Forum posts

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-28 20:05:04 UTC
in trigger_hurt Post #210956
Thank you much, the func_train works perfectly, crushes them and is on a nice rest time after testing it abit. I appreciate the help.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-28 17:05:37 UTC
in trigger_hurt Post #210933
Hey all, I have been attempting to get a trigger hurt to work for a few hours. I cant seem to find anything on the site or any other site for that matter. All I need it for something to do damage after a set amount of time.

Basicially the T's and CT's teleport out of spawn into a new area but I cant seem to get the trigger's set up correctly to do damage to any persons still in spawn after a set amount of time. Anyone able to help me out? I would appreciate it.