Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-04-21 17:19:37 UTC
in A thought that struck me suddenly Post #280678

Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-21 16:09:51 UTC
in A thought that struck me suddenly Post #280676
It'd be a hardcore prank if SC2 was a joke.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-20 17:59:49 UTC
in A thought that struck me suddenly Post #280662
Grammar :zomg:
Nazi. Heil Spellcheck.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-20 14:03:50 UTC
in Exploitables anyone? Post #280655
Ok, since I don't really find funny things on the internet, I made a exploitable myself with some screenshot from Dr. Strangelove.
Let us see your imagination(I'm thinking of something too in the mean time...):
User posted image
The bomb picture is optional.
[EDIT] Actually, you can combine the screens to make however you want it.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-20 10:39:32 UTC
in Exploitables anyone? Post #280652
Boredom sometimes fills up the air....

Original image(hey, you can post your source, I'm not very talented at drawing so I found something cool enough to be exploitable on teh internets).
User posted image
Now comes my reaction:
User posted image
Post away!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-19 06:43:39 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #280617
Wow ummm.... that's some really heavy...metal.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-17 14:59:38 UTC
in Origins and Home Post #280595
may give you that the U.S. is "too much" of everything
USA is fat. Europe is balanced. Asia is skinny. Africa is undernourished.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-17 05:59:31 UTC
in Spot the Fracture Post #280582
Btw, I have some question about 2 of my fingers, because what I feel looks like in the image(that bulge). And hey, I think you could spare 2 minutes for me, ain't right doc? :biggrin:

A couple of months ago( I think in February), I had a fight with someone who wanted to brake a plate on my head. Luckily, I was fast, and defended my head with my right hand. That person put so much force that the plate broke on my hand(or should I say, bones...).
User posted image
Those are the parts where the plate broke, and made some serious incisions(lots of blood and this sort of stuff). Most serious one was that from the bottom, it almost chopped through the "wrist"(don't know medical terms in english) of the finger. Fortunately, the mobility was not affected.
But now I experience some after-effects: I can't hold weights in that hand because it hurts(ok I can, but only in some positions, and maybe not more than 20 kg). Also, some bulges have formed(they are almost visible, but I can feel them).
Is this something that will cure itself in time? Thank you.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-16 19:35:11 UTC
in Spot the Fracture Post #280569
Something seems to be not at its place on the upper-right part of the image.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-16 13:39:04 UTC
in A thought that struck me suddenly Post #280552
It's plausible. Hey, Garry's Mod was free until version 10, too!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-16 13:28:16 UTC
in Origins and Home Post #280548
See, you really are calling America "ahead" by not actively acknowledging that countries like France or Germany or England have local computer stores.
@_@. Here in Romania, for example, we have a truckload of computer stores. And a few quite popular ones that are mostly only online stores( but also having showrooms in big cities). Example, EMAG, online store for computer parts that has the most sales. This site also delivers for free(no transport taxes) since september 2009.

What's very sad(mostly for me), is that the electronics stores are not really developed. I mean, yes, there are stores and this kind of stuff, but most of them are oriented on old-stuff electronics. I really like these online stores in USA like "RadioShack" and all kind of projects that you can do from the popular "Make-Magazine". We don't have this kind of magazines in Romania(although we have IT magazines...). Since 2008 some resellers began to appear, this makes me optimistic. Know the "Arduino"? That's the kind of stuff that I like. There are already 2 resselers that I know of selling Arduino Duemilanoves(for 41$, kinda expensive for such a thing\for my money).

Also, guys who think that America is ahead in all domains, they really do a mistake(or are just too proud of themselves). USA is a great military force and an economic one too, but that's just one point of view. Europe is ahead of it with its history, culture, science research, monuments, and all kinds of other things.
But I'd really like to live in USA... it's a land of opportunity, and it'd be really great for my hobbies.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-15 12:37:59 UTC
in Origins and Home Post #280516
But he looks so cute.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-15 06:15:19 UTC
in Origins and Home Post #280513
My name is Luke.
Luke is sometimes too informative. He's generous.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-14 15:03:23 UTC
in Origins and Home Post #280496
Oh, forgot the actual topic...

So, my name is Hidden(we put family names first around here). Hidden is a generic name in Romania(family name), and in traditional language it actually means "priest". Hidden... well, it's an ancient roman name. Hidden also comes from a roman word meaning "olives".
I know my grand-grandfather fought against Germany in the WW2. I don't know much about my family past, but from the locations my parents are coming I may have Russian and Hungarian roots. But I'm just saying that based on my parents childhood locations, I don't know that. I may just be Romanian.
I live in a small village in the northern part of Romania. We have beautiful climate here, and the nature that surrounds us is also pleasant. I lived here for my entire life, but things will change once I'll have to go to college.

