Say you have a monster_potato. You'd use code like this:
@PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/potato.mdl") = monster_potato : "monster_potato" []If your NPC has configuration options or semi-unique flags, though, you'll want to base it off the FGD Data of the closest NPC.
For example, say you have a monster_human_gunner based off the Hgrunt code, but it has an extra gun and a new model -
[quote]@PointClass base(Monster) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/hgunner.mdl") = monster_human_gunner : "monster_human_gunner"
netname(string) : "Squad Name"
spawnflags(Flags) =
//* Only needed if you use the Squad Name value. If you define a Squad using the Squad Name
//* value, but none of them are flagged as a Squad Leader, then the squad won't get linked
//* together properly.
32 : "SquadLeader" : 0
//NEW 0.3
//* Ensure the player can't take this monster's ammo or weapons.
1024: "Don't Drop Gun" : 0
weapons(Choices) : "Weapons" : 1 =
1 : "9mmAR"
3 : "9mmAR + HG"
5 : "9mmAR + GL"
8 : "Shotgun"
10: "Shotgun + HG"
11: "Human Gunner Gun"
][/quote]There's also the sequences stuff for model support, which is just listing the animations of the model by number and name - Though it's fairly self-explanatory once you find an example block of code.
It's probably also worth noting that I grabbed this from a Spirit FGD - The Don't drop gun flag isn't going to work in base HL or your mod, unless it's based off spirit.