Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 17:32:59 UTC
in UNBREAKABLE TIP Post #112998
Yep.. exactly.. i thought the same thing seventh.. it's pointless.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 16:45:59 UTC
in moving cameras Post #112981
nope.. I think theres an option/flag called Follow Player. Try that.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 16:27:44 UTC
in UNBREAKABLE TIP Post #112978
Ya I was thinking about that.. but, there is'nt much to talk about... maybe I'll submit one to atom.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 14:00:45 UTC
in models Post #112943
..that is one sweet gun, I'd like to have one of those
Well you do have it.. don't

Use it for anything you want. ;)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:57:42 UTC
in Poll: Genres Post #112939
B, And A..

However.. I don't really like aliens.. If I was to make a mod, there would be no aliens.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:55:33 UTC
in UNBREAKABLE TIP Post #112938
Ever see the impressive reflective floors.. the ones that you copy, and paste the primitives and rotate them 180 degrees, and tie the floor too a func_wall.

But you still can't get the floor to look real?.. Try this:
Make two floors, 1unit thick, and put one on top of each other.
Next tie the floor on top to a func_wall.. with the properties set to this:
Render Mode::::Color
FX Amount::::::70
This makes the floor a solid color, black, yet almost invisible.

Now for the floor on the bottom, make sure it has a neat texture, perhaps of squares.
Set this func_wall to this:
FX Amount::::: 90

Now this will let you view the texture, only slightly invisible.

When done, you have a shiny floor that doesn't appear fullbright.
Happy Mapping!

Example Map:

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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:43:14 UTC
in Change_target Post #112933
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:42:39 UTC
in In game blood Post #112932
yep... And to start a decal invisible, just give it a name. To start it with decals visible, just put it in with no name.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:41:17 UTC
in Change_target Post #112930
Just use the fades to fade out, and fade in, and trigger another camera.. Thats what I do, and it works great for me.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:40:13 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112928
'Oh..Jesus..' Nemmerle muttered under his breath, barely believing what he was seeing.
I agree with that, as soon as I read this quote, I thought, what the hell, I'm pretty sure he would have known what was
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:22:53 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112920
Lets just keep it going..ok.. Gargly.. your a :P
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:15:55 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112916
Ya, if where going to do this, we got to stay focused. ;)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 13:14:40 UTC
in In game blood Post #112915
Decal tool can also be used, by clicking the texture, then the decal tool, and clicking in the 3D view window.. Then go to view entities, you will see the infodecal listed, click it, and then go to properties. ;)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 07:49:49 UTC
in Personal Vault. Post #112886
haha.. thanks... I'll email him.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 07:47:59 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112885
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 07:46:20 UTC
in Fraps Video Post #112884
If you ever seen the movie Equilibrium.. you'd know what happens.. although.. I don't have the guy running in.. I'd need new coded models for that.. so I just madi it a bit different. :D
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 07:06:04 UTC
in Fraps Video Post #112876
Check it out!

First Fraps Video made.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:46:57 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112871
I got it working, by running HL in Software Mode.. :

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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:28:42 UTC
in rounded... Post #112870
or triangles.. Triangles are fun! :P
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:24:07 UTC
in I need your photos! Post #112869
Reminds me of a couple pics of the gman I seen a while back from here...
who was it who made them?
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:21:56 UTC
in Can Barney have your faces? Post #112867
You should also probably get the side view as well.

Turn your head 45 degrees from the camera.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:19:57 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112866
Yep.. your right.. I don't have a good graphics card.. I need a Radeon.
and more memory, and a bigger harddrive.. Which I'll be getting this summer... so ya, my computer only looks good.. lol..Need it upgraded.. BAD! :P
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:16:38 UTC
in In game blood Post #112864
Oh and also in the example.. I made blood appear under him, exactly what you are trying to accomplish. :D
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:15:14 UTC
in In game blood Post #112863
Yes, open your Hammer-->go to options--> Textures--->add wad--->Decals.wad.

Once decals.wad is in your hammer.. Create an 'infodecal' (Hammer Entity)
Select the entity and view it's properties.
Click 'texture' And when you go to choose the texture press { to filter the decals.. look for a '{blood3'.. (or something)

Once you've selected the decal that you want, give the entity a name..
now once triggered the decal will appear.. so trigger it as soon as he lands.

Relize that in order for the decal to work it must be directly on the floor..
to easily do this.. click the infodecal entity from the list and then click in the 3D view window.. this will put it direct on the floor, or wall.

