Forum posts

Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 12:16:27 UTC
in Trouble with Lighting... Post #178900
well that helps alot, thx ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 12:07:17 UTC
in just a question Post #178899
oh, sorry about the lack of info. Im making a CS 1.6/CZ map... if that helps.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 12:01:38 UTC
in just a question Post #178896
hey, i got a simple question only cuz i cant find a tut on it.

Q: How would i make a weapon laying on the ground re-spawn after pickup?

any help would be nice, thx.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-07 00:17:00 UTC
in Trouble with Lighting... Post #178793
lolz, yea... :sarcastic:
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 17:12:04 UTC
in Trouble with Lighting... Post #178735
ok, RAD worked....of course. I guess u can call me a uber noob :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 17:04:59 UTC
in Trouble with Lighting... Post #178733
hmm....RAD eh? :zonked: i guess ill run rad and try it....LOLZ! if that dont work (wich it should) ill post my compile log.
Posted 18 years ago2006-05-06 16:47:02 UTC
in Trouble with Lighting... Post #178730
Well, im pretty much a new member here at TWHL and i love the site/tuts verry easy to understand, just wanna give my props to you all. :D

Well now, to my issue. Im a new map maker and im interested in making CZ maps. Im making a indoors map called fy_compound and im having trouble lighting my dont seem to work at all, im trying to make a flickering light in my weapons room and when i compile to .bsp and run my map its pretty much floodlit. (keep in mind my map has no LEAK's at all).

if anyone can help me i would love the suggestions. Thx.