Forum posts

Posted 13 years ago2011-07-12 14:00:46 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296542
I am aware that I'm repeating things I've said before, but only because I've never gotten an answer to these basic questions.
If it's antagonistic, it only proves that religious people are scared to think for themselves, because such simple questions should not provoke an angry response. If they do, I should not be held responsible, because that's not the response I want.

More inflammatory points are made in a debate about dish soap and nobody censors those discussions. Religion should not be treated as a sensitive subject which is hidden away, and you should perhaps ask yourself why it is.

I'm genuinely sorry if you feel that I'm deliberately trying to provoke an outburst. I absolutely am not, but these topics must be discussed. If they're not then nothing will ever change.

I will admit that my addressing of NineTnine at the start of the post is harsh, but it's in response to several of his posts and I feel it's only fair to respond in a similar manner to the way he posted.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-12 13:40:09 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296540
NineTnine believes that some people can perform thought-based time travel because he read it in a book.
Know what else he believes in because he read it in a book?
Take from that what you will.

I've said it so many times before - I don't have a problem with people who believe in God or I suppose even believing in an afterlife.
Some people need that reassurance and I accept that.

But can someone religious please just answer this question in a concise, straightforward way:
Why won't you think for yourselves?! Why do you follow an organised religion which repeatedly gets proven (yes, proven) wrong on some matters? Not so long ago Christians thought dinosaur bones were either faked, or placed there by Satan to test their faiths. Even today, some people are still crazy enough to think that dinosaurs lived with man 4000 years ago.
With such obviously flawed views (and that was only one example) which most sane Christians are sensible enough to disagree with, why do you buy into the other stuff? If half of it is proven bullshit, why do you insist on believing the other half?
Why can't you say "Ok, this religion was made at a time when we didn't know enough about these issues. It's clearly not relevant today. I shall choose to worship my idea of god in my own, modern and relevant way."
If your god is merciful as you claim, why should it matter if you follow an actual organization which is a pile of bollocks more interested in control and money than the religion they spout.

My ideal world would have no religions at all. (READ! No religions, not no belief). They served their purpose since the beginning of mankind (pre-dating Christianity by a few thousand years I might add) but they have no place in modern society.
If people want to believe in a God, they should do so in their own way and choose to believe what they want rather than being brought up a specific religion.

Here's another question to you Christians:

Imagine you were born in Saudi Arabia, the centre of the Islamic faith. Your parents were Muslim and taught you about the Qur'an from a very early age.
Would you be a Christian today? Of course not, you'd be Muslim.

How is this different from being brought up in a Christian family?
You might think you made a choice at some point in your life to believe in god, but I bet a large number of you were brought up in Christian families.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-12 02:35:47 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296524
Most people who Attempt Time Travel get very injured or Killed. End of Story.
lol, wat?

I would love to read some documented cases of this. Link pls.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-11 19:55:01 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296516
I'm fairly sure the consequence of being sent to hell for eternity is supposed to be a way of forcing servitude.

Of course it's a pretty rubbish consequence since hell doesn't exist.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-11 18:15:52 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296514
he'd just use you for his own benefit and than throw you out like waste or make you serve him.
So, God then?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-11 00:36:00 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296488
i like how The Hunter has to justify himself afterwards.
I was responding to a specific point Soup Miner made in his post which he latterly edited regarding my response to CStriker.
I stand by everything I said to you, NineTnine, because I don't think those posts need justification.

Actual mind reading I'm sceptical about, but there are recorded cases of people, specifically twins, who have a certain sense of what someone else is thinking. They could be in separate sealed rooms and react to their twin's emotion, for example. It makes some really interesting reading.
I think a lot of the time subconsciously reading people's subtle facial expressions can often lead people to the same conclusions before anything is said aloud. Is this a form of mind reading?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-11 00:17:47 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296480
Yikes, it was meant as a bit of light-hearted banter. Striker and myself have had long discussions about the topic, and I knew he could take a wee sarcastic jab like that.
Calm down Soupy :o
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 23:58:52 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296475
Edit blocked:

Gotta say I disagree with this topic wrecking the thread. Finding meaning in the universe is absolutely deep thinking, and I genuinely find it intriguing to hear the attempted reasoning behind those who found meaning in religion.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 23:56:30 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296473
Appreciate that someone else noticed, but I already called him out on it, Crollo.

