Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 17:06:17 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182985
Yay! We get to be hung together!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 17:03:35 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182983
7th, Zombie, and Satchmo all posted the php thumbnail too. Deal with it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 16:52:41 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182976
Sorry for the screen over the windows, it really screws up the image quality. Anyway here's the view from my bedroom:
User posted image

And here's the view from my "computer room", where I spend 95% of my time:
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-31 07:43:48 UTC
in Hello thread! Here?s the hello thread! Post #182886
Yo, yo. Waddup dawg? This here be TWHL and its totally da shiznit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 16:22:13 UTC
in Say 'hello' to Sienna! Post #182773
How old are you people anywho? It seemes like a lot of people on TWHL are beomcing parents of uncles(ok, maybe just a few. Whatever)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 07:40:23 UTC
in Multi_managers are not necessary Post #182700
The whole point of a multi_manager is to organize timed events. Of course it won't be neccessary when you aren't timing anything, thats not what multi_managers are for.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-30 07:38:38 UTC
in Say 'hello' to Sienna! Post #182699
Hi Sienna Rowley.
'Grats to the parents.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 18:44:57 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #182640
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 17:18:21 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #182625
Was that real?!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 16:59:39 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #182618
I love Mitch Hedburg!
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 12:16:48 UTC
He might not have the bandwidth show massive screenshots.
Edit: Never mind. Forget what I just said.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 12:14:35 UTC
in The Google Video/YouTube Thread Post #182578
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 02:20:11 UTC
Well its no Minerva but it floats my boat.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-29 02:09:59 UTC
in Someone Tell me why.... Post #182488
Woah, there's something I could have never guessed myself. Fun fact.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-28 15:54:32 UTC
in Biography bug Post #182430
Odds are this has already been pointed out, but I wasn't sure. Using an apostrophe in your biography also creates a backslash with the apostrophe, sometimes it creates several backslashes. Here's a pitcure:
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-27 02:08:40 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182206
Whats that across the street from you?
(Man, I really need to upload a picture of my window)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 22:32:36 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182200
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 17:59:36 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182176
Zombie, I envy where you live.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 17:58:28 UTC
in Weird buzzing sound, help me Post #182175
I just found out that my sound card is integrated into my motherboard, so replacing it is out of the question.
I downloaded new dirvers for both video and sound but the buzzing is still there(yes, I did restart my computer).
Edit: Its much much quieter now, though. I can only hear it if I listen for it, but now that I know its there I end up listening for it every time :( .
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-26 07:32:57 UTC
in The New VIEW OUT YOUR WINDOW thread Post #182108
Don't feel sad Rimroom, have you seen Zombie's picture yet?
I'll get a picture of the view from my room later when I get home from school today.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-25 07:49:05 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #181982
That's the first time I've ever heard someone say "nasty" in that context.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 21:06:58 UTC
in Weird buzzing sound, help me Post #181925
Its not the headphones, I recorded that clip straight from my computer and I still hear the buzzing at the same volume even if I turn my headphone volume all the way down.
Its not some bogus graphics driver problem, I just got a new graphics card and the buzzing has been the same between this new one and the old one before it.

I'll blow off my card and re-plug it into place and tell you what happens. I can't now though, I have to go.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 20:44:49 UTC
in Weird buzzing sound, help me Post #181920
Maybe, but why would it just start craping out on me now?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 20:37:49 UTC
in Weird buzzing sound, help me Post #181917
That didn't help. It just changed the pitch of the buzzing. Plus, I only have 2 audio cables, my headphones and my mic, which are nowhere near any of the monitor cables or any other cables for that matter.
Edit: Strike that, I changed my refresh rate back and it was no different, the buzzing is still the same. I also plugged my headphones into a jack in the front of the computer but that just made the buzzing hellishly loud.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 20:22:27 UTC
in Weird buzzing sound, help me Post #181915
For a few months now my headphones have been giving off a silent buzzing sound of varying pitch whenever I A) Play any Steam game B) Go into 3D view in Hammer and C) Use Jed's HLMV. Just recently the buzzing has gotten louder and now its extremely noticeable. I know it can't be a problem with my headphones because the buzzing always happens in the same places(or programs) and the pitch is always the same depending on what program it is and what thing I am doing in that prgram. Different models in HLMV give off different buzzing pitches, moving my mouse in 3D view in Hammer makes the buzzing a hell of a lot louder, and just standing there, doing nothing, in Counter Strike gives off a buzz. Does anyone have any clue as to why this is happening?

Here's a clip of the sound, recording not from my headphones but from the computer, so I know its not a headphone issue. The first high pitched buzz is me opening HLMV while running Steam. When I close Steam the pitch suddenly drops a lot. the 3rd buzz in me moving my mouse in 3D mode in hammer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-24 19:58:40 UTC
in Teh desktops of mid-May~!!1 Post #181913
New desktop. I've got a bit of cleaning up to do.
User posted image

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 16:27:23 UTC
in Muzzle TWHL server map rotation vote Post #181698
Unbreakable, how did you pull off the blooming outside the garage?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 16:26:02 UTC
in Keep your jesus off my penis Post #181697
Obviously... :roll:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-23 07:49:57 UTC
in PSP Model Post #181632
What do I think about it?
This is what I think
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 18:59:02 UTC
in Keep your jesus off my penis Post #181577
I'm so glad I live by the philosophy of "believe what you will".
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 17:52:32 UTC
in Keep your jesus off my penis Post #181567
7th I fear you have awakened the slumbering beast :o
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 17:25:25 UTC
in Muzzle TWHL server map rotation vote Post #181558
Weird. A friend of mine owns a rented server and I co-own it with him. He uses AMXX and it works perfectly.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 17:24:12 UTC
in TWHL 3 Suggestion Post #181555
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 17:20:08 UTC
in Muzzle TWHL server map rotation vote Post #181554
I'll gladly set up AMX 0.9.9 for you and email you all the neccessary files. Is your server dedicated or rented?
Perhaps later I will ask some questions about it. I gave up on dedicated servers after trying to get my router to accept the change.
They can be tricky sometimes but if you learn how to host a proper dedicated server its a lot more beneficial(mostly because its free).

1400 wpolies too much? Not these days :| . if you are still stuck in the stone age(like I was at one time) and have a crappy computer that lags out at 1000 wploy then forget r_speeds. Adjust your gl_max_size and get massive fps boosts:
Go to your config.cfg and type gl_max_size <value goes here>. For those who don't know, gl_max_size sets the maximum texture size that the game will draw. If a texture is larger than that then the game will resize it. The best sizes to choose are factors of 2(2,4,8,16,32,etc...). The default is 256 but if you have a crappy computer I'd suggest either 128 or even 64(only if its REALLY old). For those of you with newer computers I'd suggest 512 or even 1024(like me, the man).
Gl_max_size must be set before you enter a game and cannot be changed after you enter(even if you disconnect) which is why its smartest to put it in your config.cfg.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 17:11:51 UTC
in Color Depth Post #181549
What about 255? Does it only happen to this sprite?
Post the map in the vault like BJ said so someone else can take a look at it and make sure its not machine-specific.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 16:57:58 UTC
in Color Depth Post #181544
Looks like its kinda happening everywhere, not just the sprites. The textures also look grainy if you look really carefully.
What kind of graphics card do you have?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 16:55:38 UTC
in Keep your jesus off my penis Post #181541
What the hell? Weirdest thing I've ever heard.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 16:54:36 UTC
in Muzzle TWHL server map rotation vote Post #181540
I would suggest some of my HLDM maps, but they look like crap(or are buggy). I'm working on a new DM map, hope you'll host it when I'm finished.
I have no map suggestions at this time. Everyone already said the ones I had in mind.
Get AMX....
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-22 07:39:56 UTC
in Now smelling Post #181442
I smell glowing eyeballs.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 20:07:18 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #181375
Pssh, screw the gauss rifle, shotgun all the way.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 19:10:03 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #181367
El blocks should have been el seperate entities so the el explosion would have looked a hell of a lot el cooler. That was just el lamez0r
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-21 17:29:05 UTC
in Muzz's HLDM Server Post #181359
What the crap?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 21:41:33 UTC
in New Mod: "Turnstile" Post #181263
Oh the wonders that you can work without actually creating new code for the game :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-20 21:40:56 UTC
in Now smelling Post #181262
Mmm, office space.
Currently smelling a can of Vault, and getting to it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 20:24:17 UTC
in Now smelling Post #181035
Thats too bad, you must be a robot.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 20:23:16 UTC
in The RCP-90 Post #181034
Yeah, the mp7 is the best smg ever made because its the best.
PS: j00 r ph41l 4t linkz lolololololololol! But yeah, mp7s are awesome, probably the coolest smg around.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-19 20:21:47 UTC
in You're all tools Post #181033
Pretty useful, nice job.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-17 20:05:20 UTC
in Now smelling Post #180663
Nothing, my nose is clogged.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-17 07:36:53 UTC
in The RCP-90 Post #180504
What are you talking about, why would you reign fire upon my children?
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-16 20:59:07 UTC
in The RCP-90 Post #180461
You mean the enfield EM2 or SA80 right? Cause when you say just enfield i think of the lee. which is bolt action.