Forum posts

Posted 15 years ago2008-11-11 23:33:39 UTC
in SHRINKY DINKS Post #258413
thanks for the input, ill consider going through it again and updating the textures, i dont gots no photoshop though, wally sucks a nut for creating textures. In regards to the trailer, its checked to be viewed globally already...
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-11 19:46:35 UTC
in SHRINKY DINKS Post #258389
how would one go about making it available in other countries?
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-11 04:33:26 UTC
in SHRINKY DINKS Post #258362
I take on SlayerA's concept in his mod minimicus, for my very first mod(mini?). The mod has 2 alternate paths leading to separate endings towards the end. The mod is 10 levels long.

Doesnt include any .wads or .mdls, wanted to keep it simple for my first mod; but it does include 2 custom .wav files.

Take a gander at the trailer.

^Here is a trailer i put together, copyright infringement stopped me from using the song what i originally had chosen.


^trial account atm (max 10downloads), ill find a better host eventually.
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-04 18:39:51 UTC
in ERROR* HALP Post #258148
nope, putting it in console. And if i was it wouldnt have monsters in it :(
Posted 15 years ago2008-11-03 22:29:15 UTC
in ERROR* HALP Post #258105
im working on a hl1 steam single player mod atm, and while going through a level transition (m6a to m7) it doesnt work. In console it will say "ERROR: couldn't open. Only the server may changelevel", awhile ago i posted a basically identical thread regarding this issue; the reply i got; to type "deathmatch 0" , then "restart"; and it worked, only when you typed it during the level. It wouldnt run going from start to finish in the mod.

But heres the problem that has appeared; firstly the map is not running with deathmatch (1) to begin with, it has monsters in it. So when i type deathmatch in console, it reads as "0". It almost appears as though the game isnt recognizing the trigger_changelevel at all unless i type deathmatch 0 and restart, deathmatch 0 which it already is.

The reason this is posing as a problem is because i am making what i see as a fantastic mod, and this appears to be the only flaw, as well as it tends to restart all wepons/suits/etc. So i've had to put a suit outside the changelevel on the otherside of the trigger of m7.

Is this a compiling issue? problem with the previous map or the next?

previous post:
-as you can see my last reply did not get an answer, so i thought it was necessary to post again :)
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 22:43:57 UTC
in ERROR: couldn't open Post #257791
ah, thanks so much for the input guys. adding the restart worked out for me, was about to give up on the mod too.

is there a way to permanently set it apart from deathmatch? because i keep having to type it in, in which i lose wepons/suit and could pose a problem for others when i put the mod on the website.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-27 18:32:18 UTC
in ERROR: couldn't open Post #257787
yes, im mapping for halflife- its a single player mod; and the deathmatch 0 didnt work :(
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-26 21:30:16 UTC
in ERROR: couldn't open Post #257713

ERROR: couldn't open
Only the server may changelevel
Loading decals from m5
Loading decals from m7

^this is the error i get in console when switching from my 6th map into my 7th map on the mod im working on; i can type in console 'map m7' and get into my 7th map but it only works 1 way into m6. I have compiled this as much as i have compiled my entire mod thus far trying to fix it.

m6 map

new map name: m7
landmark name: landmark6

name: landmark6

m7 map

new map name: m6

name: landmark6

iv done changelevel triggers 5 other times in the mod, nothing is different besides the fields.

i cant figure any of this out, i am not sure if its how im saving the files; but sometimes things will reset, a env_beam will have a life of 0 and next compile it will be 1, a texture i replace will stay for one compile; then go back to its previous texture the next compile, an item_battery will disappear reappear in between compiles..

Posted 15 years ago2008-10-25 20:08:26 UTC
in missing sentences.txt Post #257646
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-25 18:35:48 UTC
in missing sentences.txt Post #257642
anyone know where i could get a copy of the original sentences.txt for steam? i replaced it with another to try out someones mod, now the mod i am working on is having a lot of difficulties.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-19 19:00:18 UTC
in Entities going through one map to the ot Post #257357
working on a mod, entities from my previous map (m1) are appearing in the next level (m2), i have a env_spark appearing in the middle of a room in m2, and a scientist stuck in a wall, any ideas on how to fix this?

Also the item_suit i put in the map starts falling threw the map slowly.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-17 23:43:16 UTC
in can you mod with hl eng with only steam? Post #257288
thanks everyone, got it working.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-17 19:42:08 UTC
in can you mod with hl eng with only steam? Post #257282
raver, can you elaborate? "you can open it with...scape (....=gfc!?)"? appreciate the help.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-17 18:52:33 UTC
in can you mod with hl eng with only steam? Post #257280
uh, yah i tried that. there not the same at all, theres no liblist in hl; all the folders are different- only a few dll's in common, and from my knowledge there is no way to get to a mod without have a .exe file.

but prove me wrong if you can, or hook me up with a tutorial; id really appreciate it. its been awhile since iv made a mod at all.
Posted 15 years ago2008-10-17 00:34:55 UTC
in can you mod with hl eng with only steam? Post #257228
i dont have the original hl, only the hl on steam, how would i go about making my own mod, if thats even possible? i have experience modding with hl, but that was back before my computer crashed/wiped; and i cant find my hl disk.