Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-07-26 13:01:53 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252989
That looks amazing Muzz! (downloading now)

Here's my entry. I haven't made it openable yet, and I'll TRY not to cheat to see how you made it open! = )

User posted image

Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 19:07:15 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252871
Yeah me too, but hopefully someone will do it in source to help out Kissker's problem too. Is there a stand-alone version of Hammer 4 (and the HL2 model viewer for that matter), or do you have to have the SDK still?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 19:05:02 UTC
in TWHL3: The Buglist Post #252870
Wow that is a long wait WorldCraft... My waits are long but not that long.

Maybe TWHL needs HGH or some healthy/delicious Vitamin Water?

Btw i have spiderbugs in my underarm cavities. What can be done to fix this?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 19:01:01 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252868
Yahoo Muzz is in! = )

are you doing it in Hammer 3.4 or 4?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 18:52:52 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252866
Maybe Kissker could supply us a gif or video, but he explains how it moves in his thread, and you can kinda see how it works looking at it closely.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 18:43:53 UTC
in 6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Post #252864
Here's some leaf portal fixes i've found:


-VIS -full. Many "leaf-saws" that come up in FAST and NORMAL VIS will disappear in FULL.

-copy/paste method. copy the whole map into a new .rmf file.

-Func_walling. Find the bad brush or brushes and make them func_walls (make them illusionaries if you have a tight clipnode budjet).

-revert to an earlier, error-free version

-eliminate any structures/brushes outside the compilable area of your map (even if they are nulled they can still possibly cause this and other problems).

-sometimes rotating multiple complex objects causes this error, especially using "ctrl-m" to move them. Try shift-rotating instead, or rotating less objects at a time.

-Some other errors may erroneously cause leaf-saw errors. Make sure there aren't any other "problems" with your map you might be overlooking!

-The simplest, most innocent looking structure can potentially be the culprit of your leaf-saw error, and can erroneously spawn additional leaf-saw errors. Find the culprit brush and kill it!

hope helps! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 18:27:20 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252863
Hey, what do you guys think about recreating this door in hammer 3.x or 4 (source) as the next geometry challenge instead of building a robot:
User posted image
Read Kissker's thread for more information on how the door works. The bonus would be making the door function like the original, using trains, renders, and/or whatever you have to do to make it work.

Any takers? = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-22 18:21:55 UTC
in Cogs? Post #252861
wow that is tricky (the door frame anyway) but not impossible. If i had hammer 4 running i would give it a go. This would actually be a good geometry challenge four us to recreate this maybe.

Hey if we make this in hammer 3.x, can you import the architecture to hammer 4? Even if you can't, maybe you can glean some tips from us making this a geometry challenge anyway, and you can "copy" the architecture into your editor.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-21 20:02:46 UTC
in Cogs? Post #252835
It's a fairly simple piece or architecture imo, but does hammer 4 have a cog primitive? you shouldn't have to rotate anything imo, plus it's cleaner not to. Maybe show us a picture of what you want?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-21 19:36:26 UTC
in Cogs? Post #252830
What Zeeba-G says is the way i would do it too. You might google image some cog pics too to get some ideas to make your cogs look sexy.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-21 18:43:42 UTC
in What Half-Life Tools do you recommend? Post #252825
I recently had to reinstall from scratch. Here's my setup files for my current use (like Pepper said, your needs may vary from mine):

ZHLT 3.4 final
Nem's batch compiler 3.12
Muzz Compilator
Muzz Half-Life Launchpad
Jeb Smith's HLFix
Jeb Smith's HL Model Viewer 1.25
Hammer 3.5 (model support in editor)
FGD Halflife version (for model support)
FGD addition to allow switchable textlights (check texture light tutorial comments)
Decompile: WinBSP and BSPtoMap
Resgen v110 - tells you what resources are used in a map like wads, skyfiles, etc.
sprview - sprite viewer
wally 1.55 (textures)

That's all i have for now! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-19 16:32:32 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252701
lol you just blocked my edit, i just tried the new version and noticed! I like the togglable options to make the launch window smaller too (though i thing the black arrow is quite nondescript, and it would look nicer with better style.

Anyway, sweet. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-19 16:23:54 UTC
in happy birth day zombieloffe Post #252698
...sorry, I lied.
I was looking for the cake and then i saw the caption and rofled.


