Forum posts

Posted 14 years ago2010-09-26 01:39:25 UTC
in CS:S downloaded sounds not working Post #285750
So, Since the recent updates deleted all my custom skins/models for all my guns, I finally got around to re downloading them and Iv'e noticed that some custom sounds wont play when i go into a server online, but some still will. EX. I downloaded an improved skin and model for the deagle, it came with custom sounds for the shot, the slide pull, release, and mag in, out. etc. In Game however, only the shot sound is played, and in place for everything else is a quick static noise. I'm wondering how can this be fixed.

Side note: on occasion, in a skin the creator provides a file called "game_sounds_manifest.txt" and since it always has the same contents, I don't copy it over to my cstrike folder. Is this the reason for my sounds not playing? (I don't see how it could be since the game_sounds_manifest file already in the cstrike folder is the exact same)

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks in advance - C
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-30 03:26:46 UTC
in Swamped in Hammer ERRORS Post #282496
Hi all, I know someone has posted this same problem, but their problem fixed it's self, and mine hasn't so far. So off we go; I was working on my map doing the same things ive been doing for the last two hours. I compiled, and saved my map every 10 or so minutes, I was trying to perfect some lighting in game, and after not compiling for possibly 20 minutes, and adding a good bit to the map, I tried to compile and run it in game, and an error comes up, my map wouldn't compile no matter what i did, changed settings deleted things i added etc.


found the solution to the problem, and I feel like an idiot. Sorry for posting this with out doing everything i could to try and fix it, it turns out i accidentally tied an old displacement to an entity somehow. Deleting the displacement fixed it.
Posted 14 years ago2010-06-29 20:34:06 UTC
in missing models for props Post #282488
So i thought ide get back into mapping, for the third time, so today i fired up hammer and fooled around for a while. It took me a while to get back into the loop, and to be honest, i'm still not up to where i was a few months ago, but i spawned a prop_static and tried to find the Dust Double doors and i cant find them, so i was wondering, are there missing models, and where can i find custom models online to use in maps, i've done like 20 minutes of googling, and all i've found is weapon skins and stuff like that. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-28 00:38:50 UTC
in CS:S vertical fighting? Post #251921
the point is the majority of the fighting will be at the top of the map the terrorists are trying to get to the top to plant a bomb and then defend it whilst the cts are trying to get to the top to defuse.

dose that help at all?

think of it this way instead of cts shooting down into spawn they will want to move up the series of walkways to keep the terrorists from planting the bomb (the buy zones will also be higher up so you cant be an awp whore/camp right out of the gate.

i also have an idea to keep campers off ledges ive seen this in many surf maps where you make the ground "move" forward so snipers trying to stop and zoom in will eventually be pushed off the edge
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-27 22:44:14 UTC
in CS:S vertical fighting? Post #251917
well I was browsing the interwebs earlier today and i ended up looking at TF2 maps and was instantly inspired by a couple pictures of the custom map cp_Steel by fishbus to make a CS:S or DOD:S map that involved more vertical fighting and so i set off and so far this is what i have (been at it for 15 minutes and looking for ideas/thoughts/anything)

original article ->
Posted 16 years ago2008-04-19 17:44:01 UTC
in Now Playing: ... Post #248943
soul shakedown party - Bob Marley
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-02 16:32:12 UTC
in filesystem.dll?!!?!?! Post #239665
hmm well i downloaded ZHLT and the same errors came up. i dont mind waiting the extra 10 minutes for the map to compile.

thanks for the tips
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 23:24:53 UTC
in filesystem.dll?!!?!?! Post #239604
what? do i need to edit something to say applaunch 70 or what? im starting to lose faith in mapping for HL1 or DoD. dose every single person who maps for HL have to deal with this fatal error? im also getting other errors in my compile window. is there another version like hammer 3.5 that got rid of this bug?

Error opening C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsvertiasday of defeatdodmapsdod_labs.bsp: No such file or directory.

********** ERROR **********
Can't open C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsvertiasday of defeatdodmapsdod_labs.p0

********** ERROR **********
Token too large on line 4

what are those?

if u can help please do
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 22:44:46 UTC
in filesystem.dll?!!?!?! Post #239602
whats applaunch 70? i set the game executable directory to steam but...
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 20:12:30 UTC
in filesystem.dll?!!?!?! Post #239593
when i try to run a map with hammer 3.4 the compile log pops up everything is fine but then when it stops an error message pops up. it says Fatal Error filesystem.dll could not be found. what dose this mean, and how could i fix it?

i checked tommy14s hammer error list and its not on it.

thanks in advance
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 17:58:56 UTC
in source sdk dose not map for HL1 Post #239581
Thanks so much guys i started a new thread because my problem is now not related (i think) to textures and the set up.

Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 01:23:58 UTC
in source sdk dose not map for HL1 Post #239531
ya but when you get rid of that and i try to start making a map it says there are no textures avalible for use with that game so i cant texture any of my blocks!
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 01:11:21 UTC
in source sdk dose not map for HL1 Post #239529
hmm theres one other file with a .wad but i already tried that and it did not work. this is really pissing me off ive spent like 12 hours now trying to find frecan texture files. there are a couple from maps ive downloaded but nothing near as many textures as there should be. man this sucks i had no trouble setting up the hammer that works with source games, but i really want to map for hl and dod.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-30 21:19:14 UTC
in source sdk dose not map for HL1 Post #239512
ok this is getting retarded. when i start up hammer 3.4 it asks me to set up the options so i can map for them, i press ok then make a configuration name Day of Defeat then when i enter game data files i click on add then double click dod.fgd then hammer freezes. wtffff i deleted and reinstalled it, restarted my computer and i would try to set up half life to see if that works but i cant find the .fgd file for HL! hellpppp


EDIT: well i got everything done except for the freggan texture.wad file its really pissing me off now. could some one go and copy all the textures from there version of half-life and email em or something so i can just make my own texture file or just copy your whole texture.wad file and send it over?? is that possible.
Posted 17 years ago2007-11-30 20:27:03 UTC
in source sdk dose not map for HL1 Post #239500
i downloaded worldcraft 3.3, steam says it works with hl + its mods. i set up everything correct except the textures.wad file the tut im reading says to put in. i can find it anywhere in my HL directory! i looked in every folder and sub folder. please help!

Posted 17 years ago2007-11-29 19:59:04 UTC
in source sdk dose not map for HL1 Post #239433
hey im back. but anyways i wanted to know (yes this is probably a noob question) what program or version of hammer to download so i can map for HL1 and HL1 mods like DOD. the hammer that comes with source SDK wont format for HL1 and all those mods. is there a differnt version i can download so i can map?

thanks in advance
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-15 14:24:50 UTC
in moddeling Post #219163
ok that tut that caboose linked up makes pretty much no sense at all dose anyone know of any different tuts?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-15 13:08:15 UTC
in moddeling Post #219158
ya where do you put the addon thing or do you just have to dl it
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 18:42:52 UTC
in moddeling Post #219089
sweet thanks man :) you have any sugestions for any tuts on moddeling if your new?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 17:48:28 UTC
in moddeling Post #219087
anyone?.... any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-14 13:20:37 UTC
in moddeling Post #219042
ok im trying to find a program that i can make my own models like houses or crates and so on for my maps. ive herd that softimmage xsi is free and a good program, should i get it and if so witch download do i want im at this page
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-10 18:53:18 UTC
in setting up hammer for DOD:S Post #218643
right lol sorry for the waste of this topic i soon found out how set it up o well another one of my pathetic questions lol but thanks anyway
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-09 17:40:36 UTC
in setting up hammer for DOD:S Post #218541
i was just wondering how to set up hammer for DOD:S anyone know i bet its easy but i don't want to mess up hammer or sdk because of some foolish mistake. any help would be greatly appreciated.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 19:06:39 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218278

{ "$basetexture" "myTextures/texture.windowframe" }

thats whats in it...

