Forum posts

Aside from tinkering with the game code in the SDK, is there a way to increase the number of gibs when an enemy is killed? I stumbled across a "cl_gibcount" command but the game doesn't recognize it.
Makes sense, the 29 heads plus the 2 weapons and one torso that I made into a bodygroup definitely adds up to 32. I'll search around for other compilers to see if I can bypass this, if not I'll just be more careful next time. Thanks!

Edit: In case someone finds this thread searching for a solution, Xash has a compiler that bypasses the limit, just tested it and it works fine.
I have a Hgrunt model with 29 head variations (bodygroups), it works perfectly, as soon as I try to add one more head model and try to compile it, Milkshape crashes. It's not an issue with the head model itself because as long as there are 29 head bodygroups referenced in the Hgrunt.qc the model compiles.

Is this a Milkshape issue or does the HL model format have a limit on vertexes or something? If so, I would like to know what the limit is so that I can be more careful in the future.
Thanks guys, Monster_furniture also seems to do the trick.
So I've looked around to see if it is possible to add custom models trough Hammer/Jackhammer, one guide showed how to spawn the model by writing code so that the model can be its own entity. However I am using Opposing Force and the SDK isn't available so modifying game code isn't an option.

Then I found out about the "Cycler" feature, which lets me point to a model and add it to the map, however the model spawns with a huge collision box which isn't helpful if I want to add tiny details like gibs for instance because the player would constantly get stuck on them. The Cycler shows that I can import custom models however, is there a way to import them in the map but without the collision box?

Right now the only way I can think of doing this is by using the dead hgrunt entity because it doesn't have a collision, I can probably use bodygroups to change the way the model looks, however since I want to change the appearance of the model completely each time, it would mean that instead of doing a bodygroup for something simple like the head, I'd have to bodygroup every single model which will probably make the size of the model skyrocket.

As far as I remember, when playing the original campaign I used to see tiny details like skulls, skeletons and gibs lying around the ground and I could walk over them easilly. However I can't find a way to spawn even those standard models, there must be a way other than the cycler.

Any suggestions?