Urby to Strider - 2009
Sweet holy fuck thats beautiful.
Urby to Strider - 2014To sum up, in the last 5 years I got me some punctuation.
Sweet holy fuck that's beautiful.
Urby to Strider - 2009
Sweet holy fuck thats beautiful.
Urby to Strider - 2014To sum up, in the last 5 years I got me some punctuation.
Sweet holy fuck that's beautiful.
But what is this "model scaling" witchcraft you speak of? Is that a SOHL thing?Ah yeah, it is now I think about it. Most npcs and env_models in SoHL allow you to assign new models and scale them. The model selected for an NPC is not showns in the 3D view, only the default and the scale setting is totally ignored in the 3D view.
depending if they have the pc that can run the gameJesus... it's 2014
Old games have charm because of the way they look and their limitationsExactly! This is why I love both low poly modelling and pixel art and games featuring these styles. I wouldn't want to try an upgrade them as such with fancy rendering and high poly models. I enjoy working on The Core but when I started I was pretty ignorant of Source and it's benefits and that's why I went with an HL1 mod. 6 years later, I'm starting to loathe working with GoldSource for The Core. However, I'm not about to fold it into some beefed up version of the engine with fancy graphics and shaders. That's how Duke Nukem Forever got started.