Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 21:02:53 UTC
in Deep thoughts..... Post #169200
0.9 recurring = 1 because it's irrational.
There is no way to use 0.9 recurring in any calculation, it's impossible because the gap between 1 and 0.9 recurring is infinitely small. Therefore for all mathematical purposes 0.9 recurring may as well be 1 since that is the only way you can work anything out.

Let's say we did a trial, we want to work out a sum invloving 0.9 recurring.

No matter how many digits you would take yours to I would still be more accurate because I would only be 0.000.........001 away from it whereas you would be an infinite distance away from it.

I love explaining shizzle.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 17:46:14 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #169153
This is Sony and Microsoft we're talking about. I'll let you imagine the kinds of "encryption" they'll enforce. Okay, maybe it'll be more complex than CSS but it'll just be a deterant for the average Joe, so maybe you're worried you won't be able to get past it?. Ironicism Joe :P.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 16:33:45 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #169111
Yus, and they are as strong as the CSS encryption put on DVD's. :P

I don't think DRM is a good judgement on a format. DRM can and will always be broken, plus, in a few years when all these companies come to their senses, the DRM's will be lifted.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-17 15:41:39 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #169099
I'll kill two birds in one stone and explain why Bluray has more capacity and is more scratch sensitive:

The wavelength used in Bluray is around 45nm~ compared to HD-DVD's 65nm~. Because the data is on a smaller place, scratches will cover up more of an area, datawise. That's the downside and upside to having a smaller wavelength.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 16:47:21 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #168782
Oooh, technical :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 16:40:15 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #168779
Yeah, but I must say, a lot of early Bluray prototypes are in a kind of casing, much like the ones UMD's (PSP Game Format) are in.

As for the price, I think they'll be about 50% more expensive at the beginning. Remember that not even HD-DVD will be cheap at first.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 15:28:44 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #168759
Bluray is going to be more expensive, but, would the extra features on it convince you to buy it and pay more over HD-DVD?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-16 15:16:23 UTC
in HD-DVD Vs. Bluray Post #168751
I hate to toss in yet another vs. thread but I feel like this one's actually relevant :P

As you may or may not know, DVD is being replaced (gradually) in the next two years. The really interesting thing is that there are two competing formats both which have their own benefits. The industry is torn apart and for once it really will be us who decides which format wins.

I'll just toss in some facts:

  • It's cheaper to produce than Bluray.
  • Industry giants like Microsoft are backing it.... this means $$$
  • It is the official replacement, by the DVD forum/group for DVD's.
  • One single layer holds 15GB, there are plans for triple layer discs.
  • It has native DVD backwards compatibility.
  • It holds 25GB on a single layer.
  • It has many important companies on its board of directors.
  • DVD's may have to be played back with another lens.
  • They are much more scratch sensitive.
  • The standard has not been er.. standardized yet.
I've tried to keep it free of bias but I suppourt HD-DVD and it may be showing through my facts. I'm pretty much committed to it since I have a 360 which is rumoured to be able to suppourt HD-DVD in the future.

Talk minions talk!
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-03 13:27:41 UTC
in Windows registry cleaner Post #166100
Registry cleaners aren't a totally good idea anyway. They can often break things. Especially if you have an old computer with a lot of "errors" it can be tempting to press clean all.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-03 13:23:16 UTC
in Opera won't play websounds Post #166098
I can't seem to find it either. There are practical reasons for it though:

a) It's annoying being blasted with loud sound on a website.
b) Pages load faster.

But to be honest none of those seem very strong to me :P

Just search around google. Someone will have the answer.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-22 19:32:06 UTC
in AOL and Steam Post #164550
The important thing is can he access the internet using IE?
Many system network settings are based on those.

My guess is the AOL CrapWare has changed some of the System settings. There's no real way to help you though, can I just ask, why is it so important for your "friend" to connect? :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 19:08:52 UTC
in RAR compression Post #164142
This seems like a pretty useless thread. Couldn't you have just asked someone? There isn't any room for a discussion at all.

Anyway, I'm not here to flame. I'll let someone else do it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-20 16:28:05 UTC
in You have been Majorized!!! Post #164116
Welcome Back Major! Sir!
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-19 12:13:13 UTC
in The LOST Thread Post #163952
Lost ftw!

I've been away for a few days so I couldn't post here any sooner.

I torrent all the new episodes so forgive me if I speak of something which you have not heard/seen of yet.

I reckon the island is some kind of experiment. I've seen enough interviews with the producers to realise that they don't like unrealistic stories and therefore wouldn't use "magic" etc as an excuse for these happening. The Americans among you or other torrenters might ask, "what explains the strange black cloud?".

In that area I don't know, my guess is it might be an illusion but I definitely don't think it's real.

*I'm tired, excuse speeling mistekes.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-07 17:57:17 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161990
To the last three posters:


You're acting immaturely, I hope there are no muslims at TWHL because they would be pretty offended by the stuff you have said. In fact I think Red just inflamed 60% of the adult population. Have you not read any of this thread? Or are you just plain ignorant?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 15:03:59 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161627
fo' sho'

PS, didn't mean to be too harsh, just wanted to point it out :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-05 14:47:34 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161622
Sorry to disturb your dream.. that's not a virus. It's called a file deletion tool. I'll congratulate you for writing it but viruses normally use some type of exploit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:45:31 UTC
in Cool competition idea, High fps! Post #161438
Trapt's on an image churning high. He seems to be going through that phase where he can't express himself with words anymore.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 11:39:42 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161437
Well, not all Muslims are so un-reasonable. I agree with you SariBous, that they shouldn't tell them exactly what they can and can't publish but they can ask them. Remember that Muslims are just concentrated in Asia, in real life there are many all around the world and I suspect there are a few in Denmark, so now people from within the country, who have probably been there for quite a while are telling them what not to print. See my point?

After much thought I pretty much agree with SariBous, it can't be solved, at least not easily. In my ideal world the UN would have more power and could have easily sorted this out. Well, that and I would be leader of the United Nations Internation Computer Regulations Force fully funded by the governments of the world.

sigh We can't all get what we want.

@KasPerg: You have a very good point, well thought out.

I think the blame resides on both sides. The Muslims sure did overreact but the Danish and European press in general did some very stupid things.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 10:48:59 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161431
Back on topic....

As many people have said before, not all Muslims have reacted this way. It's just stupid the way some of you are refering to them. As I said before, we're all humans. Just because they have a different opinion doesn't mean they are not like us.

In my opinion the way this should end is that every newspaper that published it, should apologise and then move on. There's no way of taking things that they have done, back but I don't see reason for them to inflame the whole ordeal.

A lot of you probably think my idea is stupid, but I think that the newspapers crossed a very clear line between Freedom of Speech and Irresponsibilty. I don't think many people here (including myself) know exactly what they are feeling. Islam is a very religious society and they have certain taboos. Just as we have a taboo in TWHL of not spamming. How would all like it if I started spamming?

Would you like it if I started posting pictures of pigs in a serious discussion?

Oh, wait... shaked fist at Trapt :D

*All speeling mistakes, I'm in a hurry.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-04 10:38:07 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161430
If you're brother has been studying for ten years he would be using FreeBSD by now. Okay, Windows is good, easy to use etc. but it's not stabler than Linux. The fact that Linux is Open-Source means it is more reliable since there is a wider reflection on the code. My general opinion is that if you say Linux is less stable it is because you're lazy or dumb and you can't configure it. Linux requires a lot of work to bring it up to Windows' ease of use but once you have put in the effort you reap many benefits.

Linux is not just written by anybody who feels like it. The code you submit is often reviewed by a) the whole of your group and b) a group leader. This way all code is made up to scratch and pretty much perfect.

@Orbb: I think Ant pretty much set out the good hackers vs. bad hackers in a clear way.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 19:07:55 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161378

As I said earlier, all the "bugless" OS's are either open-source or are based on something open-source. Plus, there are many bigs in other OS's but no-one goes for them since it's not worth writing a virus for a 2 person crowd when you can write one for windows, used by millions of people all over the world.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 18:19:36 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161359
Microsoft cannot adjust all the bugs. I tend to favour Microsoft in a lot of cases because they have their own code. Sure Mac is great but it's based on FreeBSd really which means they have a lot of extra workers who can all constantly update code, whereas Microsoft is just one closed company who have literally hundreds of thousands of lines of code that they have to go through. It's just simply not possible to go through that amount of code and keep it bugless.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:30:36 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161336
They've followed it all their life. It's a serious issue for them. Just as or more serious than taking a computer away from you :P They work in a different way, they have taboos and I think we should respect their views even if we don't agree on them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:28:17 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161335
I disagree,
1) "I iz not fat"
2) Nothing is ever equal in a fight, that's why there is always a winner.
3) You've chosen to fight by going on an untrusted sight or by looking at porn, that's my view.

Hacking is good. That's the end of it. Look at the browser you are looking at this in right now. This wouldn't have been written if hacking did not exist. Most people start off by hacking and then go on to write code etc. Why do they start off with hacking? Same reason why everyone starts off with Linux and Open Source in general and then moves over to closed source. It's easier.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 15:06:26 UTC
in Mohammed caricature boycott Post #161331
Well, I'm going to play devils advocate here and I'm going to express some of my views.

First of all, I think people who say that they have a Freedom of Speech/Press and that they can say anything they want are stupid. Does that mean I can go anatagonise black people? NO. People are just using freedom of speech as an excuse to do what they want. Sure it's laid out in the law that you can say what you want but as I am sure you can see in my above example, there is also something called morals.

I think it's irresponsible of the newspaper to print such a thing without fully realising the consequences. How can you use a minority of wrong-doers in their society to be just as bad as them? As far as I am concerned we are just as bad as them. The whole world is stuck in a fight between what we believe is good and evil. Let me break it to you...
There is no such thing as good and evil (religionwise) it is just a matter of opinion.
Who are they to tell us what we can and cannot put in newspapers in OUR country, you dont like it? GTFO, and take all your illigal imagrent friends with you. What a crock "oh we are highly offended" Oh and we arnt offended when you burn our flags and drive cars packed with explosives at us? Fuck off.
It upsets me to see you being so ignorant. Until we realise that they are the same human beings as us we will not be able to put this all behind us. It seems as if the world always needs someone to discriminate. Jews, black people, Muslims. What's next, Aliens?

By the way, I'm not religious, I've tried my best to view this whole argument in a way that does not involve religion.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 14:54:51 UTC
in Xbox 360 Titles Post #161328
Perfect Dark Zero is teh pwnage. It's great, nice graphics great gameplay.

I also know from experience that PGR3 is great. It has the best graphics on the whole console, (sounds unusual but you really have to play the game to realise what I mean. everything is in 3D and all the spectator models have animations.)

If you are thinking about getting a 360 I advise you to wait it out. When the PS3 comes out (eventually) you will see a massive price redution for the 360.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-03 14:51:03 UTC
in Virus making, why? Post #161327
As other people have said a virus writer is not a hacker, nor a criminal in my opinion.

Take for example the recent .wmf exploit. I wrote an exploit for that, it was moderately harmful (although I had more than one version), but I didn't release it. It was just meant for me to learn more about how it works and it's always nice to know that you are part of the worlds tacticaly elite. :D

Nothing that people say about hackers will change my opinion on them, hackers don't have to be bad. Take Steve Gibson, his site's He considers himself a hacker but he has never done a single malicious thing.

As for malicious hackers, they do it for the fun, thrill and the knowledge that they have power. I think most people would be lying to say that they didn't want power, power over other people or a computer on the other side of the world.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-02 13:23:51 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #161105
To sum up what I've all been trying to say:

It's still cheaper even if you want all the extra apps. In fact most of them have a perfectly fine open-source equivalent. If you don't want to do open source, try long term trials :D

It's great to have full control of what goes in your computer. I would seriously rather buy a computer from Dell because the only plausible reason to get a PC from Alienware is because there is so much performance hype for those machines. Alienware computers often lose a lot of performance because they have partnerships which they are forced to stick to.

Oh and to counter the novelty value I will give you a free T-Shirt and your own copy of NetBSD if you custom build :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-02 13:14:06 UTC
in Personal Feedback Please Post #161100
As other people have said, I think you made a critical mistake by saying you want to move to a more mature community. I would have considered commenting on your questions but I think you should take one thing at a time.

One thing I have learnt is that's it's better to look up than down. You won't learn anything new this way and you're not exactly attracting new friends either.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 20:15:01 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #161003
You get a T-Shirt!!?

Well that just settles it, I'm buying one right now. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 13:55:03 UTC
in What is your fetish? Post #160939
My perfect girl?
I'm a sucker for long straight hair and a sweet voice. <3

My fetish?
European girls with the above qualities. Although that should really be in my perfect girl bit.

<3 Maria Sharapova <3
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 13:42:46 UTC
in Virus's effect on my processor/quest Post #160937
I've heard of very few viruses which simply take up CPU, it seems like a waste of time for someone to code imo.
The very fact that AlienWare would play the virus card...
Very silly, they just don't want you to return the hardware. It costs them a tonne to get their hardware diagnosed + fixed since they normally have insane setups (at least above average).

Just go for the advice other people have given (I hate to repeat things). Diagnose it, I wouldn't recommend going for a drive reformatting just yet. It could be a waste of time for something so easy to fix.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-01 13:33:34 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #160933
The whole fun in computing is doing things yourself. In my opinion buying a PC from Dell or Alienware(z) is like buying a website template. You do it 'cos you're lame :D

Why pay a premium when you have the skills? Assembly doesn't even require skills, especially not in this community where everyone is so helpful and willing to give you a hand.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 16:04:09 UTC
in NEW MAP! "Poison Garden" Post #160556
Can we meet somewhere so I can kill you? You're just too good.
Here are your choices:
1) Be pushed off a cliff.
2) Shot in the head.
3) Stabbed in the neck.

On a more serious note. Well done, you're awesome.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-30 15:52:57 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #160552
1) Whoah calm down!
2) What claims? They are all valid facts. I know many people with Alienware computers and they all regret it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 23:56:33 UTC
in Bad maps, why are they played?! Post #160450
Welcome to America
lmao. 'nuff said.

Although gameplay is important, great visuals can also sell a map. For example, de_dust233211223 is a normal unknown map until BAM! you name it de_dust233211223_hdr. Now people like it. :D

What I mean is that advanced visual techniques can also make people want to play maps.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 23:48:33 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_sustenance (WIP) Post #160446
@FresheD: It seems ironic that Elon would say such a thing.

The map looks amazing. Well done. Hope I can do some rigorous debugging sometime :D
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 23:46:02 UTC
in [CS:S] - de_venetia (WIP) Post #160444
Indeed, 'twas a fun game. Can't wait 'till the next version. Will there be a beta 4 or will that be the final release?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 23:42:54 UTC
in Blueprint Post #160443
Whoah! Maybe I'm just a slow worker but it seems like you did a lot in one day. You know, came up with the plan, implemented ~1/3 of it.
Well done.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 23:35:43 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #160441

1) it's an amazing waste of money.
2) A lot of the time the cases are proprietary meaning you can't upgrade as easily.
3) They come pre-installed with bloatware.
4) They say they provide extra quality but the only thing that they make is the case, so therefore it's all marketing BS.
5) They sell P4's as gaming processors.

How about those reasons Sari?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-29 19:58:20 UTC
in Free Alienware pc? - say it ain't so Post #160414
Bah, I have to agree with m0p here, Alienware and most general prefabs suck. The only reason why you should choose an Alienware over anything else is because of the shiny cases. Even then there are some nicer ones out there. Also, you do have to pay a huge premium for what.... a case and assembly?
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-22 14:31:03 UTC
in Now Playing Post #159101
Blink-182 - I Miss You
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-22 14:26:33 UTC
in Gamers suicide, JT says 'get a life& Post #159098
I think it's a waste of space even discussing him. He's not worth the 1's and 0's of this thread, he's an attention seeking whore. What's worse is that he is heartless.

I feel this picture best describes him.
User posted image
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-22 08:03:41 UTC
in Gamers suicide, JT says 'get a life& Post #159035
Me and Zombieloffe got interested in (The fake Anti-Gaming Site) and we thought we should start our own, but it will be against ratings and uphold rights etc. Here's the details. <-- That would be the address.

Fellowship of Unanimous Compliance for Keeping Youth Obscurity Undeniable

The site isn't up yet but check back in a day or two, ZombieLoffe's using his l33t design skills to conjure up a great design. It'll also tell you loads more about what we are all about.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 17:29:11 UTC
in Just ordered.. Post #157323
Or if you want to brag tell us on IRC. (I use the term brag lightly.)
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 15:08:28 UTC
in NS - Dedi server? Post #157290
I'm building a little shuttlebox/BTX size computer soon. It will hopefully be a dedicated server. i think I'll make it a TWHL one. I can't make any promises though. It won't just be limited to Half-life, Half-life 2 also, most probably chosen on demand.

Sorry if this post has too many mistakes in it. I'm dizzy, Too tired. :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-10 15:05:08 UTC
in The Pod Five Incident Post #157289
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 21:14:03 UTC
in anime Post #157167
Ver can I get warzez of 'alf life 2? I luvded da first won and now I wants to try da zecond 1. Aslo doz ne1 no wer to Warez FreeBSD frum?
Just thought I should give you an example of the people to look out for.
:D (The idiots who want warezes).

Anyway, back on topic:

Pirate bay ftw! It's the best for torrents. There'll surely be some stuff there.
Posted 18 years ago2006-01-09 21:04:39 UTC
in Holidays are over. Post #157158
My holidays ended a week ago :(