Forum posts

Posted 16 years ago2007-09-11 01:02:07 UTC
in The Free Texture Thread! Post #233875
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 14:24:07 UTC
in Custom Models Post #233542
Thanks guys :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 04:10:29 UTC
in Custom Models Post #233515
that sux... i remember there were lots for hl1 :(
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-05 02:16:05 UTC
in Custom Models Post #233507
Hi, Can someone point me to a site that has custom models for my map? Not player or weapon skins, but models like props and stuff. Thanks
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 17:04:49 UTC
in Building a comp Post #121341
Well, I didn't actually put it together yet, I'm waiting for the last pieces to arrive (hopefully Monday). I hope I don't mess it all up :o

What will pro do for me?? I'll be doing very little less than gaming and mapping on it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 16:58:02 UTC
in Building a comp Post #121333
Oops, thats not my HD.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-16 16:50:17 UTC
in Building a comp Post #121329
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-07 12:38:40 UTC
in Building a comp Post #119437
Thanks for the info :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 01:07:18 UTC
in Building a comp Post #118981
I'm sick of this p.o.s. buggy-ass lemon of a comp that's never been right the whole 2 or 3 years I've owned it, and I know that some of the nerdiest computer geeks in the world reside in these forums ;) , so I was wondering: Can you point me to a site (updated in the last year) that will educate me on what I need to know in order to build me a new machine?

I want to build my own because I'm poor/cheap. I'm not so knowledgable about these things, but will learn if I can get a better comp for the money. All the sites I found that gave step by step instructions were pretty much outdated so I was wondering if anyone knew of something more recent,

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-06 00:51:56 UTC
in HL1 or CS maps with source sdk? Post #118980
Thanks, I'll try. I've only been able to do a little mapping on my gf's comp, otherwise I haven't done any serious mapping in sooo long. Maybe I'll just get rid of this p.o.s. lemon of a no good useless comp once and for all and get something new.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 21:14:40 UTC
in HL1 or CS maps with source sdk? Post #118156
Not sure, why? How do I tell? And yes ZL, easiest is best :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 17:13:53 UTC
in HL1 or CS maps with source sdk? Post #118124
Doesn't this suggest you can use the new hammer for hl1 maps?,1115737143,3506&s=0&id=8506752

I found another post on a different site that also said it was possible, but a pain in the ass. Any ideas?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 17:07:19 UTC
in HL1 or CS maps with source sdk? Post #118123
"Valve Hammer Editor has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

Send Error Report?"

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 16:30:32 UTC
in HL1 or CS maps with source sdk? Post #118112
Is it possible to make HL1 (or CS, TFC, etc) maps with the Hammer that comes with the source sdk? If so, how? I can't get it to work (Warning gameinfo.txt doesn?t exist in c:program filessteamsteamappsmy emailteam fortress classictfc).

And every time I try to run Hammer version 3.4, Hammer crashes before it even opens. It crashes even after I re-installed it. Did valve do something screwy that wont let me use older versions of Hammer once the sourve sdk is installed?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 21:56:19 UTC
in toggle ladder Post #115782
Mustangs idea seems to make sense to me. An invisible func_wall_toggle over the func_ladder would make it impossible to climb. When the func_door_rotating is activated to reveal the visible ladder, the func_wall_toggle gets deactivated and now the player can get to the func_ladder.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-20 21:49:19 UTC
in Platforms Post #115780
func_door with the angle set to down and a large negative lip value would work.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 12:43:35 UTC
in Half destroyable buildings Post #110858
Great, can you direct me to a tutorial?
I want to know if you enter a turret and use it can you make that you see from enother spot(not in side the turret)and controll still controll the tank? Like when you enter a tank in gunman!!!
Probably, try using a camera.
Now I have another quastion the RPG and the Func_tankrocket shoots the same missile then if I will make the concrate and steel building from the rockets will it be destroyed by both?
Not sure, but I think you can set the ammount of damage the tankrocket inflicts. If so, set it to a rediculoussly high ammount, then make the building only break after a crapload of damage hits it. Or, just dont give the player the RPG until after the building demolition part of the map.

But the best advice is: Start trying stuff out for yourself!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 23:18:52 UTC
in massively lame Post #110767
If I translated your post correctly, it sounds like you're stuck in a brush after you change levels.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 15:55:41 UTC
in Half destroyable buildings Post #110646
Isn't the brushes in HL made to be solid against explosions?
Yes, and against bullets. That's why I first suggested putting the breakable which triggers the destruction inside the building where any bullets or explosions outside the building will not break it.
I mean,, the explosions don't go through walls, to make it able to take cover behind something.. :S
I don't understand?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 14:54:37 UTC
in Half destroyable buildings Post #110640
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 14:06:07 UTC
in Half destroyable buildings Post #110634
You mean like a satchel charge? If so, do it the same way (I think you can toss a satchel charge up in the air a little, no? If not make a small hole - too small for a player - that leads under the building and hide the breakable under there where it cant be shot with bullets. When enough satchels are blown up under there, the breakable breaks and targets the destruction of the building. If you want a building that the player can go in, you might want to do it this way even if satchels can be tossed up and through a window.) and set the strength of the breakable inside the building to a very high number. You'll still be able to blow it up with a bunch of grenades, but since you're designing the map, just dont give the player enough grenades to do it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:48:11 UTC
in Half destroyable buildings Post #110632
Well one way, off the top of my head:
You can make the building itself into a func_breakable and set it to break only when triggered. Put another func_breakable inside the building where a bullet can't hit it and have it target the func_breakable you made the building out of. Make the player throw a grenade or other explosive through a window or something to destroy the breakable inside, which destroys the building.

