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Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 13:16:54 UTC
in Level change:Oneway (frozen in the air) Post #192034
Elon and Solokiller thanks for the help, i got it to work :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 13:11:52 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #192033
Yes It does I fit the problem last night,I placed the new map in the same place as the old on the grid of value hammer and it worked fine
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 01:56:21 UTC
in Couldnt find wad file Post #192004
you need to move your wads to the Value folder in half-life for the game to read them.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-30 01:45:34 UTC
in Level change:Oneway (frozen in the air) Post #192003
I made a map that when a camera scene ends it loads the next level.
The player is placed ( IN )the map but is frozen at the start point.
The level has A LM and trigger Level change in it, (NO) brushes are around to get stuck in but never the less my player still is frozen and is not coming to rest the brush below, i placed the LM and
info_ player_ start in the same location as before.
Both Landmarks and Trigger_ level_ change share the same name as the last map. ???CAN ANYONE HELP ME???
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 23:41:44 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191999
I went back and looked at all that i had in the level with what was in the tutorial and it's still putting the the player in the air and I can't move, just frozen, does: MAP PROPERTIES:( NEW LEVEL UNIT) have any thing to do with the problem? It's on ( yes clear clear previous level) I loaded the game with the console and it's showing an error that it could not open. loading game from C:siarrahalf-lifevaluesavemap1
ERROR couldn't load: but the map still loads.
Do i need to move my map file to the map directory of half-life to fix the problem? I STILL NEED HELP AND I'AM STILL UP RIGHT: TIME 12:28AM. FORT HOOD TX , SO SEND YOUR REPLIES PLEASE ?? **********************************************************************************************************
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Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 23:07:19 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191996
Ok I will , Do you have any thing i can try to fixs this problem with my map?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 23:00:02 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191994
I tried the last posted reply But still same problem. :"[
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 22:41:25 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191993
A one way level change, and I have a triger level change in it.
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 22:32:26 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191991
I removed the Info_player start and I'am still stuck in the air?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 22:25:51 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191990
Should I remove the info_player_start from the levels
I just need one at the start of the game?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 22:23:15 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191989
Ok thanks what category should I put this in?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-29 19:59:02 UTC
in level change_ stuck in air (in game!!) Post #191983
I have done many level changes i know that the LM has to be in the same spot and that you need two T_CHLEVEL, but when my i run my map and it go's to change level, I get placed in the map ok.... not stuck in any brush ........ however, I'am frozen in the air and i can see my whole map ok no..... chopppy black void. just cant move my player.
I made a completely enclosed boxs...... nothing elsa is in the map just a 6 sided brush box enclosing the Info_player_start to be placed in so i'am not outside in the (void) of the game .
I lost on that is going on with the map. :furious: