Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-26 18:17:50 UTC
in Steam Friends Post #210662
I already have to many inactive people on my list, I don't need anymore.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-26 18:17:13 UTC
in Your favourite comedians? Post #210661
Zombie you faggot.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-25 18:28:18 UTC
in How to post an image from a folder? Post #210554
You cannot post a picture directly from your hard drive to here unless you host it here 1st.
Well, you could use your computer as a server and host it from your PC's server to post it on TWHL :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-24 18:16:06 UTC
in My previous posts Post #210457
Or you could remmeber part of the thread name and do a search on it...
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 23:44:27 UTC
in PS3 or Wii?? Post #210170
i havent seen any sim games on the wii.
Well that's probably because The Sims is a shitty series.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 04:19:17 UTC
in PS3 or Wii?? Post #210085
I'd rather have a PC than both. Oh wait. I do!
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-20 00:29:29 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #210011
Take kidney's instead.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 18:47:08 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209995
Your mom's a shit car-
Everyone has their own opinion. It seems like this is just one fo those things where you either love it or you hate it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 16:21:43 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209985
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 15:06:02 UTC
in This year's nature sucked Post #209975
Zombie, don't you live in Switzerland or something, though? Doesn't it snow every year there?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 15:04:58 UTC
in To .RMF Or Not To .RMF... Post #209974
I don't think you need to worry about othre people stealing your maps. As long as you can prove that you released your map before someone else released the stolen version you'll be ok. Though you should probably include maps not rmfs because rmfs are usually much, much larger than maps.(The .map extention, that is)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-19 13:25:06 UTC
in This year's nature sucked Post #209966
I'll bet that was a nice, refreshing feeling.
Yesterday I got a cunch of sleet and they cancelled school, which I wasn't going to go to anyway, but no snow :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-18 21:25:08 UTC
in HL clips Post #209917
He wants a clip brush that blocks players but lets npc pass. The clip texture blocks both.

I'm pretty sure this can't be done in just any situation. The only thing I can think of is to have two 1-unit-thick func_wall_toggles, both with the same name and maybe 64 units apart, that will act as your clip brushes. Put the player on one side and the npc on the other, and put a trigger half way between the two walls that targets the togglable walls and that can only be triggered by NPCs. Now when the NPC passes through the trigger the "clip" brush will "shift" behind the NPC, allowing it to come to you, and vice versa. Of course, two problems could arise: the player could get stuck when one wall is triggered, or if the player stands right next to one wall and they are triggered then the player will be able to pass into no man's land.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-17 21:34:52 UTC
in Do you think... Post #209864
All Pixar movies are very impressive visually, you have to admit.
Habboi, I think the Star Wars thing was acheived through dynamically destructable polygons.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-17 18:35:32 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209848
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-17 18:34:39 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209847
But,me,likey,commas!, :furious: , :furious: , :furious:
Commas are good, Charlie! They're magical commas, Charlie! Commas will show us the way to Candy Mountain! Candy Mountain, Charlie!
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-17 18:32:41 UTC
in Do you think... Post #209846
Sounds plausible. I'd like to see something like this n the near future(though I can only hope it will be that soon). But it would need a lot of power, like everyone else is saying.
Luke describe the game you're talking about, maybe one of us will kow what it is.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-16 22:52:06 UTC
in This year's nature sucked Post #209784
Its a cycle, the Earth gets hotter, then colder, then hotter again. People are stupid, though :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-16 20:38:50 UTC
in Dementophobia Post #209779
CS is probably going to be either a hostage rescue or a VIP, though I hate as_ maps.

Edit: I'll consider making a single player version, but I'm afraid it wouldn't turn out too well. I could take the general theme of the map and make an entirely new SP map(s) though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-16 20:37:43 UTC
in This year's nature sucked Post #209778
I haven't had snow for the past 5 years, which really sucks because every year before that I'd gotten a lot of it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-16 17:47:50 UTC
in Dementophobia Post #209766
Oh another concern of mine is the textures, they are really nice...Did you make them? I was just thinking the quality could be better, more smooth and detailed so perhaps remake them with sharper detail?
Not mine. I don't think I'll evr make my own textures since I don't have, or have the desire to have, the tools needed(aka Photoshop). I can make my own skies, my own props, etc, but no textures for me :( . The main sets I'm using are dtex_asylum and q3evil1.
The quality issue that you see is probably a contrast between the floor and the wall. The floor textures are shrunk to 50% but the walls and [usually] the ceiling are normal size. The best I can dow ith the wall is shrink it down to 75%, anything lower and the bottom of the texture shows up along the ceiling. Though I may consider alligning the "loop" with the cable that runs along the wall.
Torture equipment? They don't have torture equipment in mental hospitals...
They do in mine :badass:
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 19:23:00 UTC
in Dementophobia Post #209684
I took the 2nd and 4th screenshots crouched.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 18:58:32 UTC
in dm_magma Post #209682
Wadfather with 25 rows.
The drop down menus haven't worked in forever, so I copied that into a text document and saved it for reference.

