Youve played prime? Than If so, The ship is exactly the same besides minute details such as a curved black underline in the front and a few lines. And so are the doors and mood of the map the same. wt heck, gameplay is only judged in my entry because I included some... Your retarded. Sorry the doors hard to fit in, but thats the friggin scale it is in the real game and in the half life engine, im not going to make it bigger so you can fit your a in it! If you have to prove so hard that your judgement was right than obviously it wasn't. I felt like I had some competition with the zelda and starcraft entry but not with some random castle from a game ive never heard of. And terror's entry was late and he still placed above me. I don't give a crap that I lost, I just know now what kind of bullcrap I entered in the first place.
And this wasn't the first duel engine compo.