Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 15:45:58 UTC
in Favorite retro consoles Post #13424
dreamcast :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 15:45:14 UTC
in A little present to Andy Post #13423

Andy is a "main man" of the site ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 15:44:23 UTC
in Decompiling = Stealing? Post #13422
you as a mapper will be looked down on,
but if you did a good job, you will be forgiven

better hope that's a damn good map
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 15:42:17 UTC
in How much Cola do you drink? Post #13421
that stuff can't be very good for you...

water all the way ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-23 15:41:29 UTC
in Split the completed maps vault. Post #13420
Good idea actually, and have a something special for the SP maps later on...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:50:01 UTC
in Media Post #13320
that video used a really old hard to find codec..
MS RLE i think, good luck finding a good free prog to make those ...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:47:50 UTC
in 2 in 1 ? Post #13318
Organised Confusion ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:40:57 UTC
in The Matrix Online - Best game ever Post #13312
me dies :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:40:28 UTC
in Just wondering Post #13311
yes it would ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:37:48 UTC
in How much Cola do you drink? Post #13309
Same here - can't stand the crap
They use it to clean off blood off roads after car accidents over here
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:36:25 UTC
in Death Post #13308

One of my friends posted the exact same thread on my forums :o
Living a dual life seventh ?
Do i know you?
The horror!
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-22 17:34:24 UTC
in Pure Perfection in 2.3 Mb - "Someplace Post #13307
500 is an internal server error if my memory servs me right :

try looking for an alternative dload - this map was originally done for PQL:

and soon, the sequel to PQL : Issues will be released
watch this space ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:26:09 UTC
in 2 in 1 ? Post #13157
always good and prefix your entity names too -


helps you from getting confused later on
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:23:36 UTC
in Just wondering Post #13154

your blood is next

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:22:27 UTC
in Old twhl! Post #13152
damn who and who's kind?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:15:38 UTC
in creating a simple room Post #13147
brush by brush is a good way to start, but once you start spotting invalid solids from the 2d views you can move on to arches and carving out domes ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:13:00 UTC
in Gensurf19 prob* Post #13145
Yea, its MAP
And make sure gensurf has the right game in mind - HALF-LIFE
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:12:09 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #13144
have a look arround the place, you'll eventually come across them
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:10:20 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13143
its always handy to test your maps in software btw
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:09:20 UTC
in Media Post #13141
i think i know what you mean, its a sprite, you need to alter that, have a look at 640hud4 and 640hud5
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 16:07:41 UTC
in 2 in 1 ? Post #13139
carefull though, don't give same names to different entity classes, and expect the triggers to work
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 15:47:36 UTC
in Just wondering Post #13137
yes, i come here when you sleep and bite off a little piece of your moderatorship - then delete a random post and burn it and dance arround the fire
:D :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 15:45:02 UTC
in BRAT LORD Post #13136
Who cares?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 15:44:21 UTC
in Old twhl! Post #13135

its always wierd to see how much off topic posts can go...

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 15:43:17 UTC
in The Matrix Online - Best game ever Post #13134
the first matrix movie was the only one worth its cheeze in originality
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-21 15:41:25 UTC
in Can anyone else do this? Post #13133
Processed in an extraordinarily slow 613 milliseconds
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 17:55:42 UTC
in Osprey in Opposing Force Post #13019
why not try it out ?
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 17:47:49 UTC
in missing wad Post #13014
Once i get my res. x-change up...

watch this space ;)

Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 17:46:42 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #13012
um, don't change the entity name, like i said its that key only, i was just using that to describe the thing...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 17:45:44 UTC
in compling maps :/ Post #13011
short answer:
expert runs all tools
normal skips some, and should not be used for final compiles
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 16:45:31 UTC
in Just wondering Post #12990
i doubt that'll happen, TWHL is not a place like that

and besides, a new feature is on its way -that should sort out a few good maps
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 16:43:22 UTC
in Anonymous problem Post #12989
in IE6 this rarely happens, i haven't had a 'logout' in ages...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-20 16:42:41 UTC
in BRAT LORD Post #12988
no one should care or complain about their 'post count'
its silly
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:55:50 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12894
in theory, you can have moving ladders,

but there are snags, you don't move with the ladder just to name one

its actually the
value that determines what tha brush is, not the entity, valid ones are : ladder, water etc.. these have numbers like : -16

to use this
turn smartedit off, and add the skin key with the corresponding value

This is not a "new" discovery, if anyone bothered to read tommy14's tuts and the A.M. boards at the verc, you would have known this a loooong time ago ;)

and some randomness:
moving climable ropes ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:51:08 UTC
in murderer Post #12892
you can always use this .gcf explorer:
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:49:30 UTC
in Monsters in deathmatch maps Post #12889
in spirit you can toggle this, but in normal hl, only snarks and i think barneys (like in crossfire.bsp) work
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:48:16 UTC
in Osprey in Opposing Force Post #12887
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:47:01 UTC
in texture, "its all going wrong!" Post #12886
switch off [tl] for making rocks, that way, when you move them arround, the align. stay

if you use vertex manipulation, the texture behaves as if its off - even though its on...
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:44:53 UTC
in creating new textures... Post #12883
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:39:55 UTC
in hey? Post #12881
first of all its not php, its BB code and secondly...
achem.. read ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-19 17:28:39 UTC
in Why not? Post #12873
I ban people
how exactly ? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:27:15 UTC
in gay error when compiling Post #12724
make sure, when you compile, you run ALL tools
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:23:04 UTC
in 3rd Person Post #12723
the x-hair, yes, but you can start hl with any console command, for example:

hl.exe -dev -console +map c0a1 +sv_cheats 1 ..etc
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:21:01 UTC
in Cool new discovery! Post #12722
heh, there are plenty of those un-fgd'd values outhere ;)

for example, you could in fact, have a func_door_func_ladder
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:18:00 UTC
in Light beams Post #12721
redo those brushes..

it'll take less time to start from scratch, than to try and fix them
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:15:54 UTC
in missing wad Post #12720
i'm afraid those wads are not downloadable seperately
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:12:18 UTC
in creating new textures... Post #12719
and it is 16

get IrfanView too
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:09:11 UTC
in HEV suits Post #12718
in mp you automattically get an hev, a handgun and crowbar
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 19:02:17 UTC
in Old twhl! Post #12716
heh, read the about page ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-01-18 14:27:56 UTC
in Light beams Post #12618
Hmm, looks like a 'brush outside world' error to me...

check for any invalid solids