Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-27 00:46:00 UTC
in Rope/cord Post #214099
I trying to find a way to make a cord that breaks and causes it to sparks. I've made my cord and I'm trying to find a way to make it break and make sparks. Does someone have a tut or can tell me how to do this.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-09 19:18:33 UTC
in vvis question? Post #212027

The first two pics is the map I was having trouble with and the third one is the map I was just testing to see how long it would take.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-06 18:20:52 UTC
in vvis question? Post #211822
I was having a problem with a map I was building so I decided just to start over and see what happens.

I made a room about 1200X800x400 and built a building inside. Its a simple foursided building, two story, and has a row of windows that goes all the way around. A elevator in the center that is controled by func_train. The windows are all func_breakable with the window texture on them. They're covered with a hint brush to help with vvis. I have some props on each floor. The outside bo in covered with just a brick texture.

Ok, it seems like such a simple map. But my question is why does it take 4 hours to compile? Everything seems ok until it get to portalflow in the compile and it just sits there. I've made maps ten times the size and it takes twenty minutes to compile them.

I read the tutorial on optimizing a map. I'm making everything I can into a func-detail and using hint brushes where I can. But a simple map like this shouldn't take that long to compile.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-06 12:11:00 UTC
in help with compile? Post #211786
Ya sorry I posted in the wrong forum.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-06 00:51:41 UTC
in help with compile? Post #211756
I've just started a new map. It's a large map that taking forever to compile. I've already went through all the optimizing tutorial to try and help the compile. I'm kind of new to making an open map like this. I've already made everything that I could into a func_detail. I've added hint brushes everwhere I can think of and it taking forever still. Is there something else I can do to improve the compile?
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 19:32:15 UTC
in Breakable glass on train Post #210146
Thanks, Had a brain fart.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 17:25:04 UTC
in Breakable glass on train Post #210139
Yes its compiling right everytime. I had a prefba that I changed the windows in to be breakable. after installing into the map they changed back to a func_detail. I changed back to a func_breakable and now they don't stay in the bus. If I try to tie to entity it makes the hole bus breakable.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:48:48 UTC
in Breakable glass on train Post #210129
I have a bus I'm going to put in a map. I've been testing it another test map. The problem I'm having is the windows will not break on the bus. The brush is set to breakable glass texture and has func_breakable set. When I run the map the windows will not break.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-21 15:45:42 UTC
in rocket launcher respawning Post #210128
Even if no one picks it up it will respawn. I think I'm just going to leave it. It isn't hurting anything.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-20 17:12:19 UTC
in rocket launcher respawning Post #210056
I want it to respawn after a player has picked it up.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-20 13:32:47 UTC
in rocket launcher respawning Post #210038
I building a HL2DM map and have to rocket launchers in it. The problem I'm having is they keep respawning. Every 30 seconds or so the old one dissappears and a new one respawns.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-25 18:01:53 UTC
in Trouble with brushes Post #207514
I was creating the brush with the brush but it wouldn't show up. I think it was a clich in the program because it works fine now.
Posted 17 years ago2006-12-24 02:13:54 UTC
in Trouble with brushes Post #207363
I been creating a map for a couple of weeks now and all of a sudden the brushes I try to create don't show up.

Can anyone help?