Forum posts

Ahh, true! But, I prefer modding with lots of features that coding is necessary for implementation.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Could you elaborate, please?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Hi, I made a poll for different platforms I have to offer for modding. To put it short and simple, which tools would you be most comfortable with for making half-life 1 mods, without pondering a lot through the SDK and C++? I tried choosing the most beginner-friendly languages that support binaries.

Vote away!
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Oh my God, I did not pay attention to the same original filetypes having a different import mode. That worked for both unmodified and modified images. Yes, I can take it from here, now, thanks a lot! Big brain fart. Thanks!
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Here you go. Found a real 360 image this time.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Okay, I found some panoramic 360 image, pretty wide (1400x256), and resized it to a 2048x2048 to make it a 1:1 aspect ratio and modified it via image editor. Still gives this kind of result.
User posted image
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
User posted image
I'm trying to "convert" this image into a 2D skybox, following this tutorial.

I'm using GIMP, since It's got pretty much everything Photoshop has that I need for this.
I'm getting weird results inside SkyPaint when loading the manipulated image:
Front ViewFront View
Diagonal ViewDiagonal View
Top ViewTop View
It looks so messed up. What can be done to properly create this?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 5 years ago2019-11-23 22:12:54 UTC
in TWHL Tower 2 Post #343398
Count me in! (Seriously, this time, I will do it)
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 5 years ago2019-05-02 14:27:36 UTC
in Competitions or Collaborations? Post #342562
I prefer mini-competitions. You do everything the way you'd like it to be, the time to do everything isn't really short at all, you don't need to build a whole new game for your entry in order to pass. If this thread was a social test then I'm not a fan of group projects. :^)
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-10 22:12:49 UTC
in Competition 36: The Whole Ascension Life (Mini) Post #342010
Hello Community! I have ascended. I think coming back to the community with a fine piece of singleplayer map packing would be capital! :crowbar:
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-26 15:23:56 UTC
in The CLIP texture Post #340014
Yes, that's the answer I'm looking for. Thanks and sorry for late reply.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-16 17:19:25 UTC
in CS1.6 player_weaponstrip problem Post #339599
It strips weapons on round start. How to solve this problem?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 6 years ago2018-05-02 20:47:25 UTC
in The CLIP texture Post #339477
I know what it's mainly for. But can I put it inside an object, for example a vertex manipulated brush or something, will it get clipped by the brush?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-03 23:06:30 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338553
Thanks, I subbed to your channel.

Hope everyone's having good holidays, btw.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2018-01-03 13:55:48 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338550
Sorry for posting late...

Hey, thanks so much, I'm really looking forward to using Blender. Might not be able to buy SketchUp, even though it shouldn't be that difficult to model the bones at least in Blender. If I find something else, then I'll move onto that. But thank you for writing, @SourceSkyBoxer and everyone else.

Now. Milkshape shouldn't be a problem, actually, I'm definitely lying, but when I open the sequence, it is exactly how I edited it (fists are clenched), but then again, when I compile the qc, they are not. The animation exists but doesn't work as intended. I exported the bones (animations) as Sequence and the mesh as Reference.

Maybe there's something missing in the qc file? I followed instructions about HL1 qc's in another thread, but I don't know.

Here are the files, again.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-31 00:07:27 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338530
Milkshape3D is so underrated :\

Can't find any useful tutorial that can help me with this situation particularly ...
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-28 17:55:52 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338518

@Tetsu0, I have it installed. But for now I'll work on the Cardboard Milk Box :P
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-24 19:15:47 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338488
@Crollo, you're not being an ass at all. I did go to that link before, but after reading the other two replies here and the link for the who knows which time, It fixed my problem, but I didn't write what I'm trying to do here. I want to create, for now, an idle animation of the view model. I bent all the fingers making fists. Now, I wanted to separate the mesh and bones into "reference" and "sequence" smd files and create a qc file, but don't know how. I tried creating this

$modelname "v_newhands.mdl"
$cd ".\"
$cdtexture ".\"
$scale 1.0

$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

// Reference mesh
$body "studio" "hands_mesh"

// Animation sequence
$sequence "idle" "idle" fps 15

// End of QC script.

When compiled, the .mdl file contains default mesh (no fists).
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-12-21 19:03:14 UTC
in Rotating joints in Milkshape3d Post #338459
Hi, I downloaded some rigged hand models from and would like to make my own animations. I loaded the skeleton (joints).
User posted image
I'm not a complete beginner to ms3d, but I never worked with these before. I selected all the joints and wanted to rotate them 90 degrees. Actually, it did rotate all of the joints literally. I want to rotate them 90 degrees and make the arms straight. This is how it rotated it. I tried every rotating option. When I check "Global" it does not rotate at all. However, when I check "Local" it does but this is how it turned out.
User posted image
Ignore the Mesh, I'm focusing on the joints, for now.

I did search around some tutorials on animating skeletons, but this is how it turns out when I do it.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-23 14:27:43 UTC
in What is your way of making displacements Post #335017
Thanks, guys :)

I'm using JACK btw. Much much better than VHE. My terrain creations look a lot better now.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-21 21:16:35 UTC
in What is your way of making displacements Post #335000
Thanks for the opinion!

I'm looking forward to start working with Windawz' method!!
Before that, yeah, the ground depressing should've been less blockier, but I don't focus on making things ultra realistic (Like pillars or pipes with 10 faces), I still like the same old 6 face cylinder objects, you get my point. It's still Half Life 1 everyone loves ^_^

Wow, thanks for sharing, really useful and will cover up loads of things with your method! Much better than mine.

Also, forgot to mention. I use BEVEL and NULL textures, BEVEL on back and uncovered sides of a cliff and NULL inside (Sides of the triangles) because players would be able to go through them and climb in an unrealistic way.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 7 years ago2017-05-21 17:55:34 UTC
in What is your way of making displacements Post #334992
Hello, haven't been here for a while.

I'm talking about making realistic non-flat ground and rocky walls like deserts in mesas. Here, make a simple short, long and wide brush that will be your ground where you're supposed to walk on then surround it with walls, limit them because we're talking about open environment, then pick a nice sand texture and put it on the brush that is supposed to be the ground and red rock texture that goes on the walls.
You really haven't done much, it just looks too flat... looks really ugly. Luckily, there's the vertex manipulation tool that can help you mold your terrain and any object making it more realistic. Really gives beautiful results.

Here's something I'm working on
User posted image
Looks really nice? It's still WIP, but the world brushes are important on this topic.

Here is how I manipulate them into what you're seeing above.
  • Create a ground block then 2 walls one across the other
  • Select one wall, clip it horizontally right in the center
  • Clip it vertically right in the center, then when it "duplicates", I clip them vertically a few times until they're all cubes even on side facing player.
  • Clip each cube diagonally making two triangles on each cube (Most make 4 triangles, but I prefer 2 because manipulating one side still won't give you errors.
  • Use the vertex manipulation tool and distort the wall (Idk how to explain this detailed, you can tell from the result in the picture.
  • Same goes for the other wall
  • As for the ground, really can't explain it lol, sorry, I clip a few squares in it but try not to make it in contact with the walls and do the same thing like I did with the walls except making the ground wavy, duh.
I avoid making objects inside others, therefore I don't make ground edges on rocks lifted or lowered.

Ugh... for how long was I writing this, dang.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-12 01:05:56 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333443
Already solved with this method :)
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-11 12:33:24 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333433
I guess the only solution to this problem would be running the app in a virtual machine. I did think of this before, just wanted to solve this without it anyway, but there even might be a way, but hard :^)
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-10 16:36:53 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333421
It just acts as DEP is on.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-10 15:14:29 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333418
Okay, so the hl.exe from the game dir which leads me to the original half life (valve dir). Tried every compatibility mod, on Vista Service Pack 2, it started, loaded a map, no problems. I closed it, run it again, same problem.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-10 14:35:58 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333416
Cracked "Steam" version, not WON, with opengl. Not WON at all.

It would cease to work when I launch it after boot if It's the components, so...
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-10 13:36:11 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333410
nosteam version here, if you're not supporting it, we can close this topic, no probs, there was another I made, but there were no problems with others, I never shared nor will share the pirated content, just to make things clear.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-09 23:59:51 UTC
in (Windows 8.1 x64) hl.exe suspended after Post #333398
It works fine on Win7 both x86 and x64, installed win8 then on launch, it won't start. I check the task manager, launch it, hl.exe appears, gets the status Suspended then disappears. Learned about DEP (Data Execution Prevention), followed steps for turning DEP off for chosen apps then I added the hl launcher on the list. Restarted computer, I launch it from the game directory (hl.exe). It launches. I send it to desktop as a shortcut then change the game parameter to launch my mod. Same story, gets suspended. Learned about turning DEP completely off through a command line. Successfully turned it off. Rebooted, same story. First launch succeeds, changing mod dir, nothing.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-24 19:56:13 UTC
in Chat messages question Post #332848
Yes, SayText, thanks, I'll check it out.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-12-24 18:29:58 UTC
in Chat messages question Post #332842
Where is/are the code/s for displaying chat messages located in? In which dll does the compiled code end up as well?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-21 08:42:07 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #331339
Oh, just what is it with these library errors... msvcp140.dll missing error, I can't find the right one.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-11 21:13:27 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #331185
Any version below 2.1 is fine, for me. Keep it up.
Oh and sprite explorer, pakscape features would be a lot welcoming.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-11 18:38:03 UTC
in Half-Life Model Viewer 2.0 Post #331175
Interesting. Will it support different render modes? For older graphic cards/chips?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-11 12:11:05 UTC
in Malformed face normal Post #331164
Fixed. The object had too many misplaced vertices
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-10 10:48:20 UTC
in Malformed face normal Post #331148
There are dosens of threads about this problem here, but none of them solves anything. Alt+P (Check for Problems) would be anyone's answer. But it doesn't show any problem. What could cause this? What would happen if the error is ignored?

The coords in the output sends me out of the map.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-10 10:44:57 UTC
in Sentence issue Post #331147
Developer mode reports no problems, just "Firing sentence (sentencename)" or something like that, nothing else.

The monster's (scientist's) flag Gag is only set, no other.
All of the scripted_sentences' flags are unchecked. Interrupt Speech is not needed since the scientists are gagged from speaking random sentences, right?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-08-05 18:08:41 UTC
in Sentence issue Post #331093
Does setting the flag 'Concurrent' in scripted_sentence actually allow multiple sentences to be played without interruptions? For example sci1 starts speaking, halfway to end of the sentence sci2 starts speaking, you can still hear sci1 simultaneously speaking?

I tried setting the flags 'Concurrent' and 'Interrupt Speech' to all scripted_sentence's. The result is speakers (scientists for instance) speaking but being interrupted by other speaker.

I tried setting only the flag 'Interrupt Speech'. The result is silence, no one speaks anything.

I tried setting only the flag 'Concurrent', same result as above, also same result goes for none of them being set.
I have looping ambient_generic sound playing in the background, if that causes the problem.

Edit: Also the monsters have flag 'Gag' set.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-25 22:51:00 UTC
in acg_amxx.dll module ?? Post #330956
I've simply lost my nerves searching for it, still I can't find it. Every site, that actually contains "cstrike/module/acg_amxx.dll" which should be the answer, either doesn't load or doesn't actually give me the dll, it gives me some crappy dll fixing tool. It's completely useless. For those who don't know It is an AMX Mod X module, the rarest of all apparently. Does any of you THWLers know of this dll's location?

Please don't sh*tpost and actually give me direct links if you have them. Thanks.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-19 20:18:16 UTC
in Literally the internet today Post #330891
User posted image
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
This post was made on a thread that has been deleted.
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 20:36:06 UTC
in Additive crosshairs? Post #330723
I deleted it. Check your PMs
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 20:32:19 UTC
in Jed's model viewer blank screen Post #330722
Found that already, considered not to share since same engine, same results.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 18:38:48 UTC
in Jed's model viewer blank screen Post #330716
Mind suggesting another one?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 18:23:03 UTC
in Additive crosshairs? Post #330715
Ugh, same results...
What is the key color that is invisible? Is it the grey one from the original half life crosshairs sprite? Because I tried it and nothing... (No, I didn't take a wild guess to select the right grey one, I copied the color from the original crosshairs.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 15:53:47 UTC
in Jed's model viewer blank screen Post #330712
After reinstalling windows, Jed's model viewer doesn't display anything (It's blank) No screenshot needed, It's just whitish grey as a blank window space.

I have NET Framework 4.5
I don't know if I had that version before reinstalling windows... but I did manage to find the graphics media accelerator driver for my Intel GMA 3000 / Q965/63. How to fix this?
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 11:53:08 UTC
in Additive crosshairs? Post #330711
Alright then, thanks.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight
Posted 8 years ago2016-07-06 11:52:00 UTC
in make barney hostile Post #330710
It's simpler to use Spirit, but better to code yourself. Choose whatever you like.
imagine Barney with Nihilanth fighting the player
Security guard version of Dr. Eddy from Black Guard Mod.
EsprimoP EsprimoPwEight