Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2006-12-20 22:24:43 UTC
in Question on trigger_changelevel Post #207087
I am using Build 1983 Valve Hammer Ed 3.4 SDK and I do not have the two entities I need for changing levels according to the TWHL tutorial; trigger_changelevel and info_landmark. Am I'm supposed to create (add) these 2 entities?

Thank you for your help.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-18 21:43:04 UTC
in Help with Displaying map Credits Post #206855
Sorry, to me more specific I am talking about editing the Map Description part when you choose a class
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-18 21:37:50 UTC
in Help with Displaying map Credits Post #206853
When you first enter a game, it shows the menu for you to choose class. I have noticed that some mappers also use that menu to display the credits for the map. How do you do that?

I've tried searching this topic but I have no idea what this is called

Thank you for your help
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-16 03:07:30 UTC
in How to get rid of spectate? Post #206346
Would anyone here know how to get rid of the spectate in a map? Thanks for your help.