Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-30 16:05:08 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220519
It might get tricky if this is a sticky(no rhyme intended).
Who's going to constantly keep up with renaming the thread to match the current competition?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-30 07:57:05 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220484
I don't have any ideas for the next one anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-29 21:47:00 UTC
in New Map: Alpestrine Post #220460
VERY much liking that black fade on the buildings.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-29 20:27:32 UTC
in What games to buy Post #220457
I'd recommend FEAR(if somehow you haven't played it yet) and SH4:The Room(PC version). They're not exactly new, but they're good. Both would probabaly keep you occupied for a while, FEAR with a long SP then some MP, and SH4 with awesome replay value.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-29 18:02:52 UTC
in The Real Unadulterated Truth About Alex Post #220455
Fire in the hole.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-29 18:01:47 UTC
in Just in case you didn't know... Post #220454
You know... I hear prosthetic legs are great for kicking cats...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-29 15:16:01 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220420
Wewt! I'm glad that you thought of Silent Hill when you played my map because that's exactly the kind of atmosphere I wanted to build :D
So what now? Are we sticking to the tradition of winner-picks-next or what?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-28 23:13:09 UTC
in Just in case you didn't know... Post #220376
Oh shit, I didn't know it was that bad. I remember you mentioning some foot problems and some surgeons screwing up. Glad to see how well you seem to be taking it, though :)
Welcome back!... for, like, the fourth time!
And of course I have to ask what everyone else is asking: Are you suring the shit out of the surgeon?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-26 20:38:28 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220215
Dis heer be mah entree

If you want the source I'll reupload to include it, but it adds 5 megs to the file size.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-26 15:39:13 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220195
It ends tomorrow, Rim. whip something up if you can. If not, get your ass in the next one.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-25 21:57:17 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220155
If results are on Friday, can you still turn in an entry on Friday or is the last day Thursday?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-25 17:53:18 UTC
in The Real Unadulterated Truth About Alex Post #220146
Eww..... no.....
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-25 07:59:02 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #220093
What RAD settings are you using, Trapt?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:48:59 UTC
in yeah so new HL1DM map Post #220044
My sarcasim detector is going through the roof.
Though, in theory, it would actually be possible. It would be unbelievably complicated because you would have to map weird characters and most of what you typed proabbly wouldn't even translate into world geometry, but its probable :D
By the way that looks a lot better, Tet. I didn't know you had so little done on it when you posted that first screenshot.
PS: Hitler also played HL on Software mode. You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:40:30 UTC
in The Real Unadulterated Truth About Alex Post #220039
Its going to be a Luke Nuke!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:39:52 UTC
in Entity Work Mini Compos Post #220038
So basically we can't focus on visuals, period? ...I'll pass.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:28:34 UTC
in Entity Work Mini Compos Post #220033
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 20:13:43 UTC
in The Real Unadulterated Truth About Alex Post #220030
Go for it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 16:01:30 UTC
in Entity Work Mini Compos Post #219998
You realize, of course, that the most recent mini compo doesn't focus on brushwork. Its actually very well rounded in terms of brushwork and entities.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 15:59:43 UTC
in The Real Unadulterated Truth About Alex Post #219997

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 21:05:43 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219914
Strider, that was looking pretty awesome. Too bad you have to drop out. One less entry for me to worry about I guess...
Hopefully what I'm doing will get me a spot in the top 3, I seem to find myself focusing far more on atmosphere than complex brushwork.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-23 21:04:15 UTC
in yeah so new HL1DM map Post #219913
The proportions are [/i]way[/i] off. No realistic cathedral will be so much taller than it is wide or long, if it's even taller at all. As Elon said, it looks more like a fortress or a castle than a cathedral. This is probably because of the pillars on the corners and the sheer proportions of the structure. Give it a more pointed roof, make the building slant downward as it moves toward two parallel edges, make it a lot wider if you can, and, if you must have pillars, make them about half as small. And the textures kinda suck, but those can be cleaned up in 2 seconds.
Have at thee!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 17:35:37 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219819
That's because they take a snap to put togheter, I guess.
I strongly disagree with you on this. The entries are generally done in a short amoutn of time, yes, but they most certainly aren't a cinch to make by any means. Tetsuo's kicthen entry, Srry's statues entry, and my Viper entry stand tall and proud as testaments to how much work goes into these things.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 16:51:24 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219812
These mini competitions seem to get more entries than the official ones :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 21:34:31 UTC
in New screenshots... Post #219721
Dave....... No, Dave. No...
What have you done...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 21:33:16 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219720
Hydeph, even though I hate your guts I have to admit that your hall looks extremely good.

