Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2003-12-02 12:33:10 UTC
in A lil' Help Post #6351
Put your func_train name in the target field of one of the columns. Actually you probably want to target the func_train only after BOTH columns are broken. In that case you'll need to use the multisource entity. Atom /TWHL has a good tutorial on that.
Have the columns each target the multisource and have the multisource target the func_train.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-28 19:13:27 UTC
in light switch help Post #5967
Custom appearance allows you to use letters as code to set your own flicker appearance. It automatically repeats the code you set. I think 'A' is dim and it gets brighter as you move up the alphabet, but I'm not sure about that part. So when you typed in 'normal' it was reading those letters as a code and it set the flickering accordingly. As you have found, it should be left blank if you do not wish to set a custom appearance.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-28 18:55:51 UTC
in ambient sounds Post #5960
Ahhh, welcome to the word of mapping. Hammer puts the 'fun' in dysfunctional, doesn't it? ;) Post your zipped rmf in the problem section and we'll have a look.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-28 14:58:07 UTC
in ambient sounds Post #5939
Excellent, glad you solved the trigger problem. MarlboroMetal, you are right on the money with the series of triggers and masters suggestion. That's what I used for the cricket sound and the suit-holder doors in Minimicus! :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-27 22:44:44 UTC
in ambient sounds Post #5846
You'll need a Pak explorer to get to your sound files in HL. I had a map where there was a cricket in the basement, but you could hear it when you got up to the first floor. I had to figure a way to switch it off when the player climbed out of the basement. Yes, I have no life. : But a normal trigger_multiple can get messed up if the player stays in the trigger too long. Then the cricket chirps when you don't want him to, and is quiet when you want him chirping. Is this the same type of problem you are trying to solve?
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-26 20:38:22 UTC
in ambient sounds Post #5731
I tried out your map and it looks like your waterfall.wav file has some problems. I believe it has something to do with the wav headers as kol mentioned above. When I tried triggering the sound using a trigger_multiple, it worked OK. But the waterfall.wav file isn't looped, so it played for a moment and stopped. It would probably be easiest to use one of the 3 waterfall sounds provided by HL. For instance, when I changed the wav name in the ambient_generic to waterfall1.wav it worked the way you wanted yours to work. I can show you how to turn the cricket sound on and off as you need it, if you are interested.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-23 10:15:31 UTC
in animating textures Post #5448
I don't know if this will help or not, but it might. It's a tutorial on how to do your own animated buttons.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-22 09:01:16 UTC
in Map crashes server. r_speeds? Post #5320
Pepper is right, increasing the texture size by 2x or 3x wherever possible will help a lot. I noticed from your compile log that you have 'fast vis' turned on. You should do a full vis compile. It will take longer to compile but it will bring your R_speeds down. 2300 wpoly is incredibly high, you might have too much detail in your map. Have a look at Andy's R_speeds tutorial, you will find some suggestions in there that will help.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-21 19:40:24 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5277
When Andy mentioned starting this project, I know he was not intending to use spirit. I don't even think he was talking about creating a mod. Take another look at his original post up there. I think he just wanted each of us to make our own map however we wanted (in HL) and then we would join them together to see what we end up with. I could be wrong, we'll just have to wait for Andy to get online and speak for himself. I definitely don't want to dampen the enthusiasm you have shown so far. (I did though, didn't I?) :(
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-20 23:04:08 UTC
in Beta Infitration! Post #5222
Whenever you name a mod, make sure you check the internet for that name. Infiltration has already been used for a HL mod. :( I had the same problem, Minimicus used to be called Infestation until I found that someone else already used it for their mod.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-18 22:18:17 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #5062
I like the suggestions that are being made here. This is exactly the kind of thing that we need to do right now, get all the ideas out there and later we can pick and choose the best points from each suggestion. My only request is that we wait until Andy can participate before we make any firm decisions. So keep posting your thoughts and ideas and we can brainstorm until Andy gets back on-line.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-17 21:43:04 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #4994
Great ideas, all! Keep posting your thoughts here. Andy is in transit right now, but I'm sure he will figure out a way to check in once in a while. I know he wants to keep the project limited to retail HL. There will be room for anyone who wants to join. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-16 21:54:44 UTC
in PQL, Issues... TWHL? Post #4927
Me too, I'm in.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-07 08:17:21 UTC
in Teleports? Post #4172
Meaning... not triggered or switched on/off somehow, but always ready to teleport whenever you walk through them.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-06 23:12:13 UTC
in First elevator gave me a problem... Post #4148
Monster entities determine their lighting from the floor below them. However this isn't completely accurate. They determine their lighting from the first WORLD brush below them. Func_ entities won't give light to monster entities. So your elevator is lit, but your scientist is not lit because the floor UNDER the elevator is not lit. The solution for your situation is to put a light in the elevator shaft. As for the dancing scientist, I haven't found a solution for that. :P
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-06 19:29:00 UTC
in Teleports? Post #4142
Did you name your info_teleport_destinations using the target names you mentioned? Or pehaps they are too close to the trigger_teleport brushes. BTW, the trigger_teleport brushes don't need to be named if they are always on.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-06 08:27:52 UTC
in Export sound... then corrupted. Post #4102
The sound needs to be in the sound folder of whatever game you are mapping for. For instance SIERRAHalf-Lifevalvesound for normal half-life. In the ambient generic, the wav name should begin with whichever subfolder the sound is in. For instance the bee buzzing sound would be entered as ambience/bee1.wav ...the slash there needs to be a forward slash...