did i do something wrong?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 17:52:51 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218268
sorry ill stop if you don't like it... anyways why is it purple and black squares i double and triple checked every thing!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 17:19:43 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218263
ok i did everything the tut that rotator splint showed me and all i got was purple squares in hammer and in game
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 16:46:51 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218260
ya thats what i mean i looked at that one it just tells you how to put them in source
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 14:25:04 UTC
in TEXTURES: SOURCE Post #218239
ok ive looked all around and i still have not found a tut on making textures for source maby i just suck at finding crap but still plz help you could quickly tell me or link me to a tut. thanks
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-06 14:14:55 UTC
in NIGHT THEMED MAPS (help) Post #218237
sweet, all i did here was just put up a night skybox from the lit you told me about but you can see it here
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 21:19:33 UTC
in NIGHT THEMED MAPS (help) Post #218173
thanks man helped alot! :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-05 20:57:31 UTC
in NIGHT THEMED MAPS (help) Post #218169
i was wondering how to make a night based map for source and how to get a night themed skybox. (is there one) thanks
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 17:37:08 UTC
in Announcement: Spambots Post #217914
whats a spambort
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-03 17:33:38 UTC
in Competition 23 Post #217913
i personally like mapping from base since i'm not such a great mapper yet i think its fun to map from a base and then check out other peoples maps and see what they did differently and eventually people can see more things and be more creative in future maps. thats my stand i don't oppose building whole maps but when you start mapping i think its easier for beginners to enter map from base compos and i think the compos are to become more creative in mapping sooo...
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-01 15:14:28 UTC
in Competition 23 Post #217670
i think that twhl needs to make more compos where someone makes a base map and then people customize it (map from base) because more people tend to enter in those i would.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-01 15:03:14 UTC
in compile time is long what to do? Post #217667
ya its not a very detailed map yet but the compile time is around 1 hour and 20 mins
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-27 16:29:08 UTC
in compile time is long what to do? Post #217244
my compile time is getting really long what can i do to make it faster? i heard about switching all of your brushes to func_wall or something like that what could i use to make it faster (thanks)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-24 23:40:32 UTC
in Source Experiments Post #217002
ok ive got a new idea this if for my 3rd map 2nd being released. ive got a river in the middle of my map or river...ish at least well im trying to make a hole under water with bars across it so that the person cant get out of it but can see more water beyond the bars (its just for decoration) i made it fine in hammer its just how i want it but when i run hammer nothing i made that had anything to do with the hole appeared. in cs:s it looks exactly like a wall...plane and not the lest bit hole...ish, what happened (ill post some screen shots of it in hammer)
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-24 23:30:21 UTC
in how to make water Post #217001
ok, thanks lol ya it was pathetic
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-23 19:10:23 UTC
in how to make water Post #216813
never mind i was clicking the wrong button pathetic right? :glad:
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-23 18:32:12 UTC
in how to make water Post #216808
well im trying to make water (go figure) ive looked up tuts but i still cant get one part. ok i make a brush texture it nodraw and heres where i get screwed up how the hell do i make only one side a different texture???? it says to select the texture application tool (thats the one that looks like a brick box with a target thing on it right) then you left click and apply. what??? im lost help me please.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-23 16:51:01 UTC
in surf maps? why? Post #216787
well personally i would make hlsp maps but i got a new comp and all my old games got lost so no key codes no hl1 no hl2 no dod and no cs:s so i have to start collecting again...shame. so now i just map for cs:s.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-20 18:31:43 UTC
in Great idea for CS 1.5! Post #216552
oh my god i love cs 1.5 back in the day man. it was the best game ever then steam bought it... oh well member how you could get on the top of the maps.
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-14 21:09:35 UTC
in just a question on source plz answer! Post #215844
well it not the mouse cuz its not wireless and works fine its a new comp the divers are updated and source works fine with everything restarting wont help cuz this happenes every god dam time i play de_dust/2 or cs_italy every other map works fine. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-03-12 19:10:14 UTC
in just a question on source plz answer! Post #215658
ok this is kinda weird. when im playing coustom made maps for css everything goes as planed but when i play maps made by steam like cs_italy... my mouse gets all weird and when i move it my cross hairs move about a second later (a big delay!!!) i was just wondering if anyone knew why this happens. o and on my old computer i dont remmeber css having delay.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-26 19:23:47 UTC
in cool project need some help Post #214052
hmm well ill see what i can do
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-26 19:08:55 UTC
in cool project need some help Post #214049
then how are people saposed to get up?
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-25 20:01:23 UTC
in a problem with lighting Post #213912
cool thanks habboi so all you do is create one env_cubemap and its all fixed like the light_enviornment dosent matter where you put em
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-24 21:09:55 UTC
in TWHL Mix 2? Post #213743
dam.. i whish that i could map for hl1 but i dont have the game i did but i got a new comp when my friend broke my old one and i lose all the keycodes. how much is hl1 on steam now? like 10 bucks?
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-24 21:00:54 UTC
in cool project need some help Post #213741
i know it dosent look real im just saying i want it to be able to fall when you shoot the legs holding it up i set the legs so that they break when you shoot em enough and i tested that out they do break and crumble but the building still just hovers in the air. i dont know what to do besides replacing the whole watch tower with prop_phisics to make it folow the laws of gravity so that when the legs are shot the building falls down. but then you wouldnt be able to stand on it is there any entity you can tie a brush to so that it folows the laws of gravity?????
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-24 19:51:32 UTC
in cool project need some help Post #213726
ok im trying to make a building on four legs that when you shoot the legs that hold it up the break and cuase the building to colapse. heres a pic of the building. i know how to make the legs break but im not sure that when you break them the building will fall. any ideas?