Of course you don't need to make the building out of a func_breakable, you can use wall toggles, renders, shooters, shakes, and whatever to simulate the building being destroyed.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:24:10 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #110630
Oh, yeah I know. I guess I was confused when you said "that's because he has a old fgd" -- It really seemed like you were saying that the problem was fixed in the "new fgd" (since no one was asking about, or seemed confused about the name of the flag).
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:08:39 UTC
in Half destroyable buildings Post #110629
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 02:02:17 UTC
in func_mortar_field withnout panel? Post #110558
Is it possible to make a func_mortar_field without the control panel?

The func_mortar_field defines the target area for the mortars. It can be triggered by any number of entities including buttons, multimanagers, etc. You may need to make several func_mortar_fields to get the effect you want. Experiment a little and you should figure it out.

Btw, the sound, mortar sprite, and explosion sprite are all automatic (no need for ambient_generic or env_explosion).
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 01:52:16 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #110557
Yes, that's because he has a old fgd in the new fgds it is called is not toggeld.
Uhh, so are you saying that with the new fgd you can turn on and off sounds that have cue points while the "not toggled" flag on the ambient_generic is checked? Or are you just pointing out that the TFC fgd hasn't been updated lately? I didn't catch your point.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-15 16:03:21 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #109632
Got it to work, thanks. :)
And for anyone who cares, re-triggering this sound will NOT make it shut off if the "not looped" flag is checked.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 19:55:20 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #109430
Got it to work, thanks. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 12:29:19 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #109383
Try a different sound and see if it has the same issue?
Yeah, other sounds work fine, I'm just having the issue with THAT sound.
BTW RX.... PLEASE tell me you like the band Racer X. I use to go by Racer X in my clan TFC days.
Never heard of the band, but in TFC games I've had people ask me if I was RacerX from some such clan :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 02:29:28 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #109303
Crap, I forgot to mention I already tried that but it didn't work :(. Thanks though.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-14 00:15:19 UTC
in ambient_generic problem Post #109298
Hi, I placed an ambient generic in my map and directed it to play the sound weapons/rocket1.wav. I want the sound to play once each time it's triggered so I have the flags set to "start silent" and "NOT looped". When I trigger it, the sound plays but it never shuts off.

Does anyone know how to make THAT sound play only once when triggered?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-24 21:15:56 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #93354
Thanks for putting the pix up :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-28 22:14:11 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #86498
I promise I'll do 'em. Just I had an exam this mornin' and couldn't take 'em.
That's cool, I have 6 classes myself so I can relate. But guess what! It's the weekend!!!!!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 14:49:39 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #84871
Remind me at the weekend
Hey Seventh, its the weekend!! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-19 13:24:52 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #84571
Yay! He does care! :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-18 19:37:33 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #84486
I guess were just not worthy of having screens to show off our accomplishments Anthony. :( So what if we spent a month of our lives slaving over the computer to come up with our masterpieces. They don't have time to upload 3 screens. The mods should just delete the Real World Reconstruction winners page now anyway since theres no point for it. I mean, who would ever click on the the top link on every page of the site? :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 23:14:02 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #83669
Yeah I worked real hard on that map and I want to link to that page to show it off. All the other winners got screens of their accomplishments. Why not us? sniff sniff :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 23:05:19 UTC
in moving couple of blocks together? Post #83666
Actually, like I said, they might overlap if both trains moved to the same path. Im not sure what having two path_corners with the same name would do.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 13:51:59 UTC
in moving couple of blocks together? Post #83531
You could also just give both trains the same name.
If you do that, look out for the trains overlapping when they move to the same path.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-12 23:06:55 UTC
in moving couple of blocks together? Post #83468

You could have the button target a multimanager and have the multimanager target both trains.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-12 22:54:05 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #83467
Cool. Any word on the screens for the compo 12 winners page? I wanna sit an stare at it ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-06 22:54:07 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #82148
Any word on the next compo? And are there going to be screens for the compo 12 winners page? They don't show up for me.
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-18 17:00:02 UTC
in HL2DM Unnamed Screens Post #79016
Suggestions anyone? What would make this look better?

Thanks :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-12-15 21:56:18 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #78559
Congrats you two!!!! Thanks judges! :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-30 16:20:40 UTC
in Compo 12 (Real World) Post #75620
When will the results be announced? Can you tell us how many people entered? Good luck everyone :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-21 04:38:36 UTC
in The enemies must attack the camp Post #74061
Error: Missing '[' in texturedef (U)
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 19:56:54 UTC
in I was wondering Post #73992
I'm not really looking for attention so much as I am for feedback about this map. I figured people who are into mapping would have more valuable suggestions to make than my friends.

By the way, its a Half-Life single player map.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 17:26:16 UTC
in I was wondering Post #73970
Nope, sorry. They wanted only Half-Life maps for the compo. But you can look at it and let me know if it would be a good CS map. If so, it shouldn't be too hard to switch it over.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-20 02:24:16 UTC
in I was wondering Post #73929
Do you think you could take a look at my map and give me some feedback on it? I see that like 20 something people have downloaded it, but no one has made any comments. I know it's too late to make any changes to it for the compo, but I still would like to know what you fellow mappers think about it. Even though I probably wont make any changes to it, I can still learn something for future projects by any comments or criticisms you might have.
Thanks :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-19 11:07:45 UTC
in Ambient generic Post #73831
In the future, you can make sure your sound is in the right format by opening it with sound recorder. Click filepropertiesconvert now to save it in the correct format.

As far as your ambient_generic goes, what do you have in the field that tells it what sound to play?