Half destroyable buildings Created 19 years ago2005-05-23 12:58:17 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Created 19 years ago2005-05-23 12:58:17 UTC by Elon Yariv Elon Yariv

Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 12:58:17 UTC Post #110626
I was wondering if you can make in any of these games- Half-Life 1, Opposing force, Blue Shift or Gunman- a building that can't be destroyed bullets and can be destroyed by regular explosives(granedes, missiles,tripmines) or high Explosives(bombs). :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:08:39 UTC Post #110629
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:37:23 UTC Post #110631
In which one and how?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:48:11 UTC Post #110632
Well one way, off the top of my head:
You can make the building itself into a func_breakable and set it to break only when triggered. Put another func_breakable inside the building where a bullet can't hit it and have it target the func_breakable you made the building out of. Make the player throw a grenade or other explosive through a window or something to destroy the breakable inside, which destroys the building.

Of course you don't need to make the building out of a func_breakable, you can use wall toggles, renders, shooters, shakes, and whatever to simulate the building being destroyed.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 13:52:07 UTC Post #110633
Good, and a building that can only be destroyed with High explosives?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 14:06:07 UTC Post #110634
You mean like a satchel charge? If so, do it the same way (I think you can toss a satchel charge up in the air a little, no? If not make a small hole - too small for a player - that leads under the building and hide the breakable under there where it cant be shot with bullets. When enough satchels are blown up under there, the breakable breaks and targets the destruction of the building. If you want a building that the player can go in, you might want to do it this way even if satchels can be tossed up and through a window.) and set the strength of the breakable inside the building to a very high number. You'll still be able to blow it up with a bunch of grenades, but since you're designing the map, just dont give the player enough grenades to do it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 14:16:59 UTC Post #110636
In spirit, you can set breakables to only break when something explodes on them.
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 14:29:32 UTC Post #110639
In spirit, you can set breakables to only break when something explodes on them.
What is spirit?
You mean like a satchel charge?
Yep, satchel charge.

Well, if anybody knows the game "Cannon Folder" I want it to work like there- bullet kill grunts, granades and regular missiles destroy wooden buildings and satchel charges and other strong explosives destroy concrate and steel buildings!!! :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 14:54:37 UTC Post #110640
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 15:12:03 UTC Post #110642
Great, can you direct me to a tutorial? :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 15:14:19 UTC Post #110643
Well one way, off the top of my head:
You can make the building itself into a func_breakable and set it to break only when triggered. Put another func_breakable inside the building where a bullet can't hit it and have it target the func_breakable you made the building out of. Make the player throw a grenade or other explosive through a window or something to destroy the breakable inside, which destroys the building.
Isn't the brushes in HL made to be solid against explosions?
I mean,, the explosions don't go through walls, to make it able to take cover behind something.. :S
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 15:23:56 UTC Post #110644
Isn't the brushes in HL made to be solid against explosions?
I mean, the explosions don't go through walls, to make it able to take cover behind something.
I don't think so but if I will use spirit I wont need it!! If I will use spirit can I make that a Func_tankmortarrocket will shoot missile that will destroy the concrate and steel building?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-23 15:55:41 UTC Post #110646
Isn't the brushes in HL made to be solid against explosions?
Yes, and against bullets. That's why I first suggested putting the breakable which triggers the destruction inside the building where any bullets or explosions outside the building will not break it.
I mean,, the explosions don't go through walls, to make it able to take cover behind something.. :S
I don't understand?
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 02:26:07 UTC Post #110667
Well then I need spirit but please answer my quastions!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 03:15:45 UTC Post #110680
okay to see what he means with walls and explosions do this..

make a box map - add a weapon_grenade, a player start etc etc.

Then make a small wall just big enough to hide behind.

Throw the grenade on one side and run to the other. watch what happens..

do you get hurt?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-24 04:31:40 UTC Post #110686
The reason I wanted to know if I can make a Func_TankRocket that shoot High Explosives is that in this game(Cannon Folder) Turrets shoot special rockets and now I want to know if you enter a turret and use it can you make that you see from enother spot(not in side the turret)and controll still controll the tank? Like when you enter a tank in gunman!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 08:06:45 UTC Post #110819
Great, can you direct me to a tutorial? :lol:
If I will use spirit can I make that a Func_tankmortarrocket will shoot missile that will destroy the concrate and steel building?
I want to know if you enter a turret and use it can you make that you see from enother spot(not in side the turret)and controll still controll the tank? Like when you enter a tank in gunman!!!
Now I have another quastion the RPG and the Func_tankrocket shoots the same missile then if I will make the concrate and steel building from the rockets will it be destroyed by both?
Wooden Buildings can be destroyed by grenades and rgular rockets(RPG rockets) and strong explosives(satchel charges and the rockets that the turrets shoot or helicopters) and concrate and steel buildings can only be destroyed by strong explosives. I haven't done all of these things rhese things I want to do!!!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 12:43:35 UTC Post #110858
Great, can you direct me to a tutorial?
I want to know if you enter a turret and use it can you make that you see from enother spot(not in side the turret)and controll still controll the tank? Like when you enter a tank in gunman!!!
Probably, try using a camera.
Now I have another quastion the RPG and the Func_tankrocket shoots the same missile then if I will make the concrate and steel building from the rockets will it be destroyed by both?
Not sure, but I think you can set the ammount of damage the tankrocket inflicts. If so, set it to a rediculoussly high ammount, then make the building only break after a crapload of damage hits it. Or, just dont give the player the RPG until after the building demolition part of the map.

But the best advice is: Start trying stuff out for yourself!
Posted 19 years ago2005-05-25 14:45:37 UTC Post #110883
Yes, you are right but I haven't started this map.I shall first finish my first opfor map, a map with a blouter,an example map and then I shall start doing this map!!!

I thoght I need to create a controllable trigger camera. I think I can also use a func_tankmortar!!!
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