Yeah i've only tested with OpenGL, so i can't guarantee anything in d3d or for godsakes definitely not software mode. = )
ON the subject of bugs, i get some really weird problems sometimes running in minimod format, like triggers and doors not working or disappearing, and other weird things. Other people have mentioned that minimod format crashes their hl, and others say it works completely fine, so i don't really know what's goin on.. = (
That's just a random thing i added, using the same top as the manhole cover. It's like in Raver's map, i left it in there to see if anyone would notice..
Some rooms were particularly dark and I couldn't see crap, not even with the flashlight. Like the flashlight wasn't lighting any surfaces and it was freaking me out because I couldn't see sh!t. There was this room with dark textures on the walls that didn't get lit with the flashlight that just... gaah. whatever.
Where exactly? I know the brightness/gamma are set to highest, so some parts may seem darker than intended. If you lemme know what map/area this dark spot is, i'll be happy to brighten it up.