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-06 08:18:23 UTC
in Speech for Scientists and Barney Post #4101
No, for that, just tick the pre-disaster flag.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-05 22:30:10 UTC
in Speech for Scientist and Barney Post #4089
The monster_scientist and monster_barney entities have a flag called pre-disaster. Tick that flag and they will behave and speak like in HL before the disaster. You can also use a scripted_sentence entity to make them say whatever you choose from their list of sentences. Seventh-monkey has a good example map in the map vault here at TWHL called "Cameras and Sentences".
A list of scientist and barney sentences can be found at and
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-04 21:35:49 UTC
in r_speeds 1 Post #3973
Check out Andy's R_Speeds tutorial on this very site! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-04 00:50:38 UTC
in About Info_nodes. Post #3904
You can test the connection of your info nodes by typing "impulse 197" in the console (without the quotes). It will show you the connection of the nodes that are closest to you. Find the nodes where the scientists and barneys are stopping and make sure there is a connection. For doorways I usually put a node one either side of the door, and sometimes even in the doorway. The impulse 197 connection in the doorway never seems to show up, but the monsters come through anyway. I also test my maps without rad or vis and it does not seem to affect the info_node connection.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-01 13:11:42 UTC
in The Mystery of The Missing Entities... Post #3804
The trigger_changelevel and trigger_transition are brush-based entities. Meaning you have to make a brush first, then highlight it and tie-to-entity (Cntl + T), then you will see them in the list. Also, fixing leaks with the solid block (skybox) will cause other problems later on. It's best to find and fix the leaks properly. I could be wrong, but I think the newest HL fgd is 1110.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-30 19:37:18 UTC
in tanklaser Post #3688
Huh? I am able to walk away from the tanklaser and come back and use it as many times as I want. Look down at the console before you press the 'use' button. You could fix that by making the func_tankcontrols brush taller. If you are using the half-life entities in spirit, then that could be the problem. If not...shrug. The jumping laser can be fixed by putting zero in the 'amount of noise' field of the env_laser. If none of these fixes work, it could be a 'wetware' problem.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-29 23:36:30 UTC
in Compiling modes and differences... Post #3604
-extra (rad) won't improve r_speeds, but makes the lighting look better. -full (vis) will make your compile slower, but it will reduce r_speeds. Lower r_speeds = faster map. You should always do a full vis on anything you plan to release.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-29 19:28:01 UTC
in Uplink Machine Gun Post #3596
Vassy is right and it also sounds like you need an origin brush tied in with your func_tank. If you haven't checked it out already, there is a tankrocket tutorial in the tutorial section here. It applies to func_tank entities also.
