Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 19:41:21 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196716
Hey, don't get too off track.Remember, we're talking about sperm.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 19:40:36 UTC
in Can't shut up this fu----.... Post #196714
Replace the monster's sound files with blank waves.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 17:16:18 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196689
Every time I'm on IRC nbodoy is doing anything :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 11:41:47 UTC
in Half Life Mapping Quiz Post #196653
You mean the gfc.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 11:06:06 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196649
Half Life Improvement Team. Its a team who's working on HL:Enhanced(an update for HL including detail textures, ragdolls, etc). But their forum sucks ass because its impossible to gain respect from 99% of the members there and they have -857286273 tolerance for pointless bullshittin' fun.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 10:54:31 UTC
in HL2.wad Post #196642
Find entity 0(probably the first entity you put in the map) and delete it. But that's a weird ass error, I've nevre seen it before. I'd like to know how that happens.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-16 10:49:48 UTC
in Half Life Mapping Quiz Post #196640
"You make a brush, cover it in trigger, go to Tools, click tie to entity, choose trigger_hurt and specify damage and damage type etc."
Or make a func_water and set the type of liquid to "lava" :D

I've nevr made a controllable train in HL before, only vehicles in cs :( . I can't answer that question.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-15 21:52:37 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196604
7th this is one of the most fun threads we've had in a long ass time. You guys keep locking crap or beating us down because you're becoming more paranoid of spam than HIT. Let us have some pointless fun.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-15 17:39:18 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196594
Well they aren't call headcrabs for nothing. Duh :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-15 17:09:35 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196588
Those actually exist?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-15 17:09:09 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196587
And google video dominates both of them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-15 07:28:41 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196564
Oh my god are you serious....
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-14 21:16:42 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196539
Get what? This is a real problem that real people are facing here! Wake up! We can't afford any more down space crafts!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-14 20:15:25 UTC
in SPEED LIMIT PLEASE!!!! Post #196532
Well this obviously means that you are going to have to be careful because if you pass the 14 gallon mark you will start ejaculating at least twice a day at random, probably even 3 or more times a day. This can cause a problem because you will need to change your pants every few hours and you will also have to start eating wood sandwiches to get the fiber that you will lose from your little buddy's getting free trips to the moon. And speaking of the moon, keep tracking your sperm speed. If it goes above 40 miles an hour you might have SFSD(super fast sperm disorder). The speed will gradually increase untill they are powerful enough to make a full trip to the moon, bounce off, and land back on earth. this poses 2 problems: You might down a space shuttle, and you might hit someone in the face. You know when people "think" that a pigeon took a crap o their head? yeah, that's what the government wants you to think.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-13 21:51:54 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196472
Gordon Freeman played by KEANU REEVES.

THAT would be a sucky movie.
Are you shitting me? I'd kill a man to be the first to see that movie! Keanu Reeves playing Gordon Freeman would be like God playing.... Gordon Freeman!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-13 19:00:14 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196459
HL isn't like Doom 3, or Halo. It has a much more interesting storyline and is overall much more original..
While HL wouldn't be the best choise for a movie - HL2 (with some extra crap added) would be quite good, if executed properly.
There's one character that sticks throughout the game. Alyx pops in for a while then goes away again and its just Gordon again. The main character (Gordon) would have next to no communication with any othre character in the movie and those that he did talk to would be mere side characters that he will never see again. And if they DID give him a permanent side kick or something then it would take away from who Gordon is. Plus the mere fact that they would have to make Gordon talk in the first place is a bad idea, thus making a movie a bad idea. Flying duck pretty much said it before me.
The only possible game from Valve that has movie potential is Opposing Force, but come on. Nobody would see it because Gordon doesn't play a lead role in it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-13 07:21:51 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196416
Well there is a Halo movie in the works and everybody knows it. Halo would be a much bigger budget than a Half Life movie but they are still making it. See, the reason why people don't make a HL movie is because it would suck.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-12 21:00:45 UTC
in FUCK YA! Post #196396
If you are trying to watch the trailor in Opera it won't work. Opera doesn't like YouTube for some reason. Open a different browser for it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-12 20:03:11 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #196384
What are you blabbling on about? I never said anything about Doom being based on the Quake engine nor did I ever say that the goldsource engine wasn't a mod of the Quake engine.
11 games are on the goldsource engine? You're a little off.

PS: Wolfenstein3D wasn't 3d. It was on a 2 plane that created the illusion of a 3d world. Doom was the first game that was truely 3d because it was the first game to use height differences.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-12 16:35:54 UTC
in Black Mesa Complete-comming late 2007 Post #196372
If you don't like to say goldsource just say the Half Life engine.
People still do these things with the goldsource engine because of the sheer classic aspect of it. Duh its outdated, but its still one fo the most popular engines around. People still play Quake and Doom, what do you have to say to them?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-12 07:26:17 UTC
in Portal Website Post #196354
Was that a birthday cake on page 33?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 19:58:43 UTC
in Woot Deviant Art Page is up!! Post #196327
Was that all drawn in Paint?! My god, that's talent right there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 19:56:57 UTC
in Boxes dont respawn with func_pushable? Post #196326
That's just part of cs. Its been like that forever(check out the pushable coffee table in cs_estate). There's nothing you can do about it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-11 17:55:33 UTC
in I need props Post #196320
You mean just like people who don't own CSS shouldn't use Source converted models? Or how they shouldn't use Source textures?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 20:48:56 UTC
in Reducing noise in WAV sounds Post #196261
Ohh you wanted someone to be saying it. I didn't know that :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 18:30:35 UTC
in Reducing noise in WAV sounds Post #196245
VERC is seriously outdated. In all honesty I wouldn't go by what they have "written in stone"(aka anything that isn't arecent forum post). The goldsource engine is a lot more powerful than what it was a few years ago.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 18:07:13 UTC
in Reducing noise in WAV sounds Post #196243
Why would you use 8 bit mono in the first place? Half Life supports up to 44khz 16 bit mono(though anything above 22khz gets a little weird sounding. try it and you'll see what I mean)
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 12:31:09 UTC
in Grenades and sounds Post #196188
He's talking about cs though.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 10:33:05 UTC
in Grenades and sounds Post #196179
You can't actually make a live grenade fall from the sky. If you want to make a "pickupable" grenade fall then its simple: You just put an armoury_entity on top of a func_wall_toggle and trigger the wall when you want the grenade to fall. Trigger it again a second later so that its solid again for the next round. If you want a live grenade you'd be better of with a func_train that follows a downward path and trigger an explosion on the bottom so that it looks like a falling grenade.

Your sounds aren't looping because they don't have cue points in the sound. Download Goldwave and insert a cue point(in tools I think) at the beginning of the sound.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 10:27:52 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #196178
Nothing :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-10 10:25:46 UTC
in Help Keeping AOL at Bay Post #196177
But at least it work right.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 20:23:32 UTC
in Retarded mic Post #196014
I don't know what my sound card is. I doubt it has anything to do with this but how do I figure it out?
And no, I'm not running teamspeak or ventrilo. I run Trillian but thats it an that doesn't affect my mic.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 19:28:53 UTC
in Retarded mic Post #196002
Ok I'm royally pissed off. I have 3 mics and none of them work worth a shit while I'm playing a game on Steam. When I talk it sounds like a tortured cat. But do ANY of these 3 mics have a problem OUTSIDE of the game? No, no problems at all. I've tested them with hardware tests and manual recordings time and time again and there is NOTHING wrong with any of them. I have tweaked the voice settings over and over and over and the damn thing never gets any better. So why in the name of God does my voice fuck itself in the ass when I try to use my mic ingame?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 16:44:45 UTC
in I need props Post #195990
I agree with Daubster, that should be added the links page.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-08 16:43:45 UTC
in the server Post #195989
Here's an idea, probably one that's already been thought of, but one none-the-less. Take a crapload of the old threads off of TWHL and store them somewhere else that isn't almost full. Ok, so it isn't an original idea but come on, it would work... in theory...
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 16:39:04 UTC
in slow.. Post #195801
Ok I know whats going on here. You are pretty much breaking the compile and the game with this map. The map is either full of bugs or your big open space is way too big for the game to render, resulting in pretty much the game torturing itself. You're going to need to make this big open space smaller, or cut it up with walls and stuff, and run a full compile with vis and rad included.

A leak is what happens when an entity is in the void. Basicaly its an opennig between inside an enclosed space and the void, hence the name "leak" because it "leaks" entities into the void. Don't close the entire map in a box, just close off what you need to because anything facing the void won't be rendered and won't need to be rendered(plus you might get the really-slow-game-breaking thing that you have right now).
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-05 21:08:31 UTC
in slow.. Post #195741
How slow does it get? Like 5 fames per second or less?
Is the map fullbright(everything is completely light, no shadows)? Is there a huge open space in the map? Post your compile log there's alot we can find from the log.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-05 18:06:34 UTC
in Admin Abuse at its Finest Post #195732
Dun dun-dun DUNNN DUNNN dun dun-dun DUNNN DUNNN dun dun-dun DUN dunnn dun dun-dun DUNNNNNN.... yeah... That was supposed to be the song :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 19:57:56 UTC
in What do you guys think of Post #195649
nd also using an env_beam for a light beam in HL1 does'nt work great.. unless it was possible to make one end of the env_beam wider
That's what I'm saying, using an env_laser with the sprite set to a spotlight sprite. It'll lock the sprite along the z axis and the sprite that it's set to will make it wider at the bottom than the top. The same method was used for the patches of grass in de_aztec(1.6).
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 17:17:33 UTC
in What do you guys think of Post #195641
That doesn't look too good :| The fading isn't smooth from the inside to the edge, its very noticeable. I'd recommend making a sprite that looks like a spotlight and using it on an env_laser. That's what source games use(or at least that's the basic principle). There's a texture set of nothing but sprite textures at the Wadfather. I'll find it and post a link for you.
Edit: ok, I couldn't find them but I know they are out there somewhere.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 12:33:49 UTC
in I need props Post #195609
A long time ago I saw someone post a link to a website loaded with map props. Models, that is. I can't remember the name of the website but I MUST get back to it because I need some props and that place was the best map model website I'd ever seen.
The main color was a bright blue, all the models were organized into a bunch of categories, and I think it wasn't in english(maybe it was german). Anybody know which site I'm talking about or if you can give me a different website with lots of props?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 12:26:26 UTC
in Steve Irwin Dies Post #195600
My day is ruined. Completely ruined. :(
I wouldn't have expected this to be the end of him. Its surprising, really. If he was going to die on his job I thought a snake or a crocodile would have killed him.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 00:44:06 UTC
in WHERE DO I MAKE THE .BSP? Post #195446
There's a button in the toolbar that looks like a half-wireframed crystal. Click it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-02 15:47:15 UTC
in test your reaction time Post #195427
I started the test about 20 minutes ago. I'm still waiting for my reactions to kick in so I can get my results! I can't wait!

Edit: Average was .22
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-02 10:30:57 UTC
in Admin Abuse at its Finest Post #195389
It almost all looked staged though, nobody on the other team commented in worldspeak and the camera work was too good to have been done in real time (unless they did it all on their own server with tv spec thingy running)
I think it was a lot of people spectating and working with the abusive clan to get the videos and then they edited what they all got on "camera". Even if it is staged its still damn funny.
I thought the magci carpet was the best too. So great :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-02 00:03:08 UTC
in Admin Abuse at its Finest Post #195361
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-01 23:07:10 UTC
in Has Steam Gone Crazy? Post #195359
Has Steam Gone Crazy?
Valve's branching of Steam is sucking big time now.
steam is made for distributing games, not just Half-life
It was originally made for distibuting Half Life games, not this made-in-China bullshit. They should have stuck to their own material and left all this other crap that they are releasing alone.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-01 07:27:55 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #195268
So that was a map he intends to use in Turnstile? If so then I have to repeat myself.
You know... 40,000 polygons being rendered from entities alone is still a shitload. Half Life 2 might break 40,000 once or twice but not likely. If that's you're goal then go for it but it seems WAY excessive even for the amount of detail that is there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-31 18:29:08 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #195243
You know... 40,000 polygons being rendered from entities alone is still a shitload. Half Life 2 might break 40,000 once or twice but not likely. If that's you're goal then go for it but it seems WAY excessive even for the amount of detail that is there.
Edit: Wow, I didn't read previous posts. Screw this whole message.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-31 18:18:18 UTC
in The Mesa Times - A HL1 Comic Post #195242
The history of the gman! REVEALED!
Funny as hell, Daubster. The gman doing stupid stuff nevre gets old :D