Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2003-12-21 18:47:05 UTC
in Moving thing Post #8782
ha! i was using this in my map that i just completed today.

first, you make your pillar. if you want it to scoot over, tie it to a "func_door". if you want it to fall over, use a "func_door_rotating" and make the origin at the very bottom where it will do it's pivoting, then check the flag "y-axis" (i think) in it's properties. whichever, you have to give it a name uner the Name property.

then make your block. if you want it to drop/move the pillar when blown up (like if the block was holding a tipped over pillar) then use a "func_breakable" and set it's Target as the name of your pillar, and set it's Strength to however much "hp" you want it to have. if you want a block that just stays there but moves the pillar when shot, use "button_target". if you use this, u have to tell the door to stay open by setting some property of the door to -1. just look, you can't miss it. but once again, you need to set the button's target to the name of your pillar.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-21 14:25:27 UTC
in Where do i get the program to make mods? Post #8739
oh, but where do you get something to make and edit sprites without having to repeatably beat your head on the monitor?
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-19 19:48:26 UTC
in Making custom guns for hl Post #8458
wait a second ppl. wut r u saying caleb? do you want to change the gun MODEL or do you want to change the guns STATS. because if you want to replace the gun model, then all you have to do is make a model for the gun on ground, the gun in your hands, and the gun in somebody else's hand. then name them the same as the mdl's you want to replace (gunname_w is on the ground, gunname_p is in your hand, gunname_v is in somebody else's hand), and then just... replace them.

now, yea, if you want that crowbar that was turned into a table leg to do 200,000,000 points of damage in one hit, then you might as well make a MOD, too.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-19 19:22:45 UTC
in Server Help Post #8442
ya i know the ip stuff. maybe i should be more specific.

I want to make one for Steam's 1.6 version of Counter-Strike. Do people only play the pre-steam games here?
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-19 19:19:56 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8439
i agree, looking after a little one is a full-time job, even when they're at the sitter's. we're having hell with my 10-month old sister.

but then again, he should have a wife. I hope he is not producing these children himself, that would be akward. my friend, married for years and sucessfully avoided having children, says that a kid would be his wive's until he/she is able to sit up straight and play a LAN game of CS with him. that's one way to piss off ur wife though...

i'm babbling again! anyway, grats, NOLDAR. and good luck with da edgercation.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 21:15:44 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8308
it's my fault i know. I was only skimming enough tohear what was said and was not paying attention to who said what.

by the way :D you read my name wrong. It's SuperMechaCow
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:59:04 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8301
oh . i thought ministeve was having the baby. I'm so f***ing sorry! I'm so stupid! Oh my lord! I am so dumb! {Kicks self repeatedly} I am so sorry! Oh, f***! I am so stupid!

Re-read this on the 20th March 04 and am still laughing
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:56:20 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8300
actually i'm just hyper today
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:56:00 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8299
what? to fix my annoying bastard problems? actually i never exploited all of the good uses of zhlt. there should be a tutorial on it.

I'm using the duct tape methods for my annoying bastard problems. it's a known fact that you can fix anything with duct tape. ppl say if you can't duct it, f*** it. the truth is that if you can't duct it, it's not really broken and is ment to be that way.

but if ur talking about my compiling errors, then yes, and zhlt has been very helpful. it's more of having brushes with coplanar sides. maybe i should have said "vertex manipulation and clipping tool".

but enough about me. it's always about me. your having #2! and you made ur second mp map at the same time! this is a sign that she'll be a very social person. well, not actually.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:30:19 UTC
in File can't be found?? Post #8287
i figured as much
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:26:50 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8286
ok sorry. i'm an annoying bastard
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:25:52 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8285
i know. i make no sense

just ignore me and maybe i'll go away.

or maybe i'll get so frustrated with the compiling errors that I don't know how to fix that I'll forever leave the mapping community.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:23:24 UTC
in Server Help Post #8284
I want to play my maps with other ppl, but i don't have my own server. Is there a way I can make a temporary server that ppl can connect to to play my maps, or is there any place where i can get a very cheap or even free dedicated server? I would really like to know.

Thx in advance
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 20:20:39 UTC
in clan Post #8282
well, my clan is recruiting because it only has three members (including me), and two of which can't connect. So, i'm back to myself all alone again. I'm thinking of disbanding it.

The website is a little out-dated, but you can find it at

I'm probably going to join DC. on my site is the ip to ++==Clan Public Server==++. They meet there every thursday at 4pm (i think in US eastern or the timezone 1 hour behind)
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-18 19:49:55 UTC
in Having a baby Post #8273
there's nuttin wrong with pkmn or linkin park. Oh, yea, you got to stuff an airsoft gun in their hands (especially that tokyo m... m... that brand that i can't spell). don't settle for springs either, you don't hate your kid that much. it's like playing paintball with a cork gun. it's like playing cs with the dualies (if u use them, then that's why u think u suck).
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-16 19:07:15 UTC
in HL2: Source Boycott Post #8009
hunh? that's weird? my first post was anonymous and then when i sent another it combined them... I dunno... maybe it wasn't computerized... hmm...
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-16 19:04:08 UTC
in next compo Post #8008
Well, I'm up for a team based mp game. I'm not familiar with anything other than CS or a little HL. I think it's funny that most of the maps in the vault are CS maps.

Anyway, I suggested CS because those breakables will come back every round, but like I said, I'm not familiar with the other games. Do the breakables just come back when nobody's looking, or are they gone throughout the entire game?
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 23:34:45 UTC
in HL2: Source Boycott Post #7925
toenail... ugh forget it. Don't wanna know

Yea it pi**es me off too. I don't even care about half-life 2 that much. When it comes out then YAHOO! but i'm content with CS 1.6 as of now.

I tried to look for the hl sdk, and I found about 700 different pages on BREAKING NEWS about the source code leak. THAT is what pi**ed me off the most. Yea, the guy's an a**hole and is in deep s**t when he gets caught, especially since he's STEALING A GARUANTEED MULTIMILLION DOLLAR PROJECT AND SELLING IT HIMSELF!!! But ppl need to pull there heads out of there a**es. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD! JUST BREATHE! It's gonna come out so why wet yourself over it?

Well, this was SuperMechaCow and I sound really mean don't I? Sorry.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 23:19:18 UTC
in CONSOLE WARS Post #7922
ok so let's suddenly change the subject to junk food now that sum1 forgot the words "happy meal".

Yea, PC is the Whipper of th Slaves and Unfaithful. And PD was THE game for N64. Goldeneye next, then Waverace. Does anybody know wut happened with PD going to X-Box? I heard that there was a good chance Joanna wasn't in it, and that there was a guy instead.

About two years ago I found pictures of Joanna from the supposive upcoming PD2, but some uppity moron just thought that he'd get all sorts of hits on his site if he released pictures off the instruction manual of PD1 and said they were exclusive never before released previews of yadda-yadda-yadda... What a loser :roll: What a fraud :x
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 23:08:00 UTC
in next compo Post #7921
I suggested for the next compo we make a CS map or some kind of mulitplayer map for making good use of func_breakables. Such as breakables for key points of the maps, strategies, and what not.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 13:06:41 UTC
in Where do i get the program to make mods? Post #7855
yea. my parents both work or used to work with c++. Now my mom is MS certified VB engineer and a Senior Systems Anylist. I'm in a vary computer oriented family (we have 4-6 computers in the house on average).

I'm working on a small mod. I've changed all the basic CS models, menus, and the basic controls. I need to get the damn game to accept my damn defaults.

What was I going to say?
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 13:00:13 UTC
in CONSOLE WARS Post #7854
N64 will always rule. No, I didn't read the other posts so i'm just shooting my mouth off.

Gamecube (altough I already know I'm getting one for x-mas) is the worst. It has almost no features. It plays games, that's all n10do does is play games. I heard from actual ratings that ps2 is the best. There were all sorts of reasons for each console but w/e
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 12:56:21 UTC
in a domain name for twhl! Post #7853
Hey. Whaddya know? nvm then
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 12:54:15 UTC
ok. how do i adjust all of that stuff?
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 12:51:04 UTC
in half life Post #7850
yea i know steam comes with it cuz i have it, but u need a cd-key and that's stupid bcuz you'd have to buy it anyway and then you don't get all of the old features.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 12:48:54 UTC
in Grouping Entities Post #7849
Hmm. I was gonna check out Spirit to see what it was. I'll see...
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 01:18:06 UTC
in half life Post #7803
sorry. got a little emotional. didn't mean to call you a lame-ass for no reason. MAN DO I BABBLE!!!
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 01:17:08 UTC
in half life Post #7802
I don't know if anybody has told you this or not, but i think you should buy it because it's dirt cheap. Naw, nobody would have thought of that.