Posted 20 years ago2003-10-22 19:45:09 UTC
in Spirit Contest? Post #3024
You have the wrong site! :) You're looking for TWSHL. lol
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-14 16:49:58 UTC
in erm map in progress forum with.......... Post #2658
Hey! I resemble that remark! :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-13 07:02:23 UTC
in mesha needin helpedin Post #2586
I mean the brush trigger_once. (Is there a point-based one?) ;) If you are getting teleported and the trigger isn't triggering, double-check your target field in the trigger_once.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-12 22:41:17 UTC
in mesha needin helpedin Post #2572
Place the trigger_once right under the info_t_d. Then when the player gets teleported, he hits the trigger once.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-11 19:57:54 UTC
in Leaf Post #2525
I put the solution in a comment on the problem map post. Just lower your sky to the top of the rocks and the problem is fixed.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-10 21:28:37 UTC
in Replace function Post #2472
Select all the button_targets using the entity report. (Select the first one in the list then scroll down and select the last one while holding down the shift key.) Then bring up the properties and change it to func_wall. That will change the whole selection at once.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-09 16:59:49 UTC
in Minimicus Post #2420
Yeah, it took a couple of tries to get it working right. But it's really just 4 sets of path corners with 4 func_trains following them. Setting up the letters and getting the paths figured out was the hardest part. Glad you guys liked it! I'm still chuffed from the review it got on hangar16. WOOHOO!! :cool:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-08 05:54:49 UTC
in Changing the focus of a trigger_camera Post #2355
Delete the t_ct, it will mess up the suggestion I told you about.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-07 17:31:38 UTC
in Changing the focus of a trigger_camera Post #2343
I've never been able to change the target of a camera either. A quick fix is to use a second camera set to look at the other target. Just trigger the second camera when you need it, you don't have to turn off the first camera.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-06 20:39:12 UTC
in Trigger_Camera Post #2272
It could be many things. Post the map in the problem maps section and we'll figure it out. BTW, your avitar is disturbing, very nice. :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-06 17:53:06 UTC
in trigger camera Post #2264
Your cameras must be named differently, say, cam1 and cam2. Give cam1 a 'hold time' that is longer than the actual time you will be looking through cam1. Then trigger cam2 whenever you need it. It should transfer over to cam2 without going back to the players view first.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-05 14:59:04 UTC
in Time for TFC crashing round 2!! Post #2217
It looks like you are using an older version of vis.exe. Everything else seems to be pointing to ZHLT's "v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.7 (Dec 9 2002)." Then your vis says "vis.exe v1.3 (Dec 30 1998)" Check your configuration in Hammer to be sure you are pointing to ZHLTs hlvis.exe.
On the menu bar go to Tools>Options>Build Programs>Vis executable to check it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-04 08:41:56 UTC
in Level transitions. Post #2160
I can help with the words.... :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-02 17:08:56 UTC
in func_train problems... Post #2061
The origin brush was missing from the func_train. The strange thing is, it never should have worked at all like that. :o
Posted 21 years ago2003-10-01 18:04:57 UTC
in Atom, just wondering... Post #2020
I liked Dude, where's my car?! :nuts:
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-30 20:50:27 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1934
:cool: Cool Atom even I can use it now. Good Job! :zonked: Nice smileys too.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-29 16:48:58 UTC
in Glowing Switches in Dark Rooms... Post #1870
I think the minimum light level range is .01 through 1.0, I've always been able to adjust it to where I need it. It's great for lighting func_trains that are hidden in a separate room until triggered.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 20:30:48 UTC
in CS lightning problem Post #1819
Were you able to use the -ambient setting, or did you fix it some other way?
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 20:25:12 UTC
in Glowing Switches in Dark Rooms... Post #1818
If you are using Zoners Half-life tools, you can set the minimum light level for some entities, definitely for buttons. Or you could place a dim light entity that is always on, right next to the button. (In the problem maps section of the map vault is a map called teldelay. In that map is a button where the minimum light level has been increased to make it more visible.)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-28 07:26:08 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1793
Yes it's working. Looking good. After you click the link provided above you have to take out the <br>/ in the address bar ...seems to have remained with the code, like Andy said. There is one glaring error with your 'links' link to TWHL!!! ;)
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 18:39:59 UTC
in Mod problem. Post #1768
No it's the mod name in liblist.gam as Vassy said after he corrected himself. :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:32:06 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1742
Downloaded the new zip, but it won't unzip. Says it's an invalid zip file. How did you fix the original problem? The answer may help someone reading this post later. ...And did you remember to move the info_landmark back down from the roof? Maybe you're stuck in the ceiling now when you come back from test2... :
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:21:46 UTC
in bathroom wall texture Post #1741
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-27 08:16:58 UTC
in twhl: the mod? Post #1740
I clicked the link and got "Page not found". Let us know when it's working, I'm sure lots of us will vote for it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-09-26 21:24:46 UTC
in Problem With CHANGELEVEL Post #1721
I downloaded and played it. I got stuck in the floor, as expected. But when I opened the console to noclip, i noticed a message that said "Can't find landmark lm2" Check to see that both landmarks have the same exact name. Both should be "lm1" the way you have described it above. (you might have to move your landmark back down from the ceiling if it's still up there) :P