Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 21:07:20 UTC
in Decal help Post #83644
i MAY have jsut figured it out but i wont be able to comfirm until tomorro
i use Counter-Strike Retail or full (or w/e) to compile my maps and for somereason i havent been able to get the game running completely.. good i guess. but good enought to test/compile etc my map.
so i think in my c-s has something wrong with sprites in game
i cant even see my own player spray when i use it so.. ill have to try it in
1.6 but that will ahve to wait till tomorro
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 20:33:33 UTC
in Decal help Post #83633
yeh i was trying to use "{target" and "{hrpoint"
i selected them from the browse window, selected apply decal
flew over to a wall (using the camera in 3d view) switched to selector
(made sure apply decal was still active) and clicked the wall
the decal showed up. i unclicked apply decal and saved and tested.
map worked
no errors
no decal :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 19:50:00 UTC
in Decal help Post #83613
no, i know whta hes talking about
i have the same problem
i followed the tutorial PERFECTLY i read each and every word
(wich i dont usuially do)
i place a decal in the 3d view and i can see it show up in the editor
i seems as if it would work perfectly but when i go to comple it, it does not work
the decal just simply does not show up
(i have the decal.wad in my folder and everything)