These discussions about "what your name means" remind me of a scene in Pulp Fiction.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-14 13:34:45 UTC
in Origins and Home Post #280494
Where would the place be? :P
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-14 09:19:50 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #280399
Thanks for the bump!

So here's something I've done yesterday for the SoHL PQL project:
User posted image
It's edited to work as a "solid" texture, but here's the original( I took this from some kind of wad I found on my hdd):
User posted image
And its glow texture:
User posted image
Here's a barrel texture(tileable horizontally) made in 2 colours. The original texture I got was from CgTextures :
User posted image
User posted image
And also, from a cgtextures image I made a button texture with its corespondent glow textures:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
[EDIT 14.04.2010]
Well, I was bored, and thought I could use a bark texture in the level I'm doing for the SoHL project, so here it is(tileable):
User posted image
It's pine bark.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-13 17:08:16 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #280476
Ok, my mistake. I named this "hydrogen making" because it's what can bee seen in the image. I was actually putting up hydrogen in the atmosphere and captivating oxygen in that jar.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-13 16:48:14 UTC
in Post Your Photos Post #280474
User posted image
Hydrogen making.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-11 06:11:14 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280425
This minicompo will never get finished if we keep it like that.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 16:54:10 UTC
in Desktops of April Post #280407
Why does TawnosPrime's Start button have a lowercase "s" and potatis_invalid's an uppercase "S"? Which one has a broken version of Windows?
You've got some eagle eyes there!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-10 06:26:29 UTC
in func_tracktrain, Lightning. Post #280391
Believe me it took me serious minutes to figure out how to do a simple 2 floor func_tracktrain =)). And now I think it'd be the same if I tried again.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-09 15:08:02 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280376
I want custom skins :D :^_^: :heart:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-09 13:08:56 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280372
I never use hammer compile for anything. Among other reasons using hammer to run the tools can inexplicably cause errors sometimes for no apparent reason.
Never happens to me(well in this case it was obvious it was my fault).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-08 13:08:28 UTC
in Some Modelling WIPs Post #280357
Dude I'm so jealous! You're so lucky! How I'd want to be able to make sketches like that and be able to model them :(.
Good luck sir in your life with your skills. It's really awesome.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-07 18:28:46 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280337
You know I love The Compilator
But it's just a time terminator
Better use hammer for often compiling
When just a preview is what I'm desiring.

Making poems in romanian is much harder.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-07 15:36:00 UTC
in PQL/Issues/ReIssues Sequel forming up! Post #280330
n the past I haven't really liked the fact that TWHL isn't moving over to Source, but if Source communities are like that, I don't want us to change. Well, not too much, anyway.
I suspect sometime in the future a "retro" or "vintage" gaming period will occur and Hl1 will be awesome once more. Just like in real life things like this happen. When people will have enough of realistic games...

Btw, I'm in for the SoHL project. Sending mail now.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-07 11:01:24 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280326
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-07 10:24:09 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280324
Hmm... thanks Killer-Duck.
I figured out why it didn't go. This is embarrassing :biggrin:. I just skipped the "Build Programs" configuration, because from the list it "Half-Life" was selected(which was already configured), and I forgot about this and read "Spirit of Half Life" (with spirit in mind...).
When I tried compiling on normal(what killer-duck suggested), it did nothing. That's how I figured it out :).

Thanks anyway for the help!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-07 08:37:19 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280321
No, that is not the solution I'm after. Using an external compiler when I do compilations very often is not a time efficient solution. I already wrote I use The Compilator only in final compiles.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-07 06:42:47 UTC
in Compiling doesn't love me Post #280316
I'm running desperate with compiling a fucking SoHL test map.
Before posting the log, I must tell you that compiling for HL1 runs just fine. I just made the configuration for SoHL, which isn't a problem, that's easy.
The real problem is with the compiler(I'm using hammer directly for normal compiles, and "The Compilator" for final compiles). You need to have a configuration there too. So I just copied the one from Half-Life and added at the last parameter "-game spirit".

Here's the result:

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "F:\Games\CS Lant"

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests" -texdata 10000
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests" -texdata 10000
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests"
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests"
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests" -full -extra
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests" -full -extra
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests"
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests"
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Access is denied."

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "f:\games\home made cs maps\spirit\spirit_hardtests.bsp" "\spirit_hardtests.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"The system cannot find the file specified."

Before you ask unimportant questions:
F:\Games\CS Lant
Yes, I still keep a nonsteam version of Half-Life(the game folder is "Cs Lant" because it was a nonsteam counterstrike, but as I don't play Cs 1.6 anymore, it just remained with that name).
f:\games\home made cs maps
When I started mapping back in 2007, I started mapping just because of this site. At that time though, playing counter-strike was very popular, and I only mapped(and learn to map on) for cs. That folder is quite big and has a lot of subfolders, for hl,svencoop,sohl etc... It's same as above: I kept the same name, it doesn't bother me.
Wow, wtf, haven't you made any modification to the folders on your hard-drive since 2007?
I just performed back-up when reinstalling windows and when I bought a bigger hard-drive I reorganized my data. Some old folders still haven't been deleted\renamed. I also defrag my hard-disks every week, so I don't have problems with that.

Now that I explained the unimportant stuff that somebody from the forum surely would've asked, please help me with this problem.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-06 18:25:04 UTC
in PQL/Issues/ReIssues Sequel forming up! Post #280303
HalfLifetastic! A SoHL project!

I have to triple-think before I'll be ready to make a decision on this, I've got a lot of projects on my head, but I always wanted to map for SoHL with some motivation. I'll respond to you later, tomorrow or another day this week. I hope it won't have a time limit after july, because I have much more free time in the holidays. Looking forward to seeing some progress in this project!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-06 11:41:44 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280287
Since when do you have a full HD monitor skals ? :D.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-05 04:28:08 UTC
in Easter Baskets Post #280254

This video contains content from Vevo, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.

wtf :quizzical:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-04 18:12:03 UTC
in Easter Baskets Post #280248
What about an Ipad, eh? :lol:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-04 04:05:35 UTC
in Easter Baskets Post #280246
I don't know what are you guys talking about. We, Orthodoxes(don't know the plural, it's what Firefox suggested :D), celebrate Easter Sunday. It's just that we go around the church 3 times Saturday night, but even that is Sunday because it's starting at 00:00.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-03 16:19:02 UTC
in Easter Baskets Post #280233
Heh, thanks. The easter egg will be revenged. :D

Here's mine for ya' :
User posted image
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-03 12:39:42 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280226
Again, I can't see your image.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-02 19:59:58 UTC
in DirectX 11 Post #280216
GTX 480 is overpriced even though it's better than any single-gpu ATI video card, but the difference doesn't justify the price. To make mathers worse, it's a jetplane in your PC: high temperatures and high power consumption.

Nice video. Did you use Magix for the music? :D

I do think Tesselation has other purposes not only those presented in the video, and normal maps will still be used... at least for a while.
First time I heard of Tesselation was in 2007, I think.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-02 03:27:00 UTC
in Lost Horizons - Source RP Map project Post #280193
This looks very great. Good luck with it!
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-02 03:20:31 UTC
in twisted tunnel? Post #280192
We know your passion for tunnels, Strider :D.
Can somebody explain that triangle method please? I don't really like copy-paste without knowing how to do one myself.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-01 19:05:27 UTC
in twisted tunnel? Post #280179
Nevermind. It's what The mighty atom said I was trying to do. But in my case, was a total failure.
Then I tried using maths: failed too. I ignored the fact that rotating the arch cut in half 3 times( to make the curve more realistic) will make its sides smaller.

[EDIT] Bah! I'm too tired to think about something. I'm sure there are solutions though. I'd like myself to see one, I was always puzzled with making realistic round tunnel corners.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-01 18:36:29 UTC
in twisted tunnel? Post #280177
I might just got the solution. I'm working at it now.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-04-01 09:36:54 UTC
in Half life 1 - map question... Post #280161
No. What are you trying to do?
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-29 17:07:29 UTC
in The "Metroid Effect" Post #280107
Here's a possible solution: Make the weapons pickable, then trigger with your weapons(when they are picked up) specific 'master's that target their respective doors. Hope you caught the idea.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-29 14:06:07 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280099
Oh I can see them now. But I don't think I will bother fixing those, I'm too busy atm. Anyway, I didn't know a lot of you have the sickness of jumping everywhere. I thought clip wouldn't be necessary :D.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-29 13:05:02 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280095
I think the playable area.
[EDIT] Still can't view those screens, Muzz.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-29 06:36:45 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280085
I can't see the screenshots, Muzz. I'll try that later(maybe it's from my internet connection, but I can't access your site too).
Well, because it's a cubicle, I just decided to start from the layout of those stairs and add things. I didn't have a central theme at all. It's like a dream .... and that's why it got so weird.

I promise I'll make a thematic map someday so you all feel better :D.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-28 15:23:35 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280071
I'm 75% sure that Captain Terror will be the first to post something about my map =)).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-28 14:24:27 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280064
Heh, I was about to ask the same questions about water.
The bubbles intrigue me.
It's just the side-effect of a special effect :D.
Oh um.. btw, the special effect is just a cheap joke I attempted. Meh... you'll see :P.

[EDIT] After my last modifications and some modifications in progress, I challenge you to make a map with more entities than mine =)).

[EDIT2]I uploaded the map.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 14 years ago2010-03-27 18:25:52 UTC
in TWHL Cubicles Post #280054
It's a screenshot made in noclip mode- and area without acces. Most of the problems you pointed there won't be ...a problem in-game :). What you observed is actually me trying to scale everything between 0.2-0.5. Hey, it's a 512x512x512 map, we have much freedom don't we? :D
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure