Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 10:57:15 UTC
in Please Help Post #145233
Cant Create info_player_deathmatch entities!Please help
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 10:29:32 UTC
in Help please:Couple Problem Post #145230
do u just load it like i loaded the other FGD? and what about the texture problem?
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 10:20:15 UTC
in Help please:Couple Problem Post #145225
Thanks for the quick reply ChickenFist!!!
I am using the halflife-cs_expert.fgd
here is my log

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: C:Program FilesValveSteamSteamAppsjunky69jamescounter-strike

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "C:Documents and" "C:Documents and"

** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqcsg.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsFamilyDesktopmapsBOX1"

qcsg.exe v2.8 (Jan 31 2000)
-- qcsg --
entering C:Documents and

********** ERROR **********
missing '[ in texturedef

** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqbsp2.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsFamilyDesktopmapsBOX1"

qbsp2.exe v2.2 (Dec 28 1998)
-- qbsp2 --
writing C:Documents and SettingsFamilyDesktopmapsBOX1.prt
0 seconds elapsed
** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsvis.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsFamilyDesktopmapsBOX1"

vis.exe v1.3 (Dec 30 1998)
-- vis --
1 thread(s)
7 portalleafs
8 numportals
BasePortalVis: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
LeafThread: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
average leafs visible: 6
visdatasize:7 compressed from 7
0.0 seconds elapsed

** Executing...
** Command: C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolsqrad.exe
** Parameters: "C:Documents and SettingsFamilyDesktopmapsBOX1"

qrad.exe v 1.5 (Apr 6 2000)
--- Radiosity --
1 threads
[Reading texlights from 'C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolslights.rad']
[1 texlights parsed from 'C:PROGRA~1VALVEH~1toolslights.rad']

41 faces
5965 square feet [859080.00 square inches]
256 patches after subdivision
1 direct lights
BuildFacelights: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
visibility matrix: 0.0 megs
BuildVisLeafs: 0...1...2...4...5...7...8... (0)
MakeScales: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
transfer lists: 0.1 megs
SwapTransfersTask: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
GatherLight: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)
Bounce #1 added RGB(0, 0, 0)
FinalLightFace: 0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... (0)

Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
---------- ------------- ------------- ------
models 1/400 64/25600 ( 0.3%)
planes 252/32767 5040/655340 ( 0.8%)
vertexes 62/65535 744/786420 ( 0.1%)
nodes 28/32767 672/786408 ( 0.1%)
texinfos 3/8192 120/327680 ( 0.0%)
faces 41/65535 820/1310700 ( 0.1%)
clipnodes 52/32767 416/262136 ( 0.2%)
leaves 8/8192 224/229376 ( 0.1%)
marksurfaces 45/65535 90/131070 ( 0.1%)
surfedges 202/512000 808/2048000 ( 0.0%)
edges 102/256000 408/1024000 ( 0.0%)
texdata [variable] 48/2097152 ( 0.0%)
lightdata [variable] 0/2097152 ( 0.0%)
visdata [variable] 7/2097152 ( 0.0%)
entdata [variable] 344/131072 ( 0.3%)

Total BSP file data space used: 9805 bytes

0 seconds elapsed
Posted 18 years ago2005-11-04 10:08:46 UTC
in Help please:Couple Problem Post #145223
Ok making map for cs1.6:
Problem 1. When i save the map and compile-No Errors but no update when go to game, Everything but textures change.
Problem 2. I cant create info_player_deathmatch entities and as u might see that is a problem :(
Please help!
Thanks allot james