Check out this cool example bsp I made.. When the grunt lands on the pipe.. blood sprays up in the air.. I then triggered a infodecal to put blood on the overhead lights.
Anyway's hoped this helped. ;)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-06 06:03:31 UTC
in models Post #112860
I sent it.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 20:35:25 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112834
Alright, your up Gargly.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 20:34:29 UTC
in models Post #112833
I'll try to resend it then.. if not I'll add you to msn, and send it when your next online..
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:37:48 UTC
in RPG ADVENTURE #1 [closed] Post #112793
Ya, Bratty only comes once and a while.. thats whats causing the TWHLmix to be moving along sooo slowly.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:33:24 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112791
ya.. thats odd how it mess's up the colors. :
my avi file is pretty big, it's like over 14 MiB, and yours is only almost 2MiB.. weird.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:21:28 UTC
in I need your photos! Post #112788
Habboi, for your picture you should invert the colors of your avatar and then put it in a wad file, make the brush, tie it to a func_wall, with addictive set and 128 value set.

It would look cool.

Just a thought
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:18:01 UTC
in Tele Problems Post #112787
I had a problem like this for my Compo entry, so instead I created a invisible func_rot_platform (or whatever it's called) that spun you up into the air hitting the trigger teleport. Maybe you could try something like that..?
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:13:25 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112786
1.5! Geez mines only 879KiB..
Don't know.. imageshack only allows up to 1024KiB's
umm... Try deleting ever second frame to make it half the size.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 12:06:54 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112784
Check out this gif I made.. pretty pointless, but cool.
These are pretty old, I just messed around with them.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:59:31 UTC
in Blood. Post #112780
It needs to be coded.. the grey color of the sprite appears red in game for humans, and yellow when hit aliens.. it's coded... just as the hud color is.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:44:32 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112768
Don't think so.. however I can't run Half-Life 2.. but then again I don't see how this would effect this.. after all, you'd think it would start recording, but just lag alot if that was the case.

Besides I use a fps thingy in worldcraft.. it works fine.

(came with 3D GameStudio Pro)
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:42:00 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112767
ah.. I did many of those.. lol, especially making gifs.. so I know what you well ya it looks good.. you should save it as a gif and post it here.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:37:53 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112763
Nope, not working.. The program is very straight forward.. I don't understand why it won't work.. Heres a pic I made showing how I set it up:
User posted image
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-05 11:28:58 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112759
Nope no counter at all.. I'm going to try holding the hotkey in though.. just a sec.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 21:12:06 UTC
in FRAPS! Post #112644
I can't get it to trigger when I'm ingame... I press the hotkey, but nothing happens... Help would be great. :P
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 21:07:24 UTC
in what was your worse memory? Post #112642
I moved around from place to place, so I can't remember a thing since grade 5. It sucks.. but who
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 21:06:09 UTC
in models Post #112640
You have to decompile the model first.. but I would'nt do that.. and another thing.. Is that your correct hotmail addy.. I tried sending you the replacement weapon for the python.. but I got an error message sent to me stating blah blah blah to the following recepients...
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 16:40:47 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112617
What program did you use Gargly? For the lettering? I used animation Shop pro.. so I could'nt make cool art effects like that...
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-04 16:34:55 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112615
OK, checking.. by the way I meant
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 22:49:27 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112466
I was told that the wind effect made it look much better.. oh and as for the logo.avi, I've made many, and the avi file should be 600x100,
And it is perfectly placed when your in the game.

Trust me I know what I'm doing.. lol ;) :P
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 18:29:07 UTC
in Resetting Textures After A Texture Lock Post #112448
next time.. try these tags:
User posted image
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 17:49:48 UTC
in A room project... [HL1] Post #112442
My god.. Look at what you 'have started Habboi.

No offence grim.. but don't think you'll get many people.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 17:09:05 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112435
by the way heres the finished pic.
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 16:55:21 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112432
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 15:13:34 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112421
Here guys, I fixed it.. no title yet though. I NEED ANIMATION SHOP PRO!
User posted image
What do ya's think?
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Posted 19 years ago2005-06-03 07:48:26 UTC
in Half-Life: Hostage Situation Post #112396
Wicked, well, the splash entry will be updated. By the way, right click and save as 'splash.bmp' and put it in the appropriate folder, (gfx/shell..? or something.) and run hl, it looks sweet in-game.
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