I'll tell you, my clan has three members, including me. The other two both went out and downloaded Counter-Strike via Steam for "free". Then they tought it'd be cool to just get a cd-key generator and MAKE there own keys... illegally. So, needless to say, I'm once again the only member of the clan because the other two can't connect with their fake cd-keys anymore.

So, you see? The only way to get half-life is to buy it. If you download it for free, then it's warez (pretty illegal stuff) and then ur a lame-ass. If u wanna do that stuff then I got a map de-compiler... ooh! and a couple of nice wall-hacks and aimbots.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 01:10:04 UTC
I think i figured out the problem. I can do fancy stuff with maps, but i'm such a newb when it comes to the basics of mapping.

It is probably caused by the fact that I have WAY TOO MANY MOTHERLUVIN ENTITIES IN THE SAME DAMN SPOT!!!

Is there anyway to fix this w/o having to tell ppl in the mission briefing "Oh, by the way, if everything's invisible, reset to your configurations to an OpenGL driver." or sumtin crappy like that?
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 01:03:33 UTC
in a domain name for twhl! Post #7800
HEY! IMPORTANT PEOPLE OF THE SITE!! Icould get you the name or something if you would like.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 00:59:11 UTC
Yea. I'm having the same problem. I'm gonna try what you said, but mine get worse than that.

This map I made... I never checked it (i think it's around 30-50 r_speed average), but i bet when it's entirely, completly fixed it's gonna have r_speeds that will murder your computer.

So, the problem w/ it is that I can see down this canyon I made and see most of everything, except for the majority of entitites (and trust me, there's a HELL OF A LOT OF FUNC_BREAKABLES down there). And I have an APC, which I am very disappointed by, especially since it screwed the hell out of my texture alignment and i don't know squat about vehicles... anyway... when you get in the APC, it's fine. As you go further in, it disappears, then it might come back later if u look at it from another angle. Rocks will disappear in front of you etc...

What does all this evil mean?! Is there a balrog in the woodpile?!
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-15 00:47:29 UTC
in Grouping Entities Post #7798
:nuts: I... I can't see straight! Everything... everything in wireframe! Check for Problems... i'm poking my forehead but it's not coming up in a window. WHAT?! My girlfriend is an invalid structure? Invalid Texture? I thought I used +0BABTECH_sandpaper?! It's in the default wad for crying in the mud!

Oh, well, anyway. My serious question. I wanna do a gazillion things that require something to be attached to something else... THAT MOVES!!! I know you can have two func_trains (etc) move together and stuff, but I want a usable, non-turnable gun to be attached to the front a jet-fighter, and the jet fighter has i y-axis movable door as the cockpit glass. To add to the excitement, I want you to fly the plane using func_vehicle (maybe func_train), and i want the gun controls to be in the same spot as my vehicle controls so you can fly and shoot straight at the same time. And remember that glass? I want to be able to open and close it in-flight.

I have all sorts of things i want to like this (like make a drive-able battleship with tankguns and other entities inside, like lights), but I thought this would be the best example.

So, my question is to you people out there in the CS mapping community, is there any way to do this, or am I asking too much of the Oh! so incapable HL engine? And also, is there a helpful tutorial here? If not, I'd like to make one when I get this figured out.
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-14 23:50:36 UTC
in 69th Vlatitude Post #7797
Damn. now i feel stupid. and google. How am i able to even comprehend the idea of a web browser if i didn't think of google. Man i feel dumb. :)
Posted 20 years ago2003-12-14 05:33:11 UTC
in 69th Vlatitude Post #7669
How the !@#$ do you get there?!?! I mean I hear about it all the time for modding, but I never see the damn link.

"Hey everyone! Let's all talk about this place where they have a lot of needed info, but don't tell anybody where it is. Just assume they know."