Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 10:51:35 UTC
in your Language Post #111199
SariBous bor p? mansbordellen.
Sarbious lives in the men-whorehouse.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-27 07:32:10 UTC
in HL2 + mods compo Post #111141
Truly, AIM doesn't even exist on this continent.

Well, first off: You write like a baby. If not like a baby, atleast a cs teen.
'???' and '!!!'s everywhere (plus some quite annoying abbrevations). Second, your paragraphs are quite bad. I don't think you clicked enter a single time on the above post.

As for your competition: Sure, you're free to start a competition. Everyone is free to join it and you're free to give prizes to anyone who enter.
I'm also free to criticise you in any way I feel satisfying.

My first post was actually directed as a helpful comment, even though it might have appeared quite negative or even mean.

I'll run my point again.
Your competition won't be very attractive because:
1. No one knows who you are.
2. You haven't got a website (and when you do get one, it'll probably be a template of some sort, hosted on freewebs).
3. You write in cs-english. "wth, r, u" are not english words.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 13:45:16 UTC
in I need your photos! Post #111005
I'm ugly as hell, just use this pic ---->
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 03:47:02 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #110957
#Jag ?r dunken, den skattefria dunken, jag sk?nker gl?dje, och ja, jag sk?nker mod
Jag ?r dunken, den skattefria dunken, jag ?r v?nnen hela dan#
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 03:14:10 UTC
in HL2 + mods compo Post #110949
Listen, little man, no one's gonna join a competition that gives no kind of e-penis status at all.
You haven't even got a website.

No one (except maybe your AIM friends-) will join that competition.
Writing with shitty cs english doesn't help your cause either.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-26 03:12:06 UTC
in SCHOOL'S OUT Post #110948
Up here, close to the arctic circle, the sun gows down at about 14:00-15:00 in the winter. But then again, sun sets at .. never (atleast in the north).
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 17:19:24 UTC
in Clever Insults Post #110899
Here's a good one:
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 17:17:58 UTC
in Yay! New site design in progress... Post #110898
We who use m0px accs just steal his space. He's a very kind man, if you just get past the elitistness.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 07:22:02 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #110808
Mot?rhead ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 17:30:14 UTC
in MY HL SONG Post #110749
it's boring.. the music sucks.. it's not very well timed. But I already said that :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 10:25:44 UTC
in nodraw Post #110702
Nodraw is a half-life 2 texture - not hl1.

HL1 uses AAATrigger texture for most triggers (Found in halflife.wad).
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 08:24:22 UTC
in WCG 2006 Post #110693
Doubt it. But as all other events concerning money, you'll prolly need your parents approval.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 03:57:57 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #110685
Charta 77 - Spegelapan
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 03:39:11 UTC
in An Irish thang....on that Ebay Post #110682
How.. impractical.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 03:37:27 UTC
in Song you're listening to now Post #110681
Spegelapan - Cirklar
Fool! The album is Spegelapan, the song is Cirklar, the band is Charta 77 ;<

The Hellacopters - By the Grace of God
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 17:30:59 UTC
in Clever Insults Post #110546
Wtf, why did I get dragged into this :<
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-22 17:29:44 UTC
in 12 Yearold Guitarshredder Post #110545
Maybe cause you use opera (aka 'gaybrowser nr 1!!!!')?

I could save it with no problems, but I can't open it.
WMP doesn't recognize the file ext and MPC can't render the file.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 17:23:33 UTC
in textures >< Post #110324
Well, not sure what you're asking really. The CZ wad files should be in the Condition Zero gcf file. Open it up with gcf-scape (google it) and extract 'em.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 17:20:52 UTC
in important-spread the word Post #110322
In fact about 70% of worlds population are dunb asses, who thrust television as if it were given by God
I resent that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-20 09:29:36 UTC
in Hola! oh another new 1 Post #110264
Very nice, very flashy and yet clean.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 18:17:53 UTC
in Pimp my site Post #110201
Using 1152x864 - Small scrollbar in portfolio - annoying ;(
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 17:06:42 UTC
in Missing Sound? [closed] Post #110189
Mercenary: Those wads are all standard except kimaru.wad. You don't need to include them.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 17:04:30 UTC
in Embarrassing Post #110188
They know what it means, they just dont know how to have a boy/girl friend.
Hannibal knew how to gain victory, but not how to
use it.
  • Maharbal
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 16:43:20 UTC
in Yay! New site design in progress... Post #110173
Very nice design, Imho. I especially like the rounded browsers (which don't work in opera, so ha!) and the minimalistic style.

It does scroll a bit, horizontally, in 1152x864.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 16:40:31 UTC
in important-spread the word Post #110172
Their potatoes are like 60% artificial ingredy-thingie (Dunno eng name, st?rkelse svenska), 10% sugar, 20% frying oil and some compressed potato outer-stuff (Can't remember name).
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 11:49:22 UTC
in important-spread the word Post #110110
Well, the bad thing about McDonalds is it's just so good, it's addictive.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 09:46:02 UTC
in What playing too much RPGs does to you. Post #110096
Hehe, old, yes. But hilarious :) Stupid roleplayers, jeez....... WoW!

"I wear boots of escapement!"
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-19 09:34:49 UTC
in Avatar (No, not another one of those...) Post #110095
I've been changing avatars alot recently (most with a slightly CCCP-y theme) but I think I'll keep it. I kinda like the orangey me.
Real pic edited in PS, for someone who cares.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 08:11:42 UTC
in Pranks... Post #109974
"Welcome to China"
&lt;jaardsi&gt; "Comrade jaardsi's Very Red Trip To Mother Russia and Communistic China"
On a steamtrain! Weird finns.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-18 06:25:18 UTC
in IRC Conspiracy Post #109961
Oh god Habboi...
Your stupidity surpases even mine sometimes.
It surpasses the stupidity of most thinking organisms.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 15:14:41 UTC
in Friday the 13th Post #109909
Rape goat!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 13:29:36 UTC
in SnarkPit down again! Post #109898
Manson is a ladyboy with too much lipstick. Nothing else.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-17 13:28:50 UTC
in Embarrassing Post #109897
Whats the proper age to have sex in America?
it's 16 in UK...
Legal at any age if both are same age and "willing", illegal if one is under 15 and the other isn't. Or, so I think, anyhow.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 17:43:29 UTC
in IRC Conspiracy Post #109823
Bratty, that happens here too. And I mean, the climate here -- shrug!

They can be having a tent on fucking pavement for weeks.. sick, too sick.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 17:38:34 UTC
in Friday the 13th Post #109822
Jebus: Child of Satan.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 15:30:47 UTC
in SnarkPit down again! Post #109800
Unbreakable: Afaik, Leperous hasn't fucked up - the hosts for Snarkpit have.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-16 05:59:05 UTC
in Urb's HL2 Comic (56k look out) Post #109720
Good idea, I must say. Hide the hud, as drglass said.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 17:09:13 UTC
in Non-Mapping Shenanigans Post #109653
Saribous: Haterop.

ministeve: Too much yanks.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 16:19:42 UTC
in True advert from norwegian television Post #109638
Here, here, ministeve.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 11:17:09 UTC
in De_inferno Source Post #109560
The timeline on steampowered was very interesting (allbeit slow, someone mirror it :D) - really is quite one inspiration to mapping.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 11:16:22 UTC
in Non-Mapping Shenanigans Post #109559
Omfg saribous jag har fan helgon account - en kille i min klass e helt fanatisk om det.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 10:37:31 UTC
in Non-Mapping Shenanigans Post #109550
Cad-comic, penny-arcade, various stumbleupon crap.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 07:16:19 UTC
in Grass Textures??? Post #109517
Not sure. Have you changed the properties of the ground the grass is on?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 06:20:24 UTC
in Never do this [closed] Post #109509
True, delete it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 05:07:20 UTC
in Never do this [closed] Post #109500
Dont yell Heil Hitler in Canada :/
Dont yell Heil Hitler in Warsaw
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 19:54:00 UTC
in Compiling... is this fatal? [closed] Post #109429
Ok, first of all:
Use google before you ask questions. This will prevent our fine forums to be spammed with your shitty worthless threads that can easily be answered by entering some letters in your browsers. I found the answer to this particular question in about 10 seconds.

Second, stop shouting. AKA, spamming. Put it in the shoutbox or something.

Third, there's no need to go all period over me cause I told you to search google before asking questions. It's simple forum ethics to actually search before asking (as described here).
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 19:21:57 UTC
in De_inferno Source Post #109423
[quote]UTTAL: kom1pni4, ?v. (i bet. 3 o. (i vissa trakter) i bet. 1 a) 400 l. 302,
BETYDELSE: om sammanslutning l. lag av personer.

Svenskt uppslagsord
kompani - se Co
Engelsk ?vers?ttning
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 19:13:21 UTC
in important-spread the word Post #109420
I never kill people.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 19:12:13 UTC
in True advert from norwegian television Post #109419
Seventh: ?ppna kanalen = Open channel. Anyone can buy TV time there and mostly it airs crappy religious muslim/christian shows made with a horrible camera and without mics.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 19:07:42 UTC
in Compiling... is this fatal? [closed] Post #109418
User posted image
Memory leak: mempool blocks left in memory: ##
these errors can be ignored, they have nothing to do with your map (but with crappy programming by valve!)