Anyway Happy Birthday if the Birthday is not a lie! ^_^
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-19 16:16:22 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252697
I agree with Daubsters comments. (LAUNCH button is a MUST if for no other reason than the lulz. A rocket engine sound would be pimp too but that might be a little crazy)

I've been using the launchpad with WON Half-Life everyday since you released it, and with Steam to a limited extent. Works flawlessly... i love it!



Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-13 21:18:17 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252369
How bout let's go with Muzz's idea if we don't get any WALL-Es soon? I'm going to try to do my little trash compactor tonight before work.

And for the recreate from picture idea, it sounds very cool. it would be awesome to see how different people interpreted the same pic. It might also be cool to make a stained-glass representation of a pic, but it would be a totally 2 dimensional thing. [/hijack]

[b]EDIT: I've been busy with work and've barely time to check the internets for anything! Hopefully we'll slow down soon and I can get back to mapping!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-13 05:46:34 UTC
in God likde admins Post #252470
It's like the AMX Mod for cs. like if you get 3 kills in a row and it screams "GODLIKE!".
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-12 17:36:59 UTC
in Competition 25 Post #252453
Yay i placed and i feel proud. :badass:

Thanks to Saw, Zeeba, GrimReaf, Tetsu0, and PB for the nice comments. I'm putting my map in the vault soon for moar comments since it placed so i look forward to moar.


Zeeba: I loved your entry and it's obvious it was a lot of work. Plus, i love Metroid and i seriously thought of doing the original game or Zero mission for the compo too! I hope you still participate in the future competitions! = O
portal inspired competition could be pretty cool.
I think that's an outstanding idea if i read you correctly: Make a map for Portal, or, a Source/Goldsource themed map would be friggin awsome.

Portal <3.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-07 12:58:41 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252191
I tested it in Steam and Won HL and it works great! Bravo Muzz! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-07 11:34:37 UTC
in [UTILITY] Half-Life Launch Pad Post #252186
Downloading! I've used the beta version of your launchpad just about every day since you released. It's a faster way of locating and running your maps and mods, and saves repetitively pulling up the console and typing the filename.

Thanks Muzz!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-07 11:19:08 UTC
in My whole map dark map is lighted Post #252184
Warning: Larger than expected texture (218412 bytes): 'GP_MENU'
Also, fix this. You can look that up too at Tommy14's site; If you plan on mapping a lot get used to this site because it's the best HL mapping error debugger for all the days.

Welcome to TWHL too, btw.


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-05 15:33:07 UTC
in Half-Life: Static Friction Post #252145
new bump system is new. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-05 13:31:01 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252144
Ok how about this?

User posted image
Everyone must make a WALL-E from the movie.

It's not hard to make this. As a bonus if you want to, you can submit something a bit harder to go along with the WALL-E robot, like a Terminator Exoskeleton, Matrix Sentinel, etc... or, your own! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-04 18:03:36 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252116
yay! = )

do you think it would be fun if we all had to build the same robot? if so, which robot would be the best?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-03 16:34:55 UTC
in Texturing a cylinder Post #252092
Maybe upload the original bottle to problem maps. I'll look at it for you.

i guess i don't really know what you mean unless you mean you want to wrap 1 texture around the whole cylinder. In that case, it might be better to use 2, but i'm no texturing wiz.

Rimrook if your listening is this possible to easily do in Hammer texturing?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-03 16:03:24 UTC
in Texturing a cylinder Post #252088
When you've selected both faces make sure treat as one checkbox is checked? hit face checkbox if it's backwords.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-03 15:29:31 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252085
you mean like stained glass, or like a map-from-photo competition?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-03 13:42:47 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252082
Um, yes? = )

Anybody in for this one?

We can do something else if you guys want. I must admit after 9 geometry challenges it's becoming hard to think of new, different ideas imo. So if you have a fresh idea, speak up!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 19:26:46 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252026
Geometry Challenge #10 - Build a Robot!
From recent work on d0g and after just seeing WALL-E at
the theatres, my choice for the next challenge is clear:
Build a Robot.

You can recreate Wall-E or any robot you want, or even
better: Design/build one your own.

-Challenge leaders can always enter the contest if they choose
to. I'm not sure if i'll enter or not, so the winnar will
be chosen by group voting in this thread when there are no
more entries.
-The challenge will last as long as we want it to.
-As always, winners choose the next challenge unless they defer.
-As previously stated: Source Entries are now allowed and accepted.

Good luck and have fun! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 17:57:47 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252024
Well then i stand corrected, so you mean you get all the same "leaf saw" and "coplanar plane" errors that you get making objects in Source? If this is the case than i guess no Handicap is necessary or it's simply up to the that person voting. Regardless:

Source Entries are now aloud in the Geometry Challenges.

Cheers to any Hammer 4 mappers who decide to join in, and i apologize for wrongly excluding you in the past!!

' (

Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 17:22:35 UTC
in Hammer gone weird! Post #252021
Does anyone with Vista have the ability to select things in the 3D view in Hammer 3.X?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 17:06:37 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #252016
Yay I'm winnar! I'll try to think of a new geometry challenge and put it up soon. Muzz if you i'd love to read your comments on the entrys if you have any, plus i'm sure everyone else would too. Thanks to Muzz for the idea and everyone who participated, making it a fun geometry challenge! = )
Just wondering.. are the geometry challenges open to Source?
In the past i would say no, because i've heard it's far less challenging to produce error free brushwork in source, but now i say it's ok for Source mappers to enter, but i'd like everyone voting for a winner to keep one thing in mind: HL1 Goldsource entrants should recieve a bit of a handicap when your deciding which entry is your favourite. Plus, i guess people who don't have Source--like me--can use Crafty to view the entries, or just judge from screens/video provided by the entrant.[/wall-o-text]

Daubster: Haha awesome+thanky! it's going in my profile right now! :badass:
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-07-01 16:44:07 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #252015
RL has been getting in the way of my mapping projects, so my Scientist Burger Entry is at a standstill. I might do a little moar work on it and submit it unfinished. Anyone else making progress on theirs?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-25 17:56:15 UTC
in Desktops of June Post #251827
"Maybe Americans aren't all fat dumbasses?"

Diabetes FTW.

I'll also take a Large Case of Heart Disease and a side of Prostate Cancer please. = P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-21 17:36:38 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251701
oh my sorry Spike!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-21 16:49:52 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251699
"would it still make us psychopaths?"

Wanting to do something like this doesn't automatically make you a psychopath, but it doesn't help you (at all) to NOT seem like one, especially in this very specific, personal scenario like Luke sez.

What Pepper said makes me think. I wonder how a WW2 Veteran would feel playing DoD or any WW2 Game, likewise Vietnam Veterans playing Battlefield or Active Servicemen Playing COD4...

Anyway this conversation is starting to make my brain go numb... i just hope spike you didn't start this whole thread to begin a flame war. I think you have gleaned plenty of insight on both sides to decide whether to move forward on this or no.

I'm not trying to tell you your business now, but maybe you could stop chumming the water so much?!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-21 07:49:53 UTC
in Utility Search: Photo Presentation Post #251685
Found this. I'll try it out soon and report back.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-21 05:51:42 UTC
in Help me fix this problem. Sky clipping? Post #251683
User posted image
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 21:06:23 UTC
in Utility Search: Photo Presentation Post #251661
Yeah i'd rather not use Movie Maker unless I have to, but i may have to. I found a cool tutorial for doing it in Flash, but I am noob, and it's a little overkill, and then people will have to have flash installed and view in their browser?

Thanks for responses.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 20:44:37 UTC
in Utility Search: Photo Presentation Post #251658
Hay guys i'm looking for a freeware program (preferably, but it doesn't have to be free) you can take a bunch of pictures and put them together in a video, and also make a stand-alone slide show that you can easily send to others (something so recipients don't have to install any software to watch it).

One of my friend's relatives are dying, and they want to put together a bunch of their pics for the family, and later they want to do something at the funeral i think.

I'm googling right now, but if anyone can think of something good for this please let me know please/thanks.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 20:31:19 UTC
in Custom Masked Textures not working. Post #251656
Transparent HL textures In Wally
By NinjaGrinch

Any part of the texture that you want to be transparent needs to be the same color as palette index 255. Generally its a good idea to use a specific color like pure blue/green/red or my favorite, magenta RGB(255,0,128), that stands out from the rest of the texture.

The best way to set the color you want to index 255 is to first get the image looking how you want in Photoshop (or whatever your prefered graphics program is), then open it up in Wally.

Pick the color you want to be transparent (Use the "Eye Dropper" tool to select the transparent colour as your primary colour), and then choose 'Translate Colors' from the Colors menu.

For Source pixels enter the number you noted in the textbox named 'index'. After that, under Destination Index, enter '255' in that textbox, make sure 'swap indexes' is checked, and hit ok.

Now, the the color you chose for transparency should be set as index 255, or the last little box on the lower right of the palette.

Full thread here:,1064167071,2615/536206?v=flatold

And finally another helpful Transparent Textures HL tutorial, this one with pretty pictures at
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 13:06:37 UTC
in hl2 in hl1 mod Post #251634
I see no problem trying to make HL2 stuff in HL1 for fun, let alone anything else that people say is impossible/unfeasible... it's just Like Captain P said: you won't be able to make it exacatly like HL2, but with a little creativity/adaptation you could emulate much of it fairly well.

There's tons of stuff i never thought possible or never even thought of that's been achieved in HL1, and i continue to be surprise. Goldsource is an amazingly versatile and resilient engine after all these years, and it's not dead yet. = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-20 12:53:14 UTC
in TWHL3: The Buglist Post #251632
I have spidas in mine room. Can you "fix" them please/thank you.


PM Subject Glitch
Not really a "glitch", but if you compose a PM without a subject and try to send, you lose the whole thing?!

Maybe u could put a "<no subject>" thingie in the subject box, so if you forget to specify a subject, you won't lose your novella you carefully wrote to your TWHL friend! (apologize if it's been mentioned)

' ( ' ' '''

Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-19 18:54:26 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251596
It's a very difficult way to build something, albeit very clean building everything from on-vertex triangles like that. It's awing that you would do that, and i can surely feel your frustration.

I don't even care about having stuff on vertex anymore (to an extent), or even errors, as long as there are no errors using alt-p and no visible glitch errors in the game.

Hence, i now opt for the much easier road of rampant rotations, scaling (using alt-e), questionable vertex manipulations using prexisting blocks and triangles made from tetrahedrons (and plain cylinders actually), and TONS of intersecting brushes. (all of this would hard to pull off without HLFix i might add, which slaps together edges flush that the ordinary compile would never do.

Some nicer textures plus a bigger map to appreciate the grunt would have been nice fo sho though, but that thing would be pretty hard to texture (at least for me it would!) Maybe TJB can give some texturing hints?! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-19 18:25:31 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251594
Haha poor Muzz. = )

Geometry Challenge #9 entires (recap):
Combine Heli by Unbreakable
Headcrab by Half-Life Genius.
Human_Grunt by Tetsu0
D0g by Captain Terror
Houndeye by TJB

Thank you to everyone who joined this time around and good luck!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-19 17:48:14 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251590
Cock rooster cock cock! = )

I took a gander at your Grunt's architecture... wow, you did that all by hand? Plus the whole of the thing is hollow? All this done without hlfix is quite impressive.

I only wish you would group part of your brushworks so it would be a little easier to get my head around your design method, but i can't really complain since you were nice enough to include the .rmf! Good work!

TJB: Stunning brushwork and texturing make that thing look like a carbon copy of the model! I would kill everyone on this forum to know how you textured that thing so seamlessly! = D

Muzz/all: are we voting for this one like the others, or is MuzzleFlash acting as juror?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-19 17:33:06 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #251589
I'm guna start working on my entry again today. I'm thinking about making it first person, with the player playing a scientist that escapes the burger machine but gets to go behind the scenes to see other scientists get burgerized. = )

So far all i got is a hallway, some doors, the initial trap to get lure the scientists to the burger machine, a grappling arm to grab them, an escape so you can survive the process, a holding tank for scientists, and an elaborate conveyor system.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 15 years ago2008-06-19 17:27:32 UTC
in school shootout mod idea Post #251588
Bad idea is bad.

Given recent history with school shootings, it's just really bad taste imo. Saying you want to go around and shoot helpless students "who don't really do much but stand around" sounds really bad.

On the other hand, pretty much everyone has made a map of their school at some point, so i don't see any problem with that; In fact, making maps of places you know well is the best, because you can visualize all the details easily/thoughtfully.

I guess we could say all these things about GTA too so maybe the people (like me) who are saying this sounds bad are hypocrites?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 22:52:34 UTC
in Competition 25 Post #251154

Well here is my final version of my unsubmitted C25 entry:

Remake a Game! - StarCraft
User posted image
I hope you enjoy it... I enjoyed making it. StarCraft Players should like it, nonplayers less so. Lemme know what you think!


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 22:48:03 UTC
in Entity Challenges Post #251153
I'm way behind on mine and i'm going on vacation for a week! To quote Mr. John Mayer:

"...This is bound to take a while..."


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-11 22:45:15 UTC
in Geometry Challenges Post #251152
Well i'm off on vaction for a week or so, and I'm not certain if i'll have internets, so i'm guna submit my entry now:

d0g from HL2
User posted image
Tetsu0 you better finish you cock! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman