O-kkk we are set to jet MacGruber! CS:S wins with 4 votes. Final list of participatns(Plx let me know if you are in the wrong group and i'll update):
Group Team Mapping
1. Cap'n Terran
2. Archie
3. Ninja Defuse
4. Tetsu0
7. Dimbark
6. JoeBamba
7. Urby
8. Hotdog
This list will also serve as the mapping queue order. Instead of putting all the l33t mappers at the beginning, i tried to mix evveryone up by skill level, so maybe the more experienced guys can catch any errors the nubs might make.
When it's your turn to map, add whatever you want to the map and don't be afraid to layer your own stuff/detail over others work. Use whatever custom content you like, but just be sure to PackBSP it up When you are finished, and the materials/models/etc can be easily extracted using GCFScape.
Upload a link in THIS THREAD for the next guy in the queue.(posting in the thread allows everyone to get a sneak peak of progress and can more easily offer help and suggestions).
(any questions on using gcfscape or packbsp or anyting else, please don't be afraid to pm, catch me on steam, or of course post a question/concern in the thread)
Again, Everybody get's a 24-hour shot at the map, and after all have gone though once, we all get a second pass at it. Hopefully in a few weeks we'll have a really nice, finished cs:s map of some sort. It shall be very neat to see how the map evolves
When i get confirmation that everyone in the above list is still in, we can begin! =P
Group Died in Xen
Group Gsource Holdouts