The lava texture doesn't match the light that its emitting. Looks unnatural.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 18:30:08 UTC
in Dementophobia Post #209681
After a long, long, LONG time of not working on any big mapping, projects I've started this. And its not a city! Dementophobia will be a map for HLDM, CS 1.6, TW 1.4(The Wastes), and RE:CB(RE Cold Blood). Ambience is a real killer in this one, but unfortuately I can't show sounds in screenshots, so something's probably going to be lost in translation. I didn't want to make a thread about it, but now I do so bah.
User posted image

^Will add wheelchairs or something to break up the halls
User posted image

User posted image

^Needs trash cans/ash trays.
User posted image

Wait a second before you call it boxy, a lot of the details are on an extremely small scale. Small things like doorframes are "built" to look as realistic as possible(as in they aren't just a corridor, they have layers and slants and crap).
That's the fear of insanity, by the way.
PS: You guys were right, I couldn't get Brushopolis to a playable level so I dropped it. Shame.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 18:04:27 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209680
We're on a bridge, Charlieeeeee!
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 14:24:34 UTC
in Credit text on connect: How? Post #209670
Please tell me that hasn't always been there because if it has I'm going to slap myself.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 13:10:44 UTC
in Credit text on connect: How? Post #209665
I never knew about those. That's pretty cool.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 03:52:30 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209646
Hahaha! That Star Wars spoof was better than both other videos :D :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 03:22:47 UTC
in CHARLIE! Post #209643
Hehehe Robot Chicken is funny :D
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-15 01:56:29 UTC
in origin of your e-identity? Post #209637
Recently I've started using the name Jackhammer for a few online games. It's a reference the mother-fucking badass shotgun, not the tool.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 23:19:31 UTC
in Credit text on connect: How? Post #209627
Well you can only include textures in maps, everything else has to be downloaded independantly.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 22:51:08 UTC
in Credit text on connect: How? Post #209624
For others to se it you need a res file. Res files are required for all custom content that go with maps (with the exception of sprites and models, which are downloaded automatically).
Make a text document and rename it <mapname>.res then open it and type the path to the readme, which will probably be something like this:
Stuff like that.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 18:23:18 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209611
But just because dirty water and sunlight produced cells doesn't mean that is the only way a cell can be produced, not to mention different types of dirty water.
Like I said before, they would have evovled to live in that kind of climate. Yes, bacteria is just a simple form of life without a conciense or a sense of self awareness, but it is life. Bacteria and complex species are both, reguardless of physical differences, forms of life. With that in mind, if a bacterial cell can live in an inferno, why does it seem impossible for a complex being to live in the same conditions?
Earth might seem inhabitibal to some other species because of how far away we are from our sun, they might think, "Geez, that planet is 20 degrees?! There's no way life could exist on something that cold".
There doesn't neccessarily have to be a limit for conditions that life can exist in, though I can understand why you, or anyone else, would prefer to think so. Not everything needs a limit, numbers and time are evidence enough for that statement.
This is getting interesting :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 17:05:28 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209607
So you don't think that it is possible for intelligent life to evolve from this bacteria that can live under harsh condistions? Not every form of life needs to be based on a humanesque structure and not every form of life needs to have the same limitation as the human body. There's not a definite line that specifies whether life can exist somewhere or not. If life on Earth evolved to suit Earth's conditions, then what's stopping other life on other planets? Water might not even be a factor, period. For al we know they might be a titanium-based life form or something.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 04:21:07 UTC
in Avatars Post #209554
A starved black kid, presumably dead, laying on the floor and a caption that said "LOL". Pretty sick if you ask me.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-14 02:16:49 UTC
in Avatars Post #209551
Burger king as V. Need I say more?
And of course I have to point this out:
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-13 23:11:17 UTC
in Funny terms and conditions Post #209540
Acts of God, hehehe.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-13 16:25:55 UTC
in Avatars Post #209523
Actually the swastika was just for Nazism. The other symbol is a mirrored swastika that means prosperity or something.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-13 13:39:46 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209514
Highlander, how do you know that we were the first to evolve from this highly unlikely scenario? The universe is pretty damn old, the age of life on Earth compared to the age of the universe is a speck of dust. There's been plenty of time for more than just us.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-12 17:58:44 UTC
in Avatars Post #209457

What exactly is your avatar, Slash?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-11 17:58:54 UTC
in Half-Life 1 Still Popular? Post #209335
Hlife I think you should look into HLFX.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-11 17:57:36 UTC
in Avatars Post #209334
Your mom is teh awe... fuck it. I'm already sick of spamming 'your mom" jokes.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-11 17:55:09 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209332
Also, if these aliens and all that is a big coverup and they are doing everything in secret, then they would kill us for writing what we are writing here, right? I mean, we know their secret!
Bad arguement there. That's just like saying "if God exists then he will strike me down where I stand. I am still her,e thus God doesn't exist".
I'm completely against the idea, but I also hate that arguement.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-10 19:25:50 UTC
in Visited by aliens?? Post #209249
Always praise God whenever you are having sex. Remember, blessed is he who cums in the name of the Lord.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-10 19:25:15 UTC
in Avatars Post #209248
Your mom is bestest.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-10 18:02:29 UTC
in The REAL Ending to the HL Series Post #209240
didn't a halo mod for source get shut down by halo devs?
Shit, I'd just rename the project and say that any similarities between the mod and Halo are coincidental.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-10 18:01:30 UTC
in Avatars Post #209239
Tosse's mom is playing a ukulele in that picture.