He also clearly didn't understand the rest of my post after the part he quoted, seeing as I specifically say that men of science admit they absolutely don't know 100%.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 23:35:09 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296470
atheists are allways too willing to pick holes in christian ideas and beat my creation/science opinions down to a pulp.
Haha, I love this.
Atheists People of reason pick holes in EVERY theory, religious or otherwise. If something doesn't make sense, you should find out why and find a solution. Madcow's elephant example works here.
If someone tells you that the grey elephant you're currently staring at is pink, should you simply say "Yes, you're right. I believe this elephant is pink." Or should you say "Hold on a moment, bloke. I happen to have these four encyclopaedias, independently written and cited by many different people of all walks of life. They say that elephants are grey, and using my own knowledge of colours, I would agree with those four observations."
PM me if you have any questions or insults, and i will answer them clearly.
Why? Why won't you answer questions clearly in the public domain of a forum?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 23:15:46 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296465
but you choose that theory over the others
Yes? I don't understand the point you're trying to make.
im not supprised that typically allready people have shot my ideas down.
They're not your ideas. They're your churches ideas.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 23:12:25 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296463
Can you please tell me when I said the big bang is "100% real"?

Also curious that you completely avoided answering Madcow's question:
What do you know about interpreting the bible? Did god himself tell you how to do it?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 22:49:53 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296460
The Big Bang is a fairly well established theory due to the available evidence. Scientists don't "believe in" the big bang - it's just a logical explanation unless further evidence is observed.

And there lies the difference between men of science and men of religion.
Men of science aren't arrogant enough to think they know the answer. They love being proved wrong as much as they love being proved right, and they're perfectly happy with the answer: "I don't know yet."

Men of religion stop asking questions. They're so arrogant that they think they know the answers already based on their religion.

That said, there are definitely two distinct branches of religious people. Literalists and Believers. Literalists are idiots, full stop. They genuinely think that God created Adam and Eve ~4000 years ago. They genuinely think that modern man walked the Earth with the dinosaurs. They follow stories and teachings which were only relevant 2000 years ago when they were written, because we knew much, much less about the world around us and writing stories to explain it made sense.

Believers believe in God, but only select parts of the bible which suit them. They have a very convenient method of being in denial about their own religion's teachings, for example the Adam and Eve story mentioned earlier.
Which begs the question, why align themselves to a specific religion at all? Why not choose to believe in God without following all the obvious bullshit that the church & other religious establishments spout?

I have a mate who calls himself a Christian, but only believes that there is a God. He thinks the bible is just as much fiction as I do, yet he still chooses to call himself a Christian. He doesn't go to church, he doesn't pray and he doesn't follow the teachings. He just believes in God.

That's fine, though; why not believe in god? It's a reasonable explanation for the universe existing. Just don't be so arrogant as to think you know even remotely what sort of being that "God" is.

I just don't get why he chooses to be titled as part of an organised religion which he so clearly disagrees with.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 16:10:43 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296436
It makes no sense to my logic, but... probably my logic is not good.
A Christian in denial? Surely not!
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-10 03:30:08 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #296427
Metal Gear Solid, the PS1 / PC game is undoubtedly one of the best games of all time. Shame about the sequels. (although I never played MGS3)
In terms of story, suspense and character drama it was years ahead of its time, and despite a few irritating boss fights, the gameplay was pretty good too. Had a lot of fun concepts.
One of the few games I would recommend you play with a gamepad rather than a keyboard and mouse, though.

Me and Madcow have been creating galaxies and solar systems lately in Universe Sandbox.
User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-09 06:10:37 UTC
in Deep thinking Post #296409
i wonder if, when we have more information about quantum particles, things like the tardis could exist in terms of being bigger on the inside than the outside. Talk of the hammer window being a physical 3D space made me think of the tardis.
Is it so farfetched? We've observed quantum particles occupying the same space at once...
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-09 00:35:04 UTC
in Im making a mod Post #296395
Top one is more accurate at replicating a heroin trip. Rooms extending infinitely, stretching and suchlike.

The second screenie is more like shrooms, as they're hallucinogenic.

All drugs can make you paranoid if you have a bad trip, but in weed (marijuana) it's unlikely unless you're actually smoking skunk (weed laced with nasty chemicals) and if you're stupid enough to smoke that then you deserve the paranoia.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-08 21:07:02 UTC
in In Search of the Lifia Post #296383
haha. It costs a lot of money to get your game published on steam.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-07 23:31:37 UTC
in Will L4D Work? Post #296342
not a chance, sorry. you'd probably struggle to run Source2006 on that, never mind l4d.
What's the clock speed on that cpu, btw?

integrated graphics are also a serious drawback, especially if you don't have much system RAM for it to rely on. Really only the brand new Z68 chipset mobo with the incredible Sandy Bridge integrated graphics system is powerful enough for modern games, and it's a lot more expensive than a conventional graphics card at the moment. (benefits are reduced noise, incredible power efficiency and easy cooling.)

Even that hard drive is barely enough for an OS and a few games. Temp files will result in really slow performance from it.

tl;dr: time for an upgrade.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-07 01:31:16 UTC
in Summer Camp Sale Post #296325
Yeah, I was trying to decide if he meant he already had L4D1, or if he bought it in the sale. If it was in the sale, you've been a silly person.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-06 15:23:08 UTC
in Minecraft Post #296310
can't see night time pics on my phone very well but it looks neat!
brendan, notch has openly admitted that future updates are based on existing mods. he credits the original creators. look at pistons for example.

as for this new server, my advice is to keep it private, anon. With the snc server, i pm'd the details to those who showed interest in it after i decided if they could be trusted or not. Just days after i made the ip public, stuff was getting wrecked. :-(
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-04 22:28:19 UTC
in TD IS BACK Post #296236
so only potatis has done any work on this in more than a month? And even then, only a retextured opp4 model?

Oh dear.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-04 00:25:55 UTC
in Minecraft Post #296206
i hardly think 'archie sux' is fair. i paid for that server for almost 4 months, and haven't even played on it myself for about 6 weeks.
i said it before: minecraft servers are really expensive because they use way more Ram than most games.
it hasn't had a whitelist for about 2 months so you could have joined ages ago...
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-03 17:39:11 UTC
in Desktops of July Post #296195
on holiday with no pc, so I'll just do my phone. got a great free ftp client app just for this and it's brilliant.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-03 06:52:12 UTC
in Get rewarded for mapping Post #296177
he mentioned the exchange rate being high in the original post. i really don't understand why people who clearly haven't even read the relevant information are even bothering to post. you're contributing nothing.

that said, i think you're more likely to get small paypal donations, just in terms of people using the service. maybe not on twhl, but sites like cstrike planet and fps banana which have a far larger user base might make it a wise idea to include a donate button.

Posted by Archie at 08:52am from Android
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-01 18:51:18 UTC
in Summer Camp Sale Post #296120
Valve complete pack, including portal 2 is £25. They're nuts. That's less than $50 US.
Shame I already own every single one of them :P
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-01 17:33:48 UTC
in Minecraft Post #296111
Your shitty computer barely being able to handle it is not proof that the game isn't shitty. It just means it's poorly optimised.

I, too, would love to see it done on a better, more stable engine.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-07-01 01:30:33 UTC
in Minecraft Post #296089
World file from the snc server was backed up tonight. I won't be doing it again. Final day of server uptime will be the 3rd of July, but whether or not it'll update in that time I don't know. Up to the server providers.

I'll make it available for download when I can be bothered uploading it.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-30 06:33:08 UTC
in Desktops of June Post #296055
I always thought it was weird that some people get turned on by drawings. I certainly wouldn't have a cartoon in some sort of sexual pose as my wallpaper - it'd be bloody difficult to explain to a real girl who might want to use my PC/laptop to check her facebook or whatever.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 14:31:54 UTC
in Minecraft Post #296015
Considering I don't actually play minecraft anymore,
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-28 00:12:16 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #295997
In terms of number of visible ents, texture memory and light faces, all my maps for TC are pretty close to the limit. It's bloody annoying, because I have to compile RAD with sparse and occasionally entities start disappearing and I have to start combining func_walls in an area which is horrible for optimisation.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 21:15:50 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #295991
Sorry, I posted a big description of the area on moddb and forgot that I haven't actually explained it on TWHL at all :P

This is the executive floor of the Black Mesa Central Administration Building. I'll post what I put on ModDB.
The executive floor of the Central Administration Building is full of laminate flooring, thick carpets and shiny glass. It reeks of excess and you'll probably feel no sympathy for the men who work here. Well, worked here.

This is the first evidence that the alien invasion is not contained to the Anomalous Materials Lab. The admin building has begun to succumb to the onslaught of aliens and military alike, as both forces struggle to gain a foothold in this major Black Mesa location.

The player will have to decide whether the enemies are worth the ammo, as a valid tactic here is to hope that the two deadly forces are too distracted fighting each other to waste much time chasing the player. Don't bet on it, though.

Pacing and atmosphere are the key words here, as careful sneaking and puzzle solving will be peppered with short, intense moments of extreme action. As always, I really, really appreciate any and all feedback on my work, so let me know what you think! If you think something looks rubbish - it probably does and I've overlooked it, so please tell me about it! :)
Also I think the bright wooden floor texture is a bit too bright and clean.
Fixed. Thanks for the suggestion :)
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 19:11:34 UTC
in Post your screenshots! WIP thread Post #295986
User posted image
Different angle of the same scene shown earlier, with slightly reworked lighting.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 16:07:21 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295977
What do you mean you don't trust it? It uses paypal, which is secure. is my hosting provider.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 08:26:27 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #295971
I can only assume you're trolling again. Nobody can seriously miss the point that extensively.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 07:26:50 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #295969
I'm not a photographer. I'm a video camera op. The point I was making is relevant regardless of whether you're shooting video or stills - A camera can produce good looking work, but how comfortable it is to use and how capable it is in various situations is extremely important.

Seriously crollo, I sometimes wonder if you're even capable of dressing yourself.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 06:40:11 UTC
in Now Gaming: ... Post #295966
I must try Amnesia again. I gave it a very brief shot and just got bored, but everyone else who played it seems to think it's brilliant.

Also, how is this not a new page yet? God damn, so many images.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 06:38:20 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #295965
That top picture has had more post-production done to it than The Matrix.

You can't judge a camera based entirely on the photos it's capable of producing. When it comes to finding the right camera, it's largely about usability.
DSLRs like the Canon 5D are extremely popular at the moment for shooting video because they have a ridiculously massive sensor, and fit standard stills lenses. They can produce absolutely beautiful shots, but they are a fucking nightmare to work with.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 02:49:19 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295958
You don't give a shit about people until they're about to die?
Explains a lot, Crollo.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-27 00:31:22 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295953
£40 for 3 months. (about 75 US dollars.)
Considering I don't actually play minecraft anymore, I'm not willing to pay it on my own.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-26 21:44:59 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295948
Sure. Donate
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-26 15:16:53 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295934
Cartograph G, actually.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-26 14:53:56 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295932
Fly up very high with noclip and press prnt scrn
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-26 13:52:22 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295927
SnC World 1 Direct Download

SnC World 2 Direct Download
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-25 22:58:47 UTC
in In Search of the Lifia Post #295903
My reaction as well. That made so little sense.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-25 22:44:53 UTC
in In Search of the Lifia Post #295899
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-25 22:13:35 UTC
in In Search of the Lifia Post #295896
Hey guys, you should take him seriously. He's made an official game before.
User posted image
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-25 19:44:07 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295891
Don't fuck with other people's shit, basically.

Back when the server was busy, I backed up the server every night so that if there was any griefing only a day's work would be lost at most, but all the regulars got bored of minecraft, myself included.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-25 19:41:08 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295889
I'm the opposite. I get incredibly bored just playing with blocks. I like the RPG element.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 13 years ago2011-06-25 18:32:35 UTC
in Minecraft Post #295886
I left when I noticed Dimbark was on the server and that the Grand Central Station of the server had big holes where its roof should be. It made me question the decision of putting the IP in the public domain.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen