6-D : A Half-Life Puzzle Mod [WIP] Created 18 years ago2006-07-27 12:16:44 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Created 18 years ago2006-07-27 12:16:44 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-02 16:21:01 UTC Post #252074
Sorry guys, I took the day off. cleaned my bathroom and did a load of errands. I already have some decent mapping done but not nearly enough yet. I don't have anyhting that will melt heads yet. I managed to get more than I wanted to get done yesterday. But meh, life happens. Still looks like we'll hit the mark I'm sure of it. :D

Since I have a self proclaimed holiday, I'm makingn papercrafts. So far I made a snark. Haven't put it together yet. If it works I'll post it. But I'm not doing anything serious for 6D, all that cleaner gave me a raging headcake.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-02 16:33:50 UTC Post #252075
Oh shit no. A headcake! Fuck.
Hope that it gets srsly uncaked rly soon.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-04 19:51:24 UTC Post #252118
The headcake is a lie!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-04 20:09:26 UTC Post #252121
i'm unheadcaked. finishing up a map here. :D but i'm worried it may be too tough for beginners.

...dammit, i hate seeing that Jack Sparrow everytime to check this thread we need a new page. :(
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-04 20:22:16 UTC Post #252124
lets create much spam for teh new page yes?
good to see you're unheadcaked too.
6 more posts btw.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 16:57:43 UTC Post #252158
User posted image
Grim is stuck in vietnam or something so there won't be guest music, I was looking forward to it too. Now I have more things on may part to accomplish. I still think I can do it. I need to get some words from Daubster how he's doing. If you're listening Daubs, reply. Pretty please.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 17:18:22 UTC Post #252159
What kinda music do you need? anything with guitars? Or more techno like stuff?
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 21:11:57 UTC Post #252160
Grim is really gewd with the dramatic concert stuff, which is great for the single player mode, but for classic mode, it was going to resemble generic techno-type-tetris music, which was going to be done by me. I'll pick up the slack one way or another. I don't think you should concern yourself with it.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 21:14:58 UTC Post #252165
YEAH! Tetris music! =D it now is 10x more leet!
So you say demo within 10 days or so? (as of last when i check the timer, im guessing kinda)
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 21:47:03 UTC Post #252167
10 days? word on the street says it comes out in 7 days.

i got the feeling that you'll either love me or hate me for making this mod. :/
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-06 21:58:26 UTC Post #252168
I already feel both ways, so no harm done. D:
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 01:47:50 UTC Post #252169
Well, its a matter of out smarting each other here. If you beat it without cheating, its ok I guess, I want you to have a tough time and have fun thinking of the various ways to use the skills given to you in the game.

If you have to cheat to get past it, I win.

YAY! new page!

EDIT: Heh, if you have to make something idiot-proof, for a moment you have to be an idiot. :D

EDIT again: Bawwww i can't make a particular puzzle cuz something is wrong with the func_water entity. It turns the water hollow and uncolliding, and entirely useless. I tested against regular HL, so its perhaps a spirit or 6D thing.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 03:26:44 UTC Post #252176
I think you cant collide with water in the standard HL either.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 10:49:27 UTC Post #252182
yeah it's about time we got to a new page. I was sick of loading this thread and staring at jack sparrow.
Can't wait til the demo rim, and it's not in me to cheat so you will not win.
i will.
but you will win anyway
because 6D is win
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-07 13:18:16 UTC Post #252194
Fixed the water problem. By default, the 'contents' were set to -1

changing it to 'water' makes it work. But thats a lame default setting :\
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-13 21:07:28 UTC Post #252477

Posted 16 years ago2008-07-13 23:50:10 UTC Post #252480
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-14 09:07:20 UTC Post #252483
Soo... It's Eight days now. From when you said Seven days.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-14 09:42:39 UTC Post #252486
Can we try the demo please...pretty please...? :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-14 11:37:30 UTC Post #252487
Soo... It's Eight days now. From when you said Seven days.
RIOT TIME! Get the pitch forks and torches!!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-14 16:48:57 UTC Post #252517
We have a ton of kinks to work out. Plus my summer is over. :(

A whole lot of really unexpected stuff happened in mapping, coding, music, all of it. everything went good until the last few days. Can asure it will be out soon though, we just hit a few snags.

Timer still says 11 hours or so. :P ....thats not right at all.

Either way, a solid demo is better than a shitty one that would likely turn people away. Also, there are those who have never played Half-Life before who want to play this as well, so it needs to be noob friendly and include a hefty training mode.

I got :
2 of 2 sp maps done, (probably needs tweaking)
0 of 3 classic maps done, and
0 of 1 training maps done.

New Code is pending, Music is pending as well. When the code and the maps are all set in stone, I'll release a TWHL only version which consists of the 2 SP maps. The expanded demo will be released like an update to the first one.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 11:03:08 UTC Post #252792
How's it coming?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 12:07:55 UTC Post #252795
I've got a full-time job, while Rim's buried in schoolwork.
Though we're close to finishing it, so expect it soon.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 12:32:42 UTC Post #252796
I'm glad to have as much as we have done so far, especially over the summer. But Daubster is right. I'm so buried in schoolwork right now. 5 Classes and 6 projects due in 1 week, due on the second meeting of class. So unfair. I have to:

Prepare a personal speech
Make a silhouette flash animation (Done)
Design Characters for the Lord Shiva mythos project
Make some trippy fractal art in Maya using script
Draw 5 sketches and blog it (partially done)
Study for an Algebra test User posted image

Days remaining: 2 (i'm fukt.)
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 13:01:36 UTC Post #252797
As they say at Duke Nukem Forever: Its done when its done!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 13:15:16 UTC Post #252798
proof that we have something.
User posted image
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 13:27:58 UTC Post #252799
That looks pretty awsome. Looking forward to playing the demo.
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 14:41:47 UTC Post #252807
It indeed is something:D

Looks very good rim, looking forward to the full package!
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 15:04:52 UTC Post #252808
Yay. This is all i needed to make my 6-D hunger pains go away for a week.
Looks definitely amazing.
And that flash was amazing btw.

Like all your other Youtube vids too. Specially the Gate rings.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-21 15:45:03 UTC Post #252813
Comparing this to DNF is just wrong.
Rimrook's done a tremendous job with all graphical aspects of the mod, where not only the demo's finished, but also most assets for the actual game are nearly made.
As for the code department - hell, it's playable right now. Only things holding it back code-wise are some bugs with the new gameplay mechanics, some unimplemented side-features and general polishing up.
Not saying it's finished, though it's pretty damn close to that. :P
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 02:55:09 UTC Post #252840
Edit: Moar Screenshots, see below.
I've got problems on my own part here too, I can't seem to get a final compile of the first map. Something is making it crash HL. :( The previous screen is from a fast compile, which works fine only the r_speeds and lighting is really shotty.

So uhm... yeah.

EDIT: have some more then, these are from the test map I did before I started the serious stuff. I was trying out some of the atmospheric I had made.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 04:20:19 UTC Post #252841
It looks great man.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 05:24:03 UTC Post #252842
Atmospheric indeed, nice colour scheme.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 07:55:39 UTC Post #252845
WOW!...Well I also got an algebra test like you..
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 08:40:33 UTC Post #252846
Amazing what you can squeeze out of the Goldsource engine. Looks great, and still can't wait :nuts:

Edit: I've just noticed, that those tiles almost look like they're bump mapped... I WANT UR SKILLZ
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 09:32:40 UTC Post #252848
Heh...He got it from VERC.

PS: Has anybody threadtracked this besides me and obviously Rimrook? I guess a lot has... :quizzical:
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 18:23:09 UTC Post #252862
LOL bumpmapped.

FYI: There are no additional graphical enhancements besides what came with Spirit.

However, I did find a way have a map ignore the texture limit. I used over 50 different large-sized textures in the demo. Being SP, I couldn't do that before in a MP map. :D

Having the Wad not included in the BSP and keeping it in the mod folder will cause the texture data to be 0kb or 0.1kb (of 8192kb max) My textures exceed the 8192 limit already and the map can be compiled just fine.

Speaking of which, I got that damned 'Leaf Portals saw into leaf' and thats whats causing my problems. I need to figure out how to fix this. :\
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-22 18:43:53 UTC Post #252864
Here's some leaf portal fixes i've found:


-VIS -full. Many "leaf-saws" that come up in FAST and NORMAL VIS will disappear in FULL.

-copy/paste method. copy the whole map into a new .rmf file.

-Func_walling. Find the bad brush or brushes and make them func_walls (make them illusionaries if you have a tight clipnode budjet).

-revert to an earlier, error-free version

-eliminate any structures/brushes outside the compilable area of your map (even if they are nulled they can still possibly cause this and other problems).

-sometimes rotating multiple complex objects causes this error, especially using "ctrl-m" to move them. Try shift-rotating instead, or rotating less objects at a time.

-Some other errors may erroneously cause leaf-saw errors. Make sure there aren't any other "problems" with your map you might be overlooking!

-The simplest, most innocent looking structure can potentially be the culprit of your leaf-saw error, and can erroneously spawn additional leaf-saw errors. Find the culprit brush and kill it!

hope helps! = )
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-26 19:19:41 UTC Post #253004
Geez I typed this big long blab and didn't even post it!


What I meant to say was that I'm looking once again at the scope of this project. A lot of stuff will and will not be done. In a Nutshell, there will be a secondary release for the mod. What I propose is that I will finish the mod up to another set checkpoint.

Demo (complete and polished)
Map Prefabs (for caek-easy mapping :D)
A good amount of prop models to go with
Clean up the sounds/ambience
Some extra maps for the second release
Trigger prefabs (Your personal Slut with 6D, triggering gets immense)
A Guide for mapping and modding 6D
All Mapping tools
Source Code (with permission from Daubs)
Some nifty 6D tracks (can't pass it up)

The rest of the character models, animations, etc.
The Story Mode Maps
The FMV animations that sounded good at the time
Voicing, scripting, cutscenes, etc.

Don't be confused, the project isn't being closed down, I've decided to cover my ass incase I hit more problems as far as scheduling and the amount of time left to work. At least, this will turn into a kit at which it will have anything you will need to have fun mapping with it, especially with all the props, prefabs, and drag-drops. If there is some gleaming light of hope, I will attempt to finish it, or perhaps save the story for a source mod some day down the line.

Think of it in terms like Flat-Life, its more like a platform for a different kind of mapping, or ever like Spirit of Half-Life being more tools. Though 6D will have lots of resources that will be of open use for any project or mod, and I'll try not to fall short on that.

Plus it can be released earlier. :crowbar:

EDIT: Are you there? User posted image
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-26 22:27:45 UTC Post #253005
i cant wait no longer...well g'luck then... :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-26 22:31:56 UTC Post #253007
I know you want to map for 6D, HLG. There's a 6D maps section on your website :D

I could probably spend the rest of my life on this project, but I'd rather take the time to make top notch resources for everyone to use rather than rushing it (probably taking longer) and having it be not as good. I think its in a lot of people's best interest, but I could be wrong. I think the mod will succeed more putting a move like this in play.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 04:49:19 UTC Post #253012
Take your time finishing it. I know you still have personal buisnesses to atted to. I too have some...
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-27 15:53:46 UTC Post #253037
It looks amazing Rimrook, great models, it looks like you've put alot of work into this. I would be proud.
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-30 16:45:30 UTC Post #253198
I'll map for it
When it's released, that is ;)
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-07-31 00:06:43 UTC Post #253200
I was a VIP at some club meeting today, they said they would like it if I could work on their projects, and they have two of them. One is a sort of Steampunk adventure game, and the other is a fighter. I like the concept behind the fighter but not the other one.

I told them that I will see what I can do. Which is Japanese for no, fuck off.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-01 22:32:33 UTC Post #253260
<3 that
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-02 04:56:32 UTC Post #253265
yeah they want me to come back next week and attend the meetings regularily. I will for the fighter project, but the steampunk flagship project is a no go. found out half the people who were at that meeting don't like it either. Also, a game art portfolio has to be presented in order to get into the club. Apparently i'm already in, and because of this rule, its making a lot of people mad since they have to learn else where. I don't like that either. The whole thing is rather homo. The steampunk project isn't the best idea, but its the only project that has the most detailed and full game bible. So i guess that's why.

btw, I'm working on 6D stuff at the moment. :D

edit: actually, I don't like being a VIP, everyone expects you to do stuff and be perfect and crap. Lay low then ninja the shit out of life.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-02 07:34:38 UTC Post #253267
What's that, Ben?

You want me to test the unreleased private version of 6D?

Well okay, if you insist.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-15 09:21:32 UTC Post #253798
Where's the caek?!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-19 14:53:58 UTC Post #254098
Just because I got Source doesn't mean I'm stopping this project. Source mapping is something I need to get used to so I will do that later after the 6D project gets to a good stopping point.

Playing through HL2 atm, and I keep seeing the same mistakes that makes goldsource look... i dunno how to describe it. The texturing doesn't seem very form fit(with the exception of displacements) and creates a lot of weird unnatural angles. I've grown accustomed to a new method (which is why 6D looks the way it does) if applied to source may give a nice appearance. Its something to try down the line.

well... back to 6D :P
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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