Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2006-01-21 14:34:31 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158938
Now this is usefull ! Thanks guys i'll try it out !
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-20 20:48:13 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158826
Well, somewhat dissapointed about the thread itself to be honest.
Looks like most people just care about where or how things get posted, more then the content of the post itself.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 21:22:21 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158703
Hmm been fidling around with it, can't use the monster_generic/mostermaker combo on cs. And the way i see it, one would have to use 2 mdl's, set each to play a certain animation.
1 model is visible, the other is (state off) not visible. Then the trigger occurs, and model 1 gets "killed" and model 2 becomes visible and plays its sequence.

But, up to date, i've failed to "toggle" env_sprites or cycler_sprites.
Any ideas ?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 20:53:59 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158699
I use cycler sprite, just need to figure out a way to to have 1, then kill it, and make another appear. I kinda missed out on the entire HL1 mapping, and hence haven't been triggered to play around with ents in an advanced way.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 16:28:14 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158668
harsh .. but true :glad:
The Forum section "Maps and Mods" is at first glance quite confusing.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 16:15:37 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158662
I might be wrong here, but does monster_generic only work on HL1 ? I'd like to see it work on several HL1 mods as DOD and CS apart from only HL1.
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-19 16:05:10 UTC
in switching MDL sequence#in maps Post #158656
Hello lads,

To place a model in a map using cycler_sprite is quite easy, and i like the model preview in the 3d-port window. Thats not the issue :) .
What i was wondering (and tried), can one trigger a animation sequence on a mdl ? For instance : (and this is a silly off the top of my head example) In a cabin, you place this lovely mdl of a mounted bear, somewhere in the corner. Its just staning there, idle. Thats the easy part, but could you, by any ways trigger that mdl to play an "attack" animated sequence. Lets say, when you get near (func_trigger), the Bear growls at you, showing its teeth.
I was thining about when triggered the Idle MDL gets killed, and instantly replaced by an MDL that played the "attack" sequence.

I'm afraid this requires coding, at least a custom ent.

Think of the possibilities, shooting yale locks on gates make them break-fall off and opening it etc etc lots of kewl stuff could be done with this.

Any ideas on making this work ?
Posted 19 years ago2006-01-05 10:42:04 UTC
in func_water in any HL1 map or mod Post #156305
Whoa just spotted all the spelling errors in my previous post ... Man was i drunk when i posted that.

Anyways, all seems to be fixed now, in an odd way without me altering anything since i've had the issue.

I'm on OpenGL 1024x768res on an ASUS X800XL.
Wish i had a screenshot of it.
Anyway, Thanks for the feedback guys !
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 14:41:23 UTC
in func_water in any HL1 map or mod Post #155168
Having this issue lately, any body of water i incounter ingame is odd.
It's not a mpaaing problem, its more how the water get rendered by the hl1 engine. it has the feel that all water gets rendered with an fx amount of 255 and a waveheight of 3-4 units.
So even a puddle on de_aztec's ct spawn is totally wrong.
Updated my Gfx card drivers, but that dosen't fix the problem, any ideas ? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-05 11:43:29 UTC
in Brushes behind Skybox Post #145447
No i had it in a map file.
Luckely I was able to recover the file by opening the map file in a texteditor (VIM). I erased the last actions i took before saving the map file in the hope it would correct the whiped out data. It did.
You can save yer map file old school style by disecting it in a texteditor :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-05 08:09:04 UTC
in Brushes behind Skybox Post #145429
Oh god no ..
the max file is empty to. I feel sick.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-04 21:44:21 UTC
in Brushes behind Skybox Post #145378
With that in mind, i opened my *.map file to compile it with full vis.
Only to find out its completely empty ?? My map file is 450kb and holds nearly 2 weeks of work and now it's all gone ?! Aargh !
Opening it with notepad gives me the full lenght of all the brushes and ents with coords in it, but Hammer doesn't load 'm in. Have I really lost all my work just like that ? .....
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-04 19:29:50 UTC
in Brushes behind Skybox Post #145358
long time mapper and visitor of this site, read and learned alot here, so i rarely had any questions to post.

But now i've got one :

Is there a way to have brushes not show up behind skyboxes ?
What i mean is, i have one area with a skybox that connects to another that has higher walls. From the outdoor area i can see the walls trough the skybox... How can i make this so that it doesn't show up ?

Example :
Room A is connected with Room B by a corridor, trough the skybox on Room B i can see the outer walls of Room A.
User posted image
Any ideas ?
Thanks in advance !
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 15:21:21 UTC
in mdl (non-passable) Post #131579
Its for cs, but then again, i think this question stands for any mod ?
What i had in CS:Z deleted scenes :
Prop model, 2 garbage bins and some old bottles.
I could very well crawl between the bins, and i could follow the shape of these bins very well. Either someone spend 10 minutes clipbrushing that model in high detail, or the model was solid, non-passable ..

Oh still can't see the model preview in my 3.5 tough, and do think i've altered my fgd correctly.
Posted 19 years ago2005-09-01 14:06:39 UTC
in mdl (non-passable) Post #131557
Is there a way to set models as beeing non passable ?
So that players can stand on them, crouch behind them and bump into them ? This WITHOUT clipbrushing the lot ?
I've been playing the Deleted scenes from CS:Z, and all these models are not passable, and very well done, this cant be really smart clipbrushing ?

question n?2 : Can i trigger model animations without the need of coding ?
Example : Closed fridge model; earthquake env_shaker; Fridge opens and milk spills out.

Thx guys
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-31 22:30:00 UTC
in hlrad compile option Post #14721
My last map took 3 hours to compile. I must say it was the final-compile.
I use batch compiler.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-24 01:11:53 UTC
in Skytextures Post #13519
If you don't want to mess up your sky texture, do it the good way !
Instead of looking witch texture goes where, make your skybox in the default skytexture (browse textures for "sky") then in map properties,
env map (cl_skyname) set the name to whatever your tga file is called. and done ! after compiling you'll end up with a perfect skybox and all sky-tex in correct order/place. Thats how i do it for my default HL-skies...
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-23 15:34:56 UTC
in How much Cola do you drink? Post #13418
I only drink energy drinks of it comes to soft/soda drinks.
Mostly red-bull
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 15:58:41 UTC
in Func_water drown not freeze ! Post #13287
Won't i drown AND freeze at the same time then ?
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 15:09:03 UTC
in Func_water drown not freeze ! Post #13271
Heya fella's,

As the subject gave it away, i'm looking to alter my water to have a drowning effect instead of the freezing effect i have now when i stay too long in the water.
I'm using the "!TOXICGRN" texture for my water now and i'd like to keep that. Any words of wisdom ? thx

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-22 11:34:24 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13260
Thx JB, for the info !
To jobabob and Andy, i wouldn't think about decompiling a map !
I use 3 computers in a network to make cs_well.
Working like this:
1st pc is my hammer-pc where i work "the magic" ;)
2nd pc is a 450Mhz running tfc well as spectator so i can go and have a look at tfc well and its details so i can reconstruct it.
3rd pc is my test pc. The first pc saves his *.bsp file and such on this one, and i test and do checkups on it.
I'ts been nearly 2 weeks of hard work, blood, sweat and tears to this stage and i'm truely glad the finish is in sight !

I really hope i didn't brake any community-codes or rules. It is truely a manual reconstruction of an old tfc map for CS.
It's not decompiled nor "ported" in any or some kind of way !
If there is no objection, i'm willing to upload the final bsp for those who want to take a look at it.

If what i'm doing is wrong or not tolerated, feel free to correct me and i'll resign from this project !

Thx again for the info, advice and help

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 21:13:01 UTC
in creating a simple room Post #13201
Going a little off-topic..
@ministeve, why won't i use the carve tool ? I respect your opinion, but i'd like to hear a technical reason why carving is worse then mapping brush by brush.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 21:07:57 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13199
Thx for the backup kol ;)
At last a same-minded person.
I didn't "func_wall" those pipes and lights. Do you advice me to do so ? Why ?
The screenshot is actually just a small part of my map, the only part this problem occured. Its the spawn-room of this map called cs_well.
My personal cs map on the famous tfc map "The Well".
I'm nearly finished (v0.9). This is gonna be a big hit on my next LAN-party !

Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 07:40:48 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13096
Thx guys, I added -full to the VIS command line and set CS to Direct3D.
Problem solved ! Won't happen again, i promise ;)
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 01:54:08 UTC
in creating a simple room Post #13066
I see i made a mistake in my previous post, carving should ofcourse be "hollow".

The best en most direct way to make a room is to create a block with the dimensions of the room you want, selecting it, and right-click -> hollow.
Then you'll be asked to define wall-thickness. As Snake-Eyes said 16 is the most desired thickness. (32 is more like a bunker etc)
there you go you have a room.

Sorry i misunderstood your question completly the first time, i thought you wanted to make a room with rock-like un-even walls.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 01:44:07 UTC
in creating a simple room Post #13064
So your question is how to make a room withoout carving a brush ?
You want to make a room with walls made of several brushes/"blocks" ?

Maybe you could start off by using the carve tool, ungroup the room, and use the clip-tool to make the walls up in the fractions you want.
Posted 21 years ago2004-01-21 00:11:34 UTC
in Problem: Walls vanish ! Post #13061
Hello fella's,

I'm a first time poster, long time reader of this forum,
wondering if you guys could help me or have some advice with this problem i have..
In this map i'm making, there is a fraction of a single room that drops out into blackness depending on my position in that room !
This is how it should look:
User posted image
That looks ok, But when I take a step back, this happens:
User posted image
Does anyone know why this happens ?
I have no problems in the map (check for problems -> No problems found) and i have no leaks ! This section (as shown above) drops out depending on what angle/location i look at it.
Any help and suggestions are welcome, and a big thanks in advance.