It has been rumoured for years that one of these ?burial chambers? does not end, but continues into deeper and unexplored caverns beyond.

This, according to certain sources, was the subterranean passage and chamber referred to in an article which appeared in the 1940 August issue of the National Geographic magazine. The article stated the following concerning several people who disappeared in these catacombs without a trace:

?Many subterranean passageways, including ancient catacombs, now are a part of the island?s fortifications and defence system. Supplies are kept in many tunnels; others are bomb shelters. Underneath Valletta, some of the underground areas served as homes for the poor. Prehistoric man built temples and chambers in these vaults. In a pit beside one sacrificial altar thousands of human skeletons were found. Years ago one could walk underground from one end of Malta to the other. The government closed the entrances to these tunnels after schoolchildren and their teachers became lost in the labyrinth while on a study tour and never returned.?

The story, however, goes much ?deeper? than the National Geographic article indicates. Other sources say that about 30 children vanished in these catacombs on a study tour, and when the ?Hypogeum? was first discovered nearly 30,000 human skeletons of men, women and children (victims of ancient sacrifice to the ?underworld gods?, performed by an old Neolithic race) were discovered as well.

One article written by a -, at the time an employee of the British embassy and later secretary of the New York Saucer Information Bureau (better known as NYSIB), appeared in an old issue of Riley Crabb?s Borderland Science magazine, published by the Borderland Sciences Research Foundation (B.S.R.F.) and was later reprinted in full in Dr Allen?s book Enigma Fantastique.

Miss - claimed that she visited Malta and also the Hypogeum ? once before the tragic disappearance of the children and shortly after. She described how on her first visit to the catacombs she finally convinced the guide to allow her to investigate one of the so-called ?burial chambers? near the floor of the last chamber in the third sub-basement, the supposed ?end? of the Hypogeum tour.

He seemed to know something she didn?t, but finally consented and told her that she could enter at ?her own risk?. As she did so, candle in hand and her loosed sash used as a guide rope for her friends who followed behind, she crawled through the small passage and eventually emerged into a large cavern, where she found herself on a ledge overlooking a very deep, seemingly bottomless chasm.

Below, and on the other side of the chasm, was another ledge which appeared to lead to a doorway or tunnel in the far wall. We realise that what happened next might sound unbelievable to many who read this, but we ask them to draw their own conclusions as to its validity. Miss - swears that what follows really happened.

She claims that out of this lower tunnel on the far side of the chasm emerged, in single file, several very large creatures of humanoid form but completely covered with hair from head to foot. Noticing her, they raised their arms in her direction, palms out, at which point a violent "wind" began to blow through the cavern, snuffing out her candle. Then, some ?thing? wet and slippery (apparently a creature of a different sort) brushed past her.

This all happened just as the person behind her was beginning to come out of the passage and into the cavern. They could not understand her panicked attempts to get back to the ?Hypogeum? room, but they consented after she insisted. When they found themselves back in the Hypogeum chamber, the guide saw her expression and gave her a ?knowing? look.

About a week afterwards, news about the disappearance of the children and their teacher(s) broke out. On her second visit she saw an entirely new guide who denied that the other guide had ever worked there, and surmised that this new guide was hiding something.

She learned from more cooperative sources however, that this was the tunnel which the children and their teacher(s) and possibly the old guide, had entered. She also learnt that after the last child had made it through, the walls of the small tunnel just ?happened? to collapse or cave-in.

Although the official version stated that the walls caved-in on the students, search parties were never able to locate any trace of the teacher(s) or the children, although the rope they had used to fasten themselves to the lower Hypogeum chamber was found to have been cut clean by something sharp (not falling rock).

It was alleged that for weeks afterwards the wailing and screaming of children was heard underground in different parts of the island, but no-one could locate the sources of the cries.

As for the catacombs under Malta itself, there are some ancient accounts which say that deep caverns under the island continue underground beyond the shore, and, according to one source (that is, the ever elusive ?Commander-X?), part of this labyrinth stretches hundreds of miles northwards and intersects with catacombs underneath Rome (the hill Vaticanus?) or at least did so in ancient times...

Useful Links:
(A thread topic that includes some great photos of this place)
(3D Illustration of catacomb area etc)