Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-04-07 14:26:50 UTC
in css problem with func_door_rotating Post #102299
ok, there is a button in my map. The button has an output to the floor of the map and a delay of 10 seconds. After the 10 seconds are up, the floor titls 90 degrees. But if one were to hit the button and then a team wins or hit the button after a team wins, next round, the floor tilts after 10 seconds. It acts as if delays carry over to the next round! Plz help me!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-16 22:41:00 UTC
in My map is finished, get it here! Post #84225
well, I finally finished my map. It is a fun map and my first map ever constructed. Tell me what you think
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-12 20:14:48 UTC
in The bible... is full of oddities Post #83459
I have been here for that long but that was for mapping problems so yeh
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-11 23:57:42 UTC
in The bible... is full of oddities Post #83306
I was just gonna write a short response but it turned out huge!
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-11 21:07:48 UTC
in The bible... is full of oddities Post #83293
ok stop the argueing u too, lol. ok I know none of u know me but this is an interesting topic for me. I was born half jewish/half christian but truly I am agnostic(sp?). Its simply because I have never been to church or temple but maybe 8 times in my life. But it is in my opinion that all rleigion is a (plz dont get angry at me) waste of time. People need something to believe, people dont want to believe that what happens, happens, and that they cant do anything about it. So they take up a belief in someone that cna change something, a higher being. Now, I'm not gonna say whether I believe in god or not, or my beliefs on the bible, or anything, I am gonna generalize religion. Now some people overemphasize on this higherbeeing. For many, having a beliefe in god is great. It helps them get up and go, it gives them strength, its helps them move on. But (IMO) religion has done way more harm then anything else. skinheads, neo-nazies, WW2, the crusades, all related to religious prejudice. and lets think aobut this for a second. One random day, a savior was born, and he could turn water into wine and when he was dead, later his grave was found without him inside. He wrote a book, a simple interpretation of his beliefs. Now how can we take something so vague, something so simple, and turn it into the number one thing in the world. We need somethign to believe in thats why. If it weren't for religion we would have a lot more suicides. But if it weren't for religion we would have a lot less hate in the world. Personally, I would rather omit relgion. I would like to stop believing in god and start believing in myself, but that is hard, nearly impossible. I even find myself praying to god for a kiss fomr a girl or a good grade on a test. Me, I am not religious, I think it is all too phony but even I do osmetimes. But not just that but the people who take religion to the extreme, like people who spend everyday worshipping a god who has done nothing in return to you. "Oh, my father fell down the stairs and should have borken his neck but he didnt, thank you jesus," no sorry, thats physics. "I passed my test, thank you god," you just got lucky, sorry. You are wasitng you life, stop believing in this "fiction" and start believing in you, see where that takes you. That is just my opinion and sorry for the spelling. Sorry if I offended anyone
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-19 23:50:22 UTC
in CS:S mirrors Post #79265
cna someone help me for the love of god?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-19 05:42:45 UTC
in hl2dm mirrors Post #79078
you all may remeber I posted about cs:s mirrors. well now I'm making hl2dm maps. I can make mirrors but I have a problem. Yje monitor shows the room but no players. yet when I secondary use my grav gun, the glow show up but no actual player. Also, the mirror view is flipped. Could u help me out plz?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 17:02:54 UTC
in texture problems wiht source Post #77713
checked em all, they are all for hl1 and I'm doing this for cs:s
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 04:07:29 UTC
in CS:S mirrors Post #77585
cna u give me a like guide to this, I dont know anything in the new hammer, I have to re-learn :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 04:06:55 UTC
in texture problems wiht source Post #77584
no thru cs:S
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 03:05:21 UTC
in texture problems wiht source Post #77580
plz help me out here
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 23:31:20 UTC
in texture problems wiht source Post #77561
I am also expierencing the purple and black checkers for a lot of textures. I am using SDk for cs: source. I dont know what to do, help!
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 22:56:34 UTC
in CS:S mirrors Post #77548
can they be done. Plz for the love of god say yes. If so, how? I'm tried a few different thigns but they didtnt work. Plz help me out here :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-06 19:56:01 UTC
in dedicated server maps? Post #76727
I figured it out. Go into ur steam folder, then your counterstrike folder. Copy the "cstrike" folder and over write the "cstrike" folder in your dedicated server folder. Everytime you compile your map, you'll have to grab it out of ur counter-strike/cstrike/maps folder and put in in your dedicatedserver/cstrike/maps folder. Problem solved
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 20:15:16 UTC
in dedicated server maps? Post #76552
ummm, my dedicated server folder (in steam) doesnt have a maps folder, I know that would make the most sense but it doesnt have one, thats why I'm confused. I have that much common sense ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 20:13:56 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76551
to monkey - I am using a trigger_hurt, and the waters damage is 0. Also its a func_train, not a door.

to Nisse- what do u mean the same entity, I believe they alread are... could u pls be more specific
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 20:11:43 UTC
in creating a server Post #76550
I port fowarded my dedicated server. Thx for your help, people outside my LQAn can access it now. Now I just cant figure out how to put my map onto the dedicated server...
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 00:38:30 UTC
in dedicated server maps? Post #76363
I'm running a dedicated server but it wont run my test map. Its not in the map cycle list, I've clicked edit and its not under available mapos, what do I do?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-05 00:37:43 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76361
to my first question : toggle is already unchecked. to my second question damage is set to 1....
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-04 23:37:43 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76353
its worked, thx. I just have one more questions. I have a func_train that drops a person into an acid pit. (actually I have 2 questions now :)) I have 2 buttons that starts the func_train. one in the pit and one outside the pit (to kill the person with). The rstart time for the button is good but if someone outside htep it hits the button, then the person inside the pit can hit his to mkae it stop. Is there a way to make it so if someone outside the pit hits the button the person inside cant hit his button to make it stop? Also the acid I have below (brush !water of some sort and a func_water, with a trigger_hurt that spans the entire water) kills them almost instantly. I want a it to kill them overl ike 5 seconds, taking away like 20 health per second. I have change the damagae on the trigger_hurt but it still does it almost instantaneously...
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-04 23:25:38 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76350
ok thx, I'll try that
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-04 23:18:03 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76348
but if I make it a func_wall, wont the light always be on?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-04 23:07:44 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76340
no, I dont think you guys understnad what I'm saying. I made a rectangle, and put a brush on it, the brush is +A~LIGHT4A. I want that BRUSH to light up when someone is in there. I dont want to make an light, or light spot.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-04 21:00:11 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76315
what entitiy doe I make the light, and if not, hopw do I give the light a name?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-04 20:45:56 UTC
in occupancy button Post #76312
ok, I've searched and looked everywhere. I want to make a light that lights up when someone enters an area. I have made the triiger_mult for when they enter the area but how do I amke it so it makes my light, light up?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-02 00:56:02 UTC
in func_train HELP! Post #75892
hello again, I have used the search and read the tutorials. Ok, I made a func train so when you hit a button the floor slid out from under you. But I had 2 problems. First the floor started off way away from where it was supposed to be. Then I fixed that but now when I puish the button, my game just crashes. (I want to make it a func_train so I can learn how so plz dont suggest turning it into a func_door). I have 2 corners. one right where the floor should start, and one where I want it to get to then come back. What should I type in the targets, and first stop etc.?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-01 11:23:10 UTC
in creating a server Post #75735
woops sorry that last post was me ////
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-01 02:26:04 UTC
in creating a server Post #75699
is there anything else I need. my pc is running through a router with firewall and the pc has firewall, will that interfere?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-30 22:04:01 UTC
in creating a server Post #75676
I am using cs steam. how do I create a server that is not lan?
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-30 01:42:34 UTC
in 3d view no textures Post #75558
Posted 20 years ago2004-11-30 01:02:07 UTC
in 3d view no textures Post #75556
ok, I am a fresh of the conveyor belt noob! I was doing the in the beggining tutorial when I noticed something. In the 3d view, there are textures on the boc. My 3d view is just a wireframe. can someone help me out and tell me how to make it so I can see my textures in the 3d view?