Edit: I think I'll throw something together and see what comes out. Do we also have to provide the source when we go to submit it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-21 01:49:27 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219633
Don't start a thread if you think it's such a sensitive subject that you can't handle a tasteless joke about it.
Which begs the question "why even post it in the first place if its tasteless?"
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-20 19:45:11 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219607
Mitcho, that's about as far from funny as you can be. Its just sick.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 20:46:39 UTC
in VALVe hacked.. Again Post #219565
Owned like a bitch :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 16:44:46 UTC
in VALVe hacked.. Again Post #219550
Yeah, like I said, he's too stupid to know what to do with the card infomation.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 16:40:34 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219548
You people and your high tech themes.
Well I had no idea this was a real mini compo. Sorry if I offended. If there's another that follows I'll try to do make an entry for it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-19 15:58:25 UTC
in VALVe hacked.. Again Post #219537
Jesus, what an idiot. He has a screenshot of a bunch of big numbers and claims that it is proof of a hacking.
"Lawl I hakzxor3d t3h V4lv3Z InTaRNetzZZZ! I wuntz d3m 2 s4y I r d4 m4n LLOLOLLOLLOL."
I seriously doubt this guy actually pulled off what he is claiming. And if he did, he's obviously not smart enough to know what to do with the credit card information. He'll probbaly get hit by a bus, then we can all have a good laugh.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-17 19:02:18 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219383
Edit: Nice point of the 18th amendment, Bratty.
Do you guys hoestly think that if someone who is determined to kill someone will just turn around and go "oh well" if they aren't allowed to own a gun by law? There are so many ways to get a gun reguardless of whether its legal or not. And its easy too, its damn easy.
Also, fun facts of the United States:
-If someone purchases a gun there is a 7 day waiting period for the gun, assuming the gun was bought legally.
-Any kind of firearm is prohibited on any school or college property, with the exception of the police.
-Gun ownership laws vary from state to state. Many states don't allow you to own a gun if you are a convicted felon.

You don't seem to understand that if guns are taken away people won't stop being killed. Take away the right, people will get them illegally. Take away the guns and criminals will kill people with knives. Take away blades and criminals will stangle people to death. "But, oh, guns kill so much faster and efficiently than a knife or bare hands! Your arguement is stupid! Blah blah blah I'm going to whine and bitch about the United States because it sucks!" The United States is, and has been, the most powerful country in the world for over 200 years. We've been the turning tide in both world wars. We have the world's most powerful military. We have the world's most powerful, and stable, government system. We are the world's most important economic resource. And we are also one of the few countries that allows its citizens to bear firearms legally. The founding fathers knew what they were doing. The 2nd amendment, if it hasn't helped us, certainly has not hurt us as a country.
And its sad, it really is, when people abuse this right. Its especially disturbing when something like this happens and several people are killed(This was the worst killing rampage in out history by the way). But do you see the typical American running around in the streets or in a school shooting the place up? No. Most of you don't understand the importance of our 2nd amendment because you don't have it, so you have no first hand experience with it.
I also want to bring up the middle east. You think American school shootings are bad? Fuck, do I even need to go into the details of how violent the middle east is? A school schooting in the US is nothing compared to some of the things people have endured over there. And, yes, thanks to us at least Iraq is currently seeing a little stabilization.
I'll sum this up in 2 words: shit happens.
GG no re.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-17 18:03:40 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219376
America should not and never will change its gun laws. PERIOD.
Not only has it been proven throughout history, time and time again, that freedoms like this greatly reduce tyranical rule, or the chances thereof, but also it wouldn't make a difference.
If the public is revoked of the right to own guns, criminals will still get their hands on guns. All you'll be doing is taking away law-abiding citizens' ability to defend themselves.
It might reduce school shootings, but it won't change the overall gun-homicide rate. America is a very different country, everybody knows that.
And for the record, concealed weapons are illegal in the US unless you have a permt for it, which comes in few numbers.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-17 17:56:00 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219374
Goldsource maps turn out darker because the light doesn't bounce as realistically unless you force it to(and kill the engine). Come onnnnnnnnnn.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-17 17:54:49 UTC
in Virginia Tech Shootings Post #219373
This was so sickening. People are fucking sick, that's all I can say about this. That and my brother goes to VT. He was walking to his dorm when one of the shootings happened. He's ok, though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-16 21:05:12 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219298
I still don't know if this is an axtual competition. The way its presented makes it sound like a joke.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-16 16:43:52 UTC
in Random Mini-Compo #00001a - Hallways Post #219274
This is a joke, right?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-15 20:38:29 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #219199
Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-15 15:08:48 UTC
in Serious forum problems: Post #219171
Its just another web language. I think FPSB was written in it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 19:33:12 UTC
in Dark Shadows Post #219096
Post your compile log.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 16:12:30 UTC
in Dark Shadows Post #219077
1.Don't upload screenshots and PNGs.
2.Link directly to the image, not the Imageshack "my.php" page.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 15:18:16 UTC
in author picture Post #219068
He obviously mean orifice, and made a convinitent typo.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 14:43:07 UTC
in Dark Shadows Post #219058
Well where is it then? Everywhere outside, just in that one spot?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 14:41:13 UTC
in New Map: Alpestrine Post #219056
Rimrook you are the absolute worst, most pathetic excuse for a mapper I have ever seen. Not once have I seen you post anything that displays a remote level of skill, much less anything interesting.

Looking good there, reminds me of Sancifar or an Escher painting. Is the world going to fall off into the sky at the egdes like it is now?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 14:35:15 UTC
in Half-Life: Day One Post #219055
Is it just me or did the lighting in the HL betas look a LOT better than what it is now? Shadows aside(which don't look very good anyway), the light fades out properly. Lights in the final release just cut off if they don't bounce of of something, why the hell would they change that :|

PS: That HW grunt has been out in the public forever. The POV team used it too.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 14:29:25 UTC
in Dark Shadows Post #219054
It looks like you tied the entire map to an entity. Models are lit from whatever light is hitting the world brush below them. If you stand on an entity brush with nothing but the sky under it then models will be pitch black.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 13:15:45 UTC
in author picture Post #219038
I think Atom hosts this site on his own server.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 00:16:49 UTC
in author picture Post #218999
He's been here a while, though he doesn't post much because he doesn't speak english very well at all(duh). I don't think he's not smart, he's probably still just taking basic foreign language courses in school.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-13 21:06:38 UTC
in Cybernations. Post #218